just someone who loves reading
of reading
Read books
brings new meaning to "im not trapped in here with you your trapped in here with me" lol
trade or death your choice oh you chose death ok no problem that is easier for me anyway lol
even better he can give the skill to someone else who has the transcribe skill and make them do the tedious work lol
can't wait to see how his new overlord friends react to his normal fighting style since the last battle he was held up fighting an overlord cause while his team is not to large a team even when counting his beasts they have the fire power to wipe an army from existence lol
somehow I think this might not be true after all didn't he just rent a monarch/overlord apartment for a full year with a few random gems he has of which he has more then he can keep track of lol
ya what you said is the biggest point if he puts it down they "might" let him go but they could just kill him after he does since he doesn't have any way to stop them at that point that's why I said putting it down is a bad choice even in real life but also like you said plot armor is almost always let him live through this since he is the main character unless this author bucks the trend
i agree about the plot armor but I do think giving your only means of both offense and defense away is about as dumb as it gets
well your right and wrong at the same time in the US and most of Europe that is how a mugging would go because they have decent law enforcement but in other areas of the world they are more likely to kill you then take your stuff so if this city he is in doesn't have good law enforcement then he is more likely to be killed
you have the pet names backwards for who is who
painting targets on the top 100 is a very stupid rule it doesn't seem to bad till you realy think about it now why is that you could be the smartest and strongest but if you are surrounded which it is almost impossible for you not to be even if you can beat 2 or 3 back to back it is impossible to beat 50 to 100 back to back with no break so in reality the person who whould get first won't actually be the best it will just be who ever gets lucky since as soon as person gets knocked out of the top 100 and the spotlight moves the new top 100 person is just going to be jumped and in same position as the last one so congrats you just created a super chaotic melee where skill doesn't matter and while I don't think the author will write this way this is what would really happen