
clannad Novel

  • Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf

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  • Crazy Bad Girl Clannad Novel

    Crazy Bad Girl

    by crazygirloreo
    4.51 (25 ratings)

    Emilia Alfaro namanya. Anak kedua dari Rachel dan Marchel, adik dari Emilio Alfaro. Dia Emilia, gadis cantik dengan rambut pirang yang suka membuat onar di sekolahnya, SMA Antariksa. Mereka menge

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  • The Palm of a Tiny Hand Clannad Novel

    The Palm of a Tiny Hand

    by Skylar_Shinso
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    Follow Hitoshi Shinso and Denki Kaminari as they fight through the challenged of adulthood. Will there be a happy ending? Or will their challenges break them apart? This is a Clannad After Story + Sh

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  • 我只想安静的画漫画 Clannad Novel


    by 画飞
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    clannad完结话的后半段,这部作品以它的ed曲团子大家族歌唱的过程中,一个个画面的闪烁,讲述了获得重新选择机会后,在古河渚复活后,他们一家三口的成长轨迹!   这一次,冈崎汐不再是一个母亲去世,父亲直到五岁前都对她不理不问的可怜女孩了!   冈崎朋也和父亲的芥蒂再次解开,这一次.........他不在迷茫!   看着动画里一家三口的整整齐齐的模样,此时观看动漫的无数粉丝依旧泪目不止!

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  • 大漫画 Clannad Novel


    by 三月一
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    clannad》的首播时间是在下班后,但这个部门的绝大多数员工都留了下来——没有其它原因,就是因为《clannad》的游戏出自他们手里。   作为原著游戏的‘父母们’,游戏制作部也一直对《clannad》的动画保持着关注。然而今天看了首播后,这些人都放下了心里的担忧,满脸开心的下班了。   何茜和周倩并肩而行:“这集动画真是出乎意料的好,过去这么久,《clannad》在我的记忆里都成为神话了,

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  • 重生动漫之父 Clannad Novel


    by 生活盖浇
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    clannad》在岛国也引起了非常巨大的轰动,对青少年的影响非常大。   几乎导致了岛国言情类作品整整一年都卖不出去,本土的galgame产业,除过某些华夏无法发行而只有他们发售的特殊作品之外,销量全线萎靡,堪称言情大冰河时期。以至于不少传统纯爱言情类作家或者漫画家,为了养家糊口,不得不改行走了现在在岛国如日中天的肉系题材,为给世界发福利而添砖加瓦。   曾经接受过贺晨短时间调.教,身在东京的

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  • 某中二的漫画家 Clannad Novel


    by 某抖S的猫
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    一部漫画支撑起一本漫画杂志……这种夸张的笑话,不管编辑侧还是漫画家侧都是不认可的!   就算现在月刊上《CLANNAD》这部漫画超有人气,就算是漫画《CLANNAD》进入三个月的休刊使得月刊的销量下降,但是这并不意味着月刊《必胜Jumk》被逼到穷途末路的境界……但别小看了能够在月刊上连载的其他漫画呀!至少在这段时间里,失去了漫画《CLANNAD》的压制后,亚城木梦叶的漫画《PCP》可是终于迎来最

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  • I Build the Strongest Main City in Another World Clannad Novel

    I Build the Strongest Main City in Another World

    by Xuanting_Official
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    Leon traveled to an ancient magic world and became a poor prince. He was exiled to a dilapidated border city. Ferocious aliens, orcs, and hostile residents of the royal family made Leon feel that he w

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  • Reborn as a Beast Whisperer Clannad Novel

    Reborn as a Beast Whisperer

    by KRT Lorjiem
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    Jake was an ordinary nineteen year old boy like everyone else - until he died. Waking up in the body of someone else isn’t easy, but waking up in the body of someone else in a different world is a who

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  • The Fourth World Clannad Novel

    The Fourth World

    by Eve Morton
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    Jenna Kitchener is a hard-working scientist harvesting minerals from the planet Jonquil to make batteries for human and alien alike. She’s also a trans woman, still dealing with the ripple effect from

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