
how to design a cover page

  • how to design a cover page


    by Miya
    (Not enough ratings)

    Where I write my poems whenever inspirations strike, or when I'm procrastinating. Special thanks to Lonelytree for the cover design.

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  • how to design a cover page

    A World Worth Protecting

    by Er Gen
    4.55 (935 ratings)

    cover that was being lifted backwards. Looking at it from afar, the block seemed to have become a book, and the layer that was lifted was its cover. This was the essence of Wang Baole's design, the u

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  • how to design a cover page

    Warlock Apprentice

    by Shepherd Fox
    4.29 (338 ratings)

    how destinies fool people around" and put the notes back. Angor was an outsider. The Nether City[1] was discovered tens of thousands of years ago, so the lovers' story had to come from that age as we

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  • how to design a cover page

    Crimson's Revenge

    by SootSprite
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    design on the book. The book was covered in a red sheet with a single puzzle piece symbol in the middle of its cover. There was nothing written on the spine of the book. The book seems to have a lock

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  • how to design a cover page


    by GFG_Studios
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    cover was nothing more then Ageria's universal symbol for dark magic, on a black leather cover. He flipped the book open and looked through the pages. There were spells in that book he had never even

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  • how to design a cover page

    While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

    by MotivatedSloth
    4.27 (90 ratings)

    how short the area available to me was. Counting the columns, there were four bookshelves in total that I had access to. Even if I somehow managed to unlock greater part of the shop, the number of col

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  • how to design a cover page

    The Rise Of Tekniom

    by JasonCU
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    how he will be able to use them. He continued going through the file until he came to a part that said he was powered by something called Tekniom and it was not from their galaxy, according to their r

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  • how to design a cover page

    A Place in This World

    by hachizel
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    design. Now, he's a famous fashion designer and his brand, Louis, is an elite shop in the US and Europe." "What do you plan to do with him?" Asked the General. "I need his help for my debut.

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  • how to design a cover page

    The Trial of Eden

    by jcmont3
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    how about we have a barbecue party at my place with matching Netflix marathon?" suggested Liza. "That sounds great;" commented Christie. "Yeah," agreed Giselle and Bianca. "Let's go then,"

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  • how to design a cover page

    The Mech Touch

    by Exlor
    4.54 (1595 ratings)

    page. Much of it remained the same so he skimmed over them entirely. Instead, his eyes narrowed down on his Intelligence score. Intelligence: 2.1 "Just 2.1?" The difference of 0.1 at this l

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