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33.33% sounds about right.
Dude is in the 18 to 22 category. He'll want a wife can give him children. A 36 year old will have a harder time conceiving. There's also the higher risk of birth defects. Men can produce viable sperm until the day they die barring disease or defects. Women have a finite window. 36 is on the down slope of that window. No amount of wealth can compensate for infertility. So choosing a young woman is ideal.
Not class. Circle would be more appropriate.
Meanwhile in Brazil.
conventional weapons still exist. Awakening happens to such a minuscule portion of the population that you can't create a viable force for conquest. A few nukes and all of your normal people are gone. Your infrastructure is wiped out. Food production is gone. Awakeners can go through the portal. Regular people will just die. Samurai and ninjas would be left to die too. No wonder the wise leaders rejected conquest. The United States is probably the worst target too.
They might serve foreign cuisine but that doesn't mean they are from Japan. The owner is likely a local who brought in Japanese chefs.
This is neatly thought out. No more strength and agility issues.
Why hasn't he moved? he has over 400k in the bank.
He doesn't need to go all in but allocating enough to bring strength and agility to at least 50 each would be prudent. How is he doing damage with 8 str? How is he keeping up (seeing movements/attacks and making hits) with high agility enemies with low agility?