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Hiruzen is a lot like dumbledore in that the more competent he’s written as being the more heartless and evil he becomes
Konoha has by far the strongest economy. Though some advanced tech exsists most of the world is an agrarian society so the most valuable product is excess food or cash crops and neither mountains, deserts, island chains (actually kind of depends but also smallest nation) and I guess mountains again can stand up to a vast open plain with so much agricultural land they can give it away. Not to mention being the winner in every war means they never need to pay reparations
Soap is one of those things were you wonder who decided to try washing themselves with animal fat first
Not really an empire was originally s term used by those whom claimed to be the inhertors of rome hense the titles ceaser becoming kaiser or imperitor becoming emperor. after nepoleon decared himself emperor the title simply started to refer to a strong state. As such there is no need for an empire to rule over multiple kingdoms for example the empire of germany would not consider itself to contain multiple kingdoms.
they are sacred in the sence that they are an analogy for paganism
Also being 55 would make him a young adult during pokemania
Tang san spirit is blue silver emperor not a trash spirit like the common blue silver grass
Not really as most of the crowed were merchants and nobles as the purpose of the chuin exams was a advertisment
Truly the pasifist way marching with a militia to atack someone