
fate stay night Novel

  • Sweet CEO's First Love Fate Stay Night Novel

    Sweet CEO's First Love

    by KitKatxKK
    4.83 (48 ratings)

    night. And the journey that leads them to their fate. A dangerous one that intertwines the past, present and future. SO LIKE LEGIT WHEN CHAPTERS START DISAPPEARING AND CHANGING DON'T BE SURPRISED. AN

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  • "Bad End" Dengan font besar, antarmuka game ini berwarna merah cerah. Setelah menerima perlakuan yang sama seperti Takumi, reporter beberapa media berita terbaring di meja komputer, dan mereka i

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  • fate stay night) picture https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Illyasviel_von_Einzbern Frisk (from glitchtale) picture https://www.pinterest.com/pin/773915517190146164/?lp=true Chara (from glitchtale) pi

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  • I am Shinji Matou Fate Stay Night Novel

    I am Shinji Matou

    by Kaichou9779
    4.01 (18 ratings)

    fate was truly pitiful, in Fate route, Shinji dies, UBW route he got fate worse than death, and finally in Heaven Feel route he dies again. Worse of all, Shinji kinda deserving it and no amount charac

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  • Gojo in the Multiverse Fate Stay Night Novel

    Gojo in the Multiverse

    by Dawei
    3.65 (26 ratings)

    Fate Grand Order as a Master Fate Stay Night as a independent manifestation spirit. Or Fate Stay Night as random overpowered character that's observing Rin and Shirou.

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  • Ultimate Highschool DxD Fate Stay Night Novel

    Ultimate Highschool DxD

    by Md_Omr_Alpha
    3.16 (51 ratings)

    fate series has only one universe that exists and that is the fate stay night universe. The other universes of Fate series don't exist but some of their characters exist in the fate stay night univers

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  • Fate/Stay Night: Moon's Cry Fate Stay Night Novel

    Fate/Stay Night: Moon's Cry

    by ElixerJohn
    (Not enough ratings)

    A group of seven mages gets chosen to become masters of seven classes of heroic spirits, in order to fight and win the Holy Grail. This story is a fourth and final route of Fate/Stay Night and also a

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  • 奶爸的漫画人生 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 老鹰孵小鸡
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    fate-stay-night》这部作品,郝仁抽到的是一个完整版的作品。   但是目前为止也只是让其出了一个HF线路的剧场版。   剩下的录下,UBW和Fate线在HF线制作的时候其实也已经在制作了。   只不过在比卡的动画制作中属于靠后的计划。   毕竟比卡在郝仁的带领下,已经成为了一家有着诸多大型IP的综合性娱乐公司。   动画制作部门中也有很多的作品正在等待着改编成TV版本登上荧幕

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  • 大漫画 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 三月一
    (Not enough ratings)

    staynight》的动画海报,怎么会变成《Fate/Zero》?”   年轻人满脸狐疑,张峰有点不耐烦了:“笨蛋,这是前作!你不会看海报上的文字啊!”   “啊?前作?”年轻人低头一看,果然在海报上找到了‘《Fate/staynight》前作’的字样,他吃惊的睁大眼睛:“真的诶……竟然是前作,之前完全没有听说过。”   “别废话!上面风很冷啊,我可不想感冒!你快把海报拿上来!”   

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  • 我在东瀛画漫画 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 芝士鸡排饭
    (Not enough ratings)

    stay-night》漫画版第一卷,虽然场贩销量不如《每日放心奶》,但那是受限于同人展规模。   在网络上,秦汉的这部作品人气可一点也不低。毕竟之前一直不断放出设定图,和进行绘画直播,已经积累了相当关注度。   再加上今天在武藏野美术大学门口,四辆豪华痛车齐聚的逸事,更是带起了一波热度。   什么漫画让四个开超跑的有钱人如此喜欢,以至于把自己几千万的豪车都涂上漫画角色?   许多路人都在这

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  • 大国文娱 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 香港大亨
    (Not enough ratings)

    fate/stay night》,作为整个型月世界观的人气支柱的作品之一,《fate/stay night》绝对是一部圈粉无数的现象级作品。   即使是另外一部制作更加精良的《fate zero》,人气跟《fate/stay night》相比,也不过是半斤八两的程度。甚至,可以说,没有《fate/stay night》,哪来的《fate zero》?   毕竟,《fate》系列作品而言,《fa

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  • Sorumeito Fate Stay Night Novel


    by Seraph_Aeternum
    (Not enough ratings)

    stay/night" but with a slight twist, in this specific storyline Artoria gets to stay behind with Shirou. Outside of that not much more changes.  Thoughts and opinions:  If you guys and gals have an

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  • 重生之娱乐鬼才 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 香港大亨
    (Not enough ratings)

    fate/stay night》真人版!   虽然,剧组人员还未确定,但并不影响,小伙伴公司提前进行造势。   大手笔的电影,往往在还未上映之前的一两年左右,甚至,更久之前,就已经开始持续造势。   “王总,作为一家保守估计有千亿估值的娱乐集团老板,电影在小伙伴集团的版图中,只占据很小一部分,而且,您已经有几年没有亲自执导电影,为什么想到要拍《FATE》?!”发布会现场,一些对王启年个人经历

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  • LIST OF NARUTO FIC IN FF.NET Fate Stay Night Novel


    by Unknown_Reader09
    (Not enough ratings)

    fate Naruto's mother was Tsunade after a drunken night with Minato in which Naruto becomes both the heir and hope of the Senju clan. Find out what life would be like now for Naruto Naruto, M, Engli

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  • 重生动漫之父 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 生活盖浇
    (Not enough ratings)

    fate-stay-night》游戏制作出来之后,贺晨就将其玩了一遍。   剧情,还是那个他早已经熟记于心的剧情,除了某些地方的剧情做了润色、优化和完善之外,整体下来并没有多大的变化。   可是,当亲手玩到这个游戏之后,他的内心就被一个字占据了——爽!   如果用两个字来表达的话,那就是——好爽!   《fate-stay-night》的故事非常精彩,这一点毋庸置疑,然而可能是岛国的游戏模

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  • 我行走在诸天世界 Fate Stay Night Novel


    by 郭家
    (Not enough ratings)

    stay night》命运之夜。”   纸片消散了。   这个名字听起来有点奇怪呀。   肖止接过江川合子适时宜递过来的笔记本电脑。   打开,搜索,发现这是一部很热门的动漫,而且有好几部,还有剧场版。部数多,都属于命运之夜,但《Fate/stay night》只属于其中一段情节罢了……”   肖止冲了个会员,以极快的倍数先粗略浏览一遍《Fate/stay night》的情节,看完的时候

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