
prod小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • The Beta And His Human Mate.

    {WARNING! MATURE CONTENT} PROLOGUE:  Alan yelled, his voice shuddering through his mate's heart, "You are mine and nobody else’s." “I am not yours! Are you insane?” Eleanor questioned while inspecting him. She was puzzled by the man's bizarre behavior in front of her. "I am aware that you enjoy dancing, but I make a distinction between the dance you teach and the one I just witnessed you perform.” Oh, so this was the reason for the yelling. She nearly chuckled as she told him, "This little dance is nothing," but she bit her lip when she saw a severe scowl on his face. “How many dicks do you think didn’t get hard from that little dance you did?” He was staring at her with glares that seemed to want to peer into her soul. He wasn't joking; he could smell every hot male in the room, desiring to have her. "It is all in your head!” She equally shouted, her voice loud as she continued, "I won't stop dancing just because it makes you jealous.” “Oh, you'd do that. And I'm not Jealous either!” Even though he shouted those words, the jealousy that was seething inside of him beckoned him to dispute his words. "I'm still not over the ruse you pulled on me when you misled me to think you purchased Hermosa. Trust me, if you try anything stupid, that's where I'll draw the line between us.” Both of their chests tightened at the mere prospect of being apart. “Huh! Do you believe getting rid of me is so simple? It would require one of us to pass away because the connection between you and me is too strong- stronger than you think.” “Then quit being a jerk, please!” Her comments caused him to painfully clamp his fingers into his palms. “You should also stop your sensual dances, I say! We would stop this argument if you agreed your dances seduce men.” Eleanor's face became hot with rage at that. The fact that Alan's jealousy grew every day was beyond her comprehension and she knew that this fight would not end anytime soon. Every time Alan watched her dancing, he felt the possessive trait that every werewolf experienced for his mate. What kind of dance would she be doing if he wasn't present, too?   Even without dancing attractively, she was enough to draw attention by simply standing there still. He should now begin remodeling all prisons and dungeons to his comfort because he was certain that he would kill someone one of these days. ****** When a father offered his life to save another, fates were forever altered. One was a human, the other a werewolf: She'll show you dance moves you've never seen before if you give her the beat! Eleanor has a carefree and friendly demeanor, and guests are always warmly greeted by her friendly demeanor. But beneath that lovely grin lurks a volcano waiting to erupt if prodded. Alan is a powerful Beta- adept at business, and everything he touches flourishes. His accompanying extras are fame and fortune. While Eleanor vows that she will never forgive Alan and his brothers for the humiliation and anguish she had endured at their hands, she found herself getting drawn to him the more. Alan, on the other hand, was conflicted about Eleanor's work and got divided between changing who she is and what she values the most. Is there going to be a battle if the powerful meet the insane? Or will an unforeseen sequence of events bring harmony to a couple doomed from the start? Would this cause them to grow apart even though they are mated? Who, after all, is this evil she-wolf, also hunting for any chance to harm this human? ***** Join discord : https://discord.gg/7TJWb2Qm

    Chrissie_Swift · ファンタジー
  • A Noiva Acidental do Rei Vampiro Mascarado

    ``` (Conteúdo adulto R-18+ Contém cenas de violência, sem drama de segunda mulher ou estupro.) Meu amor não vê fim, nem certo ou errado. Porque quando amo, quero que você seja meu tanto quanto sou seu - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "Eu te disse que quero te arruinar," ele segurou seu rosto enquanto a pressionava contra a parede. "E você já fez o suficiente. Agora estou partindo," ela retrucou. "Você não entendeu as minhas palavras, Princesa," ele disse friamente com sarcasmo. "Quando digo que quero te arruinar, quero te prender na minha cama e te preencher até que seu cheiro se torne um comigo e todo maldito nesta mundo saiba quem você é... Que você é porra de minha!" Ele a empurrou contra a parede, beijando-a apaixonadamente. ~~~~~~ Eliana Heart, a filha ilegítima do Rei de Cidade do Coração da Lua com a linhagem de caçadores, só quer uma coisa em sua vida; conhecer e encontrar sua mãe biológica. Inocente e bela, Eliana é frequentemente vítima das tramas de sua madrasta e irmã postiça. Sebastian Marino, o infame Príncipe Vampiro mascarado, não tem recebido nada além de ódio de todos ao seu redor. Todo mundo o teme, pois ele possui um poder imensurável. Depois de cumprir pena na prisão por um ano no lugar de sua irmã postiça, Eliana fica surpresa por ser libertada. No entanto, sua felicidade é interrompida quando descobre que deve se casar com o príncipe vampiro no lugar de sua irmã postiça. Eliana não sabe nada sobre os vampiros, e Sebastian odeia tudo o que vem com aqueles humanos malignos. O que ela fará quando se casar com o monstro nomeado do mundo das trevas que toma e caça sem misericórdia? "Você não tem curiosidade sobre como eu sou?" Ele segurou seu queixo dolorosamente. "Revele seu rosto para mim quando confiar em mim," ela sorriu suavemente. 'Isso nunca vai acontecer,' pensou Sebastião. Para ele, ela era nada mais do que uma ferramenta para se vingar dos humanos. Para ela, ele era mais do que tudo que seus olhos já tinham visto, ainda mais do que a verdade de sua existência. Há um poder ainda maior e mais poderoso do que qualquer coisa e esse poder se chama destino. Eles serão capazes de lutar contra seus destinos para ficarem juntos ou se renderão a ele e perderão tudo? A história da mais mortal bruxa disfarçada de humana e do príncipe prodígio mais perigoso que sobrevive no sangue de vampiros. Aviso - O livro é construído em torno de um mundo mágico e pura fantasia. O romance fará você sentir borboletas no estômago enquanto algumas cenas podem fazer você questionar a sanidade em torno do amor. Os primeiros 50 capítulos vão construir o mundo em torno do livro. Eu prometo, se você ficar, você vai amar o livro, a não ser que este não seja o seu gênero. ~~~~~~ Siga-me nas minhas redes sociais. Facebook - Autora Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj ```

    AngelinaBhardawaj · ファンタジー
  • The Nameless God is Not The Hero Of the Story: Max Charisma In Heaven

    [The story is not as straightforward as it seems, and there is a premise behind it all. The MC is not as Heroic as he thinks that he is, and later on you see the darker side of him.] [Check out my new book 500th Time Reborn. A World Only Know By Women: The Karma System] Talon was once the most revered swordsman and mage his world had ever seen. Then he defeated the final Demon Lord and was forcibly ascended to Heaven. Once there, Talon was told that all of his life's accomplishments meant nothing in the eyes of the All-Mighty. This was because Talon only ever killed the evil in the world and never interacted with anyone; that was his job. Now Talon was a nameless God, mocked and abused by the others. The only way for him to gain a name for himself is to enter other worlds to help the hero ascend like him, but Talon is tired of fighting. As much as the new God tries to ignore the other Gods and even the prodding of the All-Mighty himself, it's impossible. Talon is dragged into worlds, but he is resolved to clean up the other Heroes' messes and get back to Heaven to his easy life. The problem is that there is something wrong with his stats. All of his stats are normal except for one. "What am I supposed to do with maxed-out charisma?!"

    Magic_ · ファンタジー
  • My Death Sentence

    Ravaged and desolate, the Old World perished beneath the polluted sky. Radiation and infestation plagued the Earth all while a mere fraction of the human population remained. Of that rapidly diminishing population, a man approaching his thirties found himself entangled with Earth's current "War Lords" -- a pathetic bunch of insecure men who dominate what remains of the blue planet. Thrown into one of the prisons, Cain is ruthlessly prodded and experimented on. Subjected to radiation, gene altercation, and given various poisons and toxins alongside a slew of potential antidotes to match -- Cain became the War Lord’s guinea pig. Only after satisfying their voracious greed for revenge did the War Lord’s finally grant Cain some semblance of mercy. Strapped to a metal chair with a thick steel collar hung around his throat, Cain prepared himself for death. While his body slowly melted underneath the heat of one of the War Lord’s new experimental serums, an unfamiliar women’s voice called out to Cain. Summoned by a random girl in another world, she calls Cain a demon. “Demon?” Cain questions. But then it hits him — he’s been reborn and summoned. It’s a two-for-one special! *** Follow along Cain's rebirth and his unfortunate summoning into another world filled with trials, tribulations, and tragedy all composed by yours truly, thelostboy. Side note: I've tried this writing thing before and it's a lot more taxing than I was expecting. Rather than continue my old story that I fell out of love with, I figured it would be all-around more enjoyable for myself and my readers to create something I'm newly passionate about than return to shallow waters. Also also, once I get into a writing rhythm again I plan on creating a Patreon for early access chapters, I've decided not to Contract this novel for the more respectable, mature approach -- begging. May we pray I write something good.

    TheLostBoy · アクション
  • Necromante Sagrado: Renascimento do Mago Mais Poderoso

    ``` Em um mundo onde a Magia reinava suprema, Governando sobre os Míticos Elementos estavam os Santos Magos dos Sagrados Elementos. Um jovem prodígio, Gabriel foi selecionado como o Santo Sacerdote na Igreja da Magia da Luz. Ele foi o mais jovem mago a despertar o mais cobiçado elemento da luz; seu futuro deveria ser brilhante... Mas um dia, ele desapareceu como se a escuridão o tivesse engolido. Enquanto Gabriel caminhava na tênue linha entre a vida e a morte lutando por sua vida, algo entrou em sua vida... Algo que iria mudar a sua vida e o mundo para sempre... Embarque nessa inesquecível jornada de luz e escuridão que transcende as fronteiras do espaço e do tempo como nunca antes... ```

    Demonic_angel · ファンタジー
  • Summoned Into a Women’s World

    I was summoned and slaved by the heroine of the story to defeat the Demon Lord in a World where the majority are women. My goal is to get free from her and not be treated like a toy, but it seems she and everyone that I meet thinks otherwise.

    twotwoka_prod · ファンタジー
  • Senhor Supremo: Eu posso extrair tudo!

    ``` Em um mundo onde a era interestelar trouxe tanto promessas quanto decepções, Michael Fang sonha em se tornar um Senhor no misterioso reino. Ele anseia por explorar ruínas antigas de civilizações caídas e construir um território amado e apoiado por seus súditos. Mas suas aspirações são destruídas quando ele percebe que não é nada especial e apenas um garoto comum em um mundo cheio de prodígios celestiais. Isso é, até que ele tropeça no Portão que leva à Expansão Origem, um reino misterioso que promete mudar tudo que ele pensava saber sobre si mesmo e seu destino. Com um novo poder e determinação inabalável, Michael jura transformar sua má sorte em oportunidade, não importa quão perigoso seja o caminho. "Assistam e testemunhem enquanto eu extraio tudo!" Acompanhe Michael Fang em sua jornada pela Expansão Origem enquanto ele luta através de obstáculos e inimigos para alcançar seus sonhos e se tornar o Senhor Supremo que sempre foi destinado a ser. ** Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr8QvWJKVT ```

    HideousGrain · ファンタジー
  • Fantasies of a Sexual Addict

    “Do you really think I’m gorgeous?” Calliope Fitzgerald asked, voice small and soft. Her eyes were only asking for the truth and any small lie would have been caught by her. Damien Criss nodded. “Yes, you’re gorgeous,” he replied. For some reason, she smiled, and his heart melted. Gods… now, is he in love with her? “I have an offer to you…” she tilted her head to the side and continued to smile like she knew the secret of the universe. “What is it then?” he asked, itching to touch and smell her hair again. “Be my fuck buddy. No holds barred. No strings attached. We can stop when you’re tired of it all.” Damien stared at the tiny woman in front of him, mind racing, and heart skipping a beat. What did she just say? Fuck buddy? This professor? No holds barred? No strings attached? What? Did he mishear what she said? He smiled and tilted his head to the side too. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I understood what you meant.” “Fuck buddy. You and I fuck each other. No holds barred. No strings attached. You can have a girlfriend after, then we will stop when you’re tired of it. I’m just really curious.” He stared at her. She didn’t look serious, not with that smile on her face. Was she just pulling his leg? His face must have shown his uncertainty because she chuckled and patted his face. “You can say no, Damien. I’ll just look for another person.” She stood up and dusted her coat while her eyes were on the night sky. He immediately followed suit and grabbed her wrist. “Fine. We can be fuck buddies. No holds barred. No strings attached.” Was he stupid? Maybe. Did he think he did the right thing? He was so very not sure. Will he gain something from it? Her virginity is one. Her attention is two. What else? Heart break?Possibly. Her giggle made him look at her face. “What’s so funny?” he asked. “You just look so cute when you’re having an internal battle,” she replied and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I won’t bite. I promise.” She pulled back and proceeded to walk towards the mansion with her hands inside the pockets of her coat. He watched her for a few seconds before following. “You sure about this?” “Definitely. I’m just curious about this whole thing about sex. Maybe the constant frustration would go away once I have experienced it, you know?” His shoulders lifted and fell. He never saw it that way. After all, he lost his virginity at a young age. “So… no holds barred?” “No holds barred but you’ll have to tell me when you get a girlfriend. I wouldn’t want to hurt a person just because of my curiosity.” “Aren’t you thoughtful?” She snorted and looked up at his face with a grin. “Hey, my curiosity will never come first over the feelings of another person. I’m aware that you like a gorgeous woman so it’s safe to assume that you won’t have any feelings for me. There’s little to no chance that I will hurt you in the process. Don’t you think so?” He stopped walking and stared down at her. She also stopped and smiled up at him. Maybe he was just as curious as she was too. Maybe he was just attracted to her. Maybe… he held her upper arms and lifted her up to crush her lips with his. Hard. Hot. Demanding. And she opened up to him. Soft. Smooth. Pliant. A sound of aggression came from him and a sound of surrender rose from her. Would it always be like this? Would she always surrender to him? Or will the table turn around on him and end up with him under the mercy of this tiny woman? Vanilla filled his nostrils and brain. His blood dropped to his lower regions. His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer, giving her the chance to wrap her arm around his neck and give more of herself to him. Just like that, the universe became silent for him. In his mind, there was nothing else except him and this woman that he was holding. His teeth nipped and pulled, his tongue tasted and prodded. Her lips soft and sweet and potent. Who could say no? Who could get enough? Definitely not him.

    JMDBEroticist · 都市
  • Martial CEO

    The young man’s eyes burst open and in less than a breath he jumped up and punched the air with an extraordinary amount of force. In that moment, the deafening silence transformed and resembled a tiger’s roar. However, just as suddenly as it came, the silence returned, and only his breathing could be heard. As if he had just gone through 12 rounds of fighting, his previous controlled breathing was now erratic and irregular, clearly exasperated. The tension that was building up in his body suddenly released all in one movement. It was a sight to behold. His power and discipline unfathomable for a man his age. His eyes clear and unwavering, his will imposing and dominating. This was Chen Tian Ming, a young martial artist renowned worldwide for his combat prowess.

    PearTree_Prod · 都市
  • Encounters~ Skilled Jewel Empress x Nation's Spoiled Prince

    Warning: If you want to earn EXP, don't do it at the expense of my novel. ANY ZERO CHAPTER REVIEW BE DELETED BY ME! "Come at me with all your might. I will silence your cries at the expanse of night." Sara James~ 23-year-old CEO, filthy rich, capable, arrogant, elegant, sharp and deadly dangerous! Riley Brown~ 25- year-old, charismatic, wild natured, cool, carefree and the nation's prince! She has a secret covering 7 years of her life. He... is rather mysterious when it comes to dealing with life! They were not meant to be. But 'ENCOUNTERS' do happen! "As a lady, have you ever chased a guy, so passionately and so romantically before?" she spoke as she twirled in front of the camera like a professional vlogger. He amusedly tossed the camera away. It landed quietly on the velvet sofa. Then, with one swift movement, he lifted her and made her seat on the kitchen counter. He had his arms hooked tight around her waist. He slowly leaned closer and she closed her eyes in anticipation. But, instead of a kiss, she heard a hoarse whisper right beside her ear, "As a lady, have you been desired so much by a man before?" Hearing his suggestive word, she blushed. Then, she prodded her forefinger and jabbed his chest in an attempt to push him away, "Mr. Brown, isn't it going out of the script?" Saying so, she jumped down but was held back and pushed into a corner. He aimed at her lips, nibbling them gently, "Mrs. Brown, don't you like when it's out of the script?" "Mmm-hmm", she moaned, enjoying the kiss. --- Hey, there! Greetings from the author. Mind you, I am a student... So, I may miss some updates. Hereby, I diligently apologize early! Cover by WEBNOVEL

    Asmita_Mukherjee · 都市
  • Os Celestiais do Apocalipse

    No início do século XXI, para as pessoas comuns, o mundo é o mesmo de sempre, e a história da humanidade segue seu rumo normal. Entretanto, por trás das cortinas, acontece uma nova guerra sem precedentes. Demônios, seres que raramente apareciam no plano mortal, surgem em vários locais do mundo numa explosão de aparições nunca antes vista. É o sinal de que algo terrível está prestes a acontecer. Nesta situação preocupante, um novo presságio do futuro sombrio aparece. Quatro adolecentes despertam seus poderes mágicos simultaneamente, quatro magos prodígios que mudariam para sempre a história de todas as coisas em breve.

    SilversKnight · ファンタジー
  • A Secretly Love

    Official Translated Version by meb Translation Team Written by Avery Pie If you love someone, just let them know. Even though the chance is slim, you may become their favorite person… one day. 'Konprod,' the third-year head hazer, has a crush on the terrifying fourth-year head hazer, 'Pluem.' After the senior gets slapped by his campus belle girlfriend in Larngear during broad daylight, Prod, who has liked Pluem for so long, decides to subtly replace her!? And the tsundere senior is… a little confused. He seems to love Konprod but doesn't express it, leaving the little runt wondering what's exactly up with Pluem. He pretends to be tough and always scolds the junior, yet still cares for him, worries about him, and occasionally gets jealous. That's number one tsundere, while the junior is more stubborn than anyone else. Will Prod's love reach him? If he doesn't tell-speak-communicate, how will the senior know that… "I wanna be your Konprod, Pluem :-)" #ASecretlyLove #PhiPhi’sNorthStar #Pluem’sKonprod Author: Avery Pie Translator: Panisara and meb Translation Team Editor: Pattarapong Illustrator: Rainycat

    lunarwrite · LGBT+