
classic horror novel

  • classic horror

    Door A Classic Horror Movie Just A Script

    by Katty_Conde
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  • classic horror

    Fairy Tales from a Black Heart

    by BenjiG
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    classic fairy tales and twist them and distort them with a horror theme. This is what you get. from Cinderella to snow white. Tall tales to nursery ryhmes. From psychological horror to some dark humor

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  • classic horror


    by Eri_Tenshi
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    horror.La puerta se abrio dejando ver a una humana,que parecia demacrada y  estaba muy sucia. Parecia tan asustada aun que hubiera acabado de matar a alguien,y algo que sorprendio a Classic es que

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  • classic horror

    Colossal Boy

    by Dionne_Allen
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    classic movie horror. Huh?" A CGI animated remake colossal boy sat down on his own brown bed and watch on Mega TV 38k screen. "Dave, I have to errand some black cartridge ink. What you watch on?" His

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  • classic horror

    Story of an ordinary girl

    by Fabienne_Luna
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    horror. It's not that I don't like horror, I think I can even start reading horror books without having a nightmare. I just never started reading one since it conflicts my religion, even though I wasn

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  • classic horror

    Do You Know Me?

    by Lunar_Dreamcatcher
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    Blue's POV: When the castle alarms went off, I headed to the control area. I looked at the panel and saw that a location. I hummed in thought as I headed out. I went to where the alarm showed me. D

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  • classic horror

    Red Baron

    by Tom0321
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    classic?" my wife, Melanie, asked, "How about we go with something classic?", I said, "We've been going on all sorts of modern houses, God, I want to go back in time." "Okay then, let's pick a classi

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  • classic horror

    Exp Grind

    by Elucidator1359
    4.94 (118 ratings)

    classic author Vladimir Nabokov. "To Build a Fire" by Jack London Readers who are drawn to Jack London's stories of survival in the wild shouldn't skip this short. Set in the frozen Yukon Territory,

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  • classic horror


    by jikookmi_78
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    classic creature in horror that roams the night on a full moon, killing anything and anyone that crosses their path. Werewolf is forced to transform by the light of the full moon. It has no contr

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  • classic horror

    Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

    by Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt
    4.65 (346 ratings)

    classic science fiction theme. To domestic audiences, this was a story that made most people feel that their values were compatible with themselves. Secondly, such a huge investment and a large numbe

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