
comic collector novel

  • comic collector

    Comic Book Guy!

    by XianPiete
    (Not enough ratings)

    The story of a Comic Book Collector who is brought to a world where he finds out that he is one of the special people who can earn experience and level up to become a superhero.

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  • comic collector

    Homosuperious: Meta-Verse Tale

    by CloudWriter
    (Not enough ratings)

    An avid comic reader and action figure collector perishes unknowingly, only to arise on a parallel Earth. This version of Earth is populated by super-powered beings.

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  • comic collector

    Ideas fo Crossover Stories

    by Keaton_Jenkinson
    (Not enough ratings)

    comic book nerd has heard of the infamous miniseries that both titans of the comic book industry created. But if we were to bring it back, how would it be done? Here's how I think it can be done: P

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  • comic was directly linked to the copyright department, and it had little to do with his editor-in-chief. Talking about gains, as far as Yixin is concerned, its results were the best among the popular

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  • comic collector

    Earth's Best Gamer

    by Ten Flares
    3.16 (248 ratings)

    comic! Of course, it was just a speculation, and the result wouldn't be confirmed until the fusion was completed. "Fuse!" As Ji Ye gave out the order with his mind, the translucent body of the Soul

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  • comic collector

    Killing Game Quarter

    by Jacket Josh
    4.68 (22 ratings)

    collector of the properties of superhero stories.” “...So you collected comic books?” Urkstin asked, making Liam turn his head away from us before nodding nervously. “Oh, that’s cool!” Akira

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  • comic collector


    by Great
    4.66 (41 ratings)

    comic,” he thought. “Oh, right I received a notification about a prospective buyer let me log in,” Clark recalled as he quickly logged in through his implant. His consciousness was dragged in as

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  • comic collector

    The Merchant of Death

    by Lumpish_Haggard
    4.73 (86 ratings)

    comic Hulk had, then how wondrous would that be" Said Tony as he started to move his hands and the yellow energy attached to the Mind Stone kept entering Hulk's mind. 'The Comic Hulk had unlimited

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  • comic and started to read. For the next five hours, Hiko switched from reading to fishing then back to reading it was a need break from all the constant training. Still, on the figurehead, Hiko had

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  • comic collector

    Alien Evolution System

    by John_Doever
    4.9 (108 ratings)

    Leaving the lit path, the Collector found a marked difference in the atmosphere and environment. Its sensitive hairs quivered as they detected heavy motion on the forest floor. Dozens of gigantified i

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