
1984 war

  • 1984 war


    by 柳月公子
    (Not enough ratings)

    重生到了1984年,杨宇将会如何开启新的人生? 新书《恶魔宿主》,已经发表,求支持。 书友群:731352635

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  • 1984 war

    Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don't Mess Around!

    by Straight to the Blue Skies
    4.49 (526 ratings)

    1984, the 40th division and 49th division of the 14th battalion of our army launched attacks on the Vietnamese army on Laoshan and Zheyinshan! After 18 days of brutal battling, the frontier forces of

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  • 1984 war

    Journey In Harry Potter World

    by fzxcv
    4.15 (15 ratings)

    1984 London the technology here is same like his world the history is pretty much accurate the world war 1 & so on... he was happy there was so many ways he could be an billionaire here but there was

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  • 1984 war

    For Every Rose

    by Alisha_Bartrum
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    1984 this company got a contract from, lets say one of the many governing bodies that makes this world spin. About that time we were planning on getting ourselves into a small war on some foreign fron

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  • 1984 war


    by berserkbarath008
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    war. But now we found that it is intriguing we are not going to war but already in a war. The women named Sara had already encounter with these robots But we don't know anything about it? said ross

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  • 1984 war

    Reincarnated as Tony Stark with a Skill

    by 012kamote
    4.24 (109 ratings)

    war but now is a time of peace and espionage. A random mansion in the middle of the Antartica was surely to interest anyone who noticed it. Tony started by bringing some of his backup arc reactors

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  • 1984 war

    Not Dead Yet (Harry Potter)

    by linear_salo
    4.71 (16 ratings)

    1984 January - Capricorn II 1984 March - Inventory system Aquarius is created 1984 May - Child services, Capricorn III, Aquarius II 1984 August- Katherine Hales' death 1984 October - Alana meets V

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  • 1984 war

    I did it my way (multiverse traveler)

    by Silver_Call
    3.85 (19 ratings)

    war" she then turned to her mother and a weird predatory glint came to her eyes that was mirrored by her mother "and business is war" 'Oh god, there are two of them' was the prevalent thought in the

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  • 1984 war


    by 三心二缺
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    1984之前固定时空已经存在的歌曲,朱闻天迅速挑选了20多首,开始强行记忆。   这个工作前前后后也没有花费多少时间,大概半个多小时的样子吧,因为这些经典老歌朱闻天基本上听过旋律,很多拿过来之后就会唱,只不过此前有些陌生罢了。   也就是说朱闻天主要是记忆歌词,而不是旋律,这就简单多了,凭借他的超强记忆能力,已经算不得什么事情了。   趁着记忆华夏歌曲的兴致,朱闻天稍后也筛选了20多首198

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  • 1984 war


    by 杰奏
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    1984》创意来源的小说《一九八四》,其作者George Orwell——乔治.奥威尔是英国著名作家、新闻记者和社会评论家。   由于早年的经历,使得乔治.奥威尔同情社会底层,他的文字也在始终关注底层社会的生活。   其两大传世之作《动物庄园》和《一九八四》,分别成书于1944年和1948年,堪称世界文坛反极权主义的政治讽刺小说经典,影响力已然超越了文学界。   小说《一九八四》里讲述了一个

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