
zayn photoshoot小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • The Forgotten Princess Rose

    Years ago when she was only a young girl, Rose ran away with her two friends Alexander and Mathias, just when they were about to be branded as slaves and sold to work in a brothel. Misfortunate fell on the group as Mathias became stuck and to save them, Rose sacrificed herself to distract the brothel owner’s son Graham who hunted them. Rose made her friends promise that in exchange for her sacrifice, they would return to free her. As the years passed and Rose reunited with her friends, she learned that all promises would not be kept. Stuck in a brothel with a man who wishes to turn her into his woman, Rose starts an unexpected relationship with Zayne Hamilton, a general of another kingdom. Zayne offers to buy her from Graham and opens the way for her sacrifice to not be forgotten.

    Violet_167 · 歴史
  • Zayn,Si Jenius Tampan

    WARNING (21+) Zayn adalah putra dari Ayya dan Rafi, dalam usia sepuluh tahun tahun dia berhasil lulus dan di wisuda sekaligus menjadi sarjana termuda. Seorang anak lelaki yang sangat tampan ini adalah seorang anak ajaib, bagaimana kehidupan masa kecilnya? juga tentang kisah cintanya, ikuti yuk ceritanya...

    Sholikhatin_Nikmah · ファンタジー

    What will you do if you, as an heiress of a mafia organization in this modern world, suddenly jump into another dimension? Historical era? The worst in this world is when a girl needs to be girlish, polite, wearing a dress with thick layers, and too traditional for her liking! But, of course, she will ruled this world, too, right? *Reminder: English is not writer main language so read at your own risk. ~~~~~~~~~ ::VOLUME 1 : WHERE IS THIS WORLD?:: => Ariana Rose Conrad, heiress of Mafia from Black Eagle Organization in modern world suddenly jump into another dimension which totally different than the world that she know. ::VOLUME 2 : MARRY THE ENEMY:: => New life of Ariana as a Duchess. She also began to focusing on her mafia organization here. Her first case to investigate regarding the disease suffered by her mother-in-law. Love also started to blossom between her and her husband but something like this definitely not that easy as they started as enemies. After a big event, Ariana decided to leave the Silver Palace and divorce. ::VOLUME 3 : THE STRUGGLE OF LOVE:: => The Duke does not want to give up and keep on searching for his wife desperately even if she already left him. Reunite at some point but Ariana refused to coming back. Things getting complicated after Zayn collapsed, making Ariana have to make another big decision in her life. ::VOLUME 4 : THE FAMILY:: => The Basileious and the Conrad are now in a tense state after what Ariana said to the King, her own father. The empire also is in uproar because of that. People opinion is now divided into both of the household. ~~~~~~~~~~

    Aira_Rin · ファンタジー
  • Zayn The Handsome Genius

    Zayn is a child prodigy, and he comes from a special family. Since he was a child, he has separated from his parents to complete his education. At the age of sixteen, Zayn has been promoted to a young professor, and he falls in love with his own student. Meanwhile, Arunika also has the same feelings. Both of them don't express their feelings even though they feel the love between them. When Zayn had to return to Indonesia and Arunika had to go to America, they separated. Will they meet again, and will they be able to make love together? Follow his story in Zayn The Handsome Genius.

    Sholikhatin_Nikmah · ファンタジー
  • Systemless in a Parallel World

    As the Gods descended onto Earth to bless their children to save them from the threat of extinction, supernatural beings were born with the help of the System. However, not everyone was blessed. Zayn was a 'Normie', but he was quite happy about that! Who the hell needs the Blessing of a God or a spoon-feeding system? I don't! As long as I had the Grimoire of the Ancient, some fragmented memories of my past, and my Army of Spirits, not even Gods would dare to look me in the eyes! (The War aspect won't be present from the initial chapter!) ** This is a fantasy novel. If you think everything will be logical or follow the same laws as it is in reality...I'm sorry! Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cexm4qGW Current Cover: Will be updated soon **

    HideousGrain · 軍事
  • Zayn The Normal

    Zayn is a ‘normal’ human being. This is his normal schedule he brushes his teeth, takes a shower, takes a jog, gets taught how to handle weapons by his grandfather, gets made fun of by his brother, and goes back to sleep. His life wasn’t always like this, to see what happens, let’s go to the end of his life. (If you are looking for Romance, you’re not going to find it, this is just the life of an ordinary person *wink*.)

    SkyNuke_Opz · アクション
  • ZAYN - Son of The Goddess

    Zayn finds himself as the man appointed by the heirloom to continue the Wastukencana clan. He's not even Aria Wastukencana's biological child, Zayn is too different. But Aria wanted him to be the heir more than Inge Sagitania, his biological daughter. Since childhood, Zayn was trained and educated to always do his best. And Aria was even more proud of him, also of the heirloom that he always glorified, for having chosen Zayn to be the successor of the family. For a God shake, what is in the heirloom stone? And why was Zayn chosen to be the heir? Who is he? Even more surprising, Aria asked him to marry Inge, the woman Zayn had considered his younger sister all along.

    Vinn_Nara · ファンタジー
  • Kisah Untuk Zayn

    Bagi Yukee, Zayn adalah cowok paling resek di sekolah. Bagi Zayn, tiada hari tanpa menganggu Yukee. Ibarat kalau makanan tanpa garam itu 'HAMBAR'. Mereka tidak pernah akur kalau bertemu. Tapi semakin hari entah kenapa Yukee menyukai hal yang dulu bahkan ia benci dari sosok Zayn. Hingga suatu ketika Zayn memberikan sebuah Missi untuk Yukee. Yukee mengiya'kan tanpa tahu bahwa misi itu mengantarkannya pada kehancuran dan patah hati yang sesungguhnya.

    Cindy_Ammelia_5270 · 若者
  • messages (zayn malik)

    ❝Onde Bella recebe mensagens de um garoto totalmente desconhecido.❞

    trurths · 若者
  • La Princesse Oubliée Rose

    Il y a des années, lorsqu'elle n'était encore qu'une jeune fille, la Princesse Rose s'était enfuie avec ses deux amis Alexandre et Mathias, juste au moment où ils allaient être marqués comme esclaves et vendus pour travailler dans un bordel. Le malheur s'abattit sur le groupe lorsque Mathias se retrouva coincé et pour les sauver, Rose se sacrifia en distrayant le fils du propriétaire du bordel, Graham, qui les pourchassait. Rose fit promettre à ses amis qu'en échange de son sacrifice, ils reviendraient la libérer. Au fil des années et des retrouvailles avec ses amis, elle comprit que toutes les promesses ne seraient pas tenues. Coincée dans un bordel avec un homme qui souhaite faire d'elle sa femme, Rose entame une relation inattendue avec Zayne Hamilton, un général d'un autre royaume. Zayne propose de l'acheter à Graham et ouvre ainsi la voie pour que son sacrifice ne soit pas oublié.

    Violet_167 · 歴史
  • Fallen Fate Online

    Fate has long been something magical, almost non-existent, but praised by many as the greatest power capable of anything. Zayne has always lived hard, in poverty, and seemingly innumerable problems following him. However, with the launch of the first virtual reality game - Fallen Fate Online - his life began to change beyond recognition. It was a shock to the whole world. For many, the seemingly normal game became almost a second life, causing massive changes for everyone. Zayne had never been on good terms with luck, let alone fate, and he had no experience in games, but somehow he became the one for whom fate was an ally as he rose to heights, unavailable to anyone before. Fate is in our hands.

    Arlemit · ゲーム
  • A Princesa Esquecida Rosa

    Anos atrás, quando ela era apenas uma menina, Rosa fugiu com seus dois amigos Alexandre e Matias, exatamente quando estavam prestes a ser marcados como escravos e vendidos para trabalhar em um bordel. A infelicidade se abateu sobre o grupo quando Matias ficou preso e, para salvar seus amigos, Rosa se sacrificou para distrair o filho do dono do bordel, Graham, que os perseguia. Rosa fez seus amigos prometerem que, em troca de seu sacrifício, eles voltariam para libertá-la. Conforme os anos passaram e Rosa se reuniu com seus amigos, ela aprendeu que nem todas as promessas seriam cumpridas. Presas em um bordel com um homem que deseja transformá-la em sua mulher, Rosa inicia um relacionamento inesperado com Zayne Hamilton, um general de outro reino. Zayne oferece-se para comprá-la de Graham e abre caminho para que seu sacrifício não seja esquecido.

    Violet_167 · 歴史
  • Diaries of a Hybrid and Her Mate

    R18 ***MATURE CONTENT*** Beautiful Aubrianne Ivanov, The student, the Hybrid, the stripper, and the aspiring Accountant. Raised by her single mom, had a tough childhood. With low self-esteem, she became an outcast and was alone one too many times for her liking. Time spent at her part-time job, she eventually grew into a brave, confident, and determined young woman who walked right into an opportunity that would change her life forever. Will Aubrianne truly feel whole? Will she find what has been missing in her life? Will she allow herself happiness and joy? Will she find love, and most importantly, will she survive what's to come? Join Aubrianne on her journey as she discovers a whole new world and who/what she is. She also navigates all the heartbreak, betrayal, drama, and exciting and thrilling events that come her way... Excerpt: Aubrianne quickly jumped out of the vehicle and ran around to him. Then she heard her father's words, "Take him to the dungeons." Four men from her father's personal security stepped up to arrest Zayne to drag him off to the dungeons, and suddenly, the open atmosphere became charged and suffocating at the same time. Suddenly, the light and breezy atmosphere became still. When everyone under pressure struggled to look at the source, including the security guards, who suddenly looked pale, they saw a calm Aubrianne clutching her necklace in her hand, her eyes glowing that gorgeous blue, indicating Leia was out and very present and feral. "No one touches him." Aubrianne had stepped in front of her mate. The top of her head reached a little below Zayne's chest, and she spoke low and deadly. It was a fatal command that not one of them could refute. If they choose to fight her command, they die.

    Sherryann Martinez · ファンタジー
  • What? I Actually Reincarnated As Stepping Stone In Another World?

    {Warning!} If you like fantasy concepts that are quite different, you can try this out, my friends! Conspiracies, wars between Empires that sacrifice many lives, battles between powerful people that cause the earth and the sky to shake! Of course, the various scenes of {R-18}{Yandere}must be something that must appear in the fantasy genre, right? Hahaha If you're interested, this is something to try! ------------------------------------------------ Zayn, a successful second-generation individual who excelled in various fields and was often referred to as the "Perfect Human" due to his mastery, was tragically killed by his former fiancée. The cancellation of their engagement led to his ex-fiancée developing an obsessive love for him, which ultimately drove her to stab him in the heart, resulting in his demise. ''Honey~ I won't let you go, even after death!" Upon his death, he found himself reincarnated into a fantasy world novel he had once read. This time, he was reborn as Arthur, a character destined to be a mere side villain and stepping stone. Determined to rewrite his destiny and not be a pawn for the protagonist, he vowed, "I will alter my fate and ascend to the pinnacle of this existence. The protagonist? Let's see who the true protagonist is now!" A journey against fate in a fantasy world where the strong eat the weak... Begins! ------------------------------- Note: [Humm the cover image is not mine and if anyone who has it asks, of course, I'll change it! Thank you!]

    SaintOfDarkness · ファンタジー
  • Zayn Jacksovich Pain & Pleasure Half Blood Series

    Lvly_Writes · 現実
  • La Princesa Rosa Olvidada

    Hace años, cuando era solo una niña, Rosa huyó con sus dos amigos Alejandro y Matías, justo cuando estaban a punto de ser marcados como esclavos y vendidos para trabajar en un burdel. La desgracia cayó sobre el grupo cuando Matías quedó atrapado y para salvarlos, Rosa se sacrificó distrayendo al hijo del dueño del burdel, Graham, quien los perseguía. Rosa hizo que sus amigos prometieran que a cambio de su sacrificio, volverían para liberarla. Con el paso de los años y la reunión con sus amigos, descubrió que no todas las promesas se mantendrían. Atrapada en un burdel con un hombre que desea convertirla en su mujer, Rosa comienza una relación inesperada con Zayne Hamilton, un general de otro reino. Zayne se ofrece a comprarla de Graham y abre el camino para que su sacrificio no sea olvidado.

    Violet_167 · 歴史

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