
lupin yellow小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • Two times rejected Luna, the desire of all Alphas

    Valerie, the daughter of the murdered Alpha of the Yellow Stone Pack, could never lead the pack because she had a Luna wolf. Her mate, Tristan, was made the Alpha in her stead. After assuming the title of Alpha, Valerie was set up and brutally rejected, not only by Tristan but also her whole pack, and her kid sister, Scarlet, with whom Tristan had secret affairs. “I reject Luna Valerie as my mate. She was caught in bed with a stranger, meaning that she would sell the pack out. The punishment for treachery is death,” Alpha Tristan announced heartlessly. The chants from the pack members and visiting Alphas who had come for the Alphas' conference attracted them to the judgment. No one thought that Alpha Denzel, whose name caused the hairs on their skin to stand straight due to his ruthlessness, would make it to the conference. Valerie found hope when she realized that Alpha Denzel was her second chance mate, but painstakingly, she was rejected once again. The double rejection caused her to lose her wolf, and she was condemned to die by all the Alphas present. She thought her fate was sealed when Alpha Denzel left and a warrior was ready to execute her. Everyone was shocked when Alpha Denzel suddenly turned around. “Stop! The treacherous daughter of a late Alpha should not be killed. More suffering awaits her,” he declared. Valerie’s heart dropped when she saw his dark look, which was like a bottomless pit, as she blacked out from exhaustion. A few months down the line, there was a war among the Alphas as they began to lay claim to the two-times-rejected Luna. With her wolf dead, will the moon goddess be gracious to give her another wolf? And which Alpha would be able to melt her now cold heart?

    Glorious_Eagle · ファンタジー
  • Dos veces rechazada Luna, el deseo de todos los Alfas

    Valerie, la hija del asesinado Alfa de la Manada de Yellow Stone, nunca podría liderar la manada porque tenía un lobo Luna. Su compañero, Tristan, fue nombrado Alfa en su lugar. Después de asumir el título de Alfa, Valerie fue acusada y brutalmente rechazada, no solo por Tristan, sino también por toda su manada, y su hermana menor, Scarlet, con quien Tristan había tenido aventuras secretas. —Rechazo a Luna Valerie como mi compañera. Fue sorprendida en la cama con un extraño, lo que significa que vendería la manada. El castigo por traición es la muerte —anunció desalmadamente Alfa Tristan. Los cánticos de los miembros de la manada y los Alfas visitantes que habían venido para la conferencia de los Alfas les atrajeron al juicio. Nadie esperaba que el Alfa Denzel, cuyo nombre hacía que los pelos en su piel se erizaran debido a su crueldad, llegara a la conferencia. Valerie encontró esperanza cuando se dio cuenta de que Alfa Denzel era su segundo compañero destinado, pero dolorosamente, fue rechazada una vez más. El doble rechazo le hizo perder a su lobo y fue condenada a morir por todos los Alfas presentes. Pensó que su destino estaba sellado cuando el Alfa Denzel se fue y un guerrero estaba listo para ejecutarla. Todos se quedaron en shock cuando Alfa Denzel de repente se dio la vuelta. —¡Deténganse! La hija traicionera de un Alfa difunto no debe ser asesinada. La espera más sufrimiento —declaró. El corazón de Valerie se hundió cuando vio su mirada oscura, que era como un pozo sin fondo, mientras ella se desmayaba de agotamiento. Unos meses más tarde, hubo una guerra entre los Alfas a medida que comenzaron a reclamar a la Luna rechazada dos veces. Con su lobo muerto, ¿será misericordiosa la diosa de la luna para darle otro lobo? ¿Y cuál Alfa será capaz de derretir su corazón ahora frío?

    Glorious_Eagle · ファンタジー
  • The Return of the God Level Assassin [BL]

    As soon as Luo Yan graduated, he immediately got an offer from a prestigious gaming company. He thought all his hard work finally paid off. And he would finally reach the pinnacle of life. But then, on his first day of work, a potted plant fell on his head and he died. Surprisingly, when he thought he would cross the Yellow River, he suddenly woke up and found himself in the body of a 17 year old boy. This body had the same name as him but completely different background. Because the original was the second young master of the Luo family - one of the most powerful family in S City. Luo Yan almost cried. God probably took pity on him and decided to give him a loving family with a wealthy background. He didn't have to work hard anymore. Studying like his life depended on it and pretending to be a holy father just to cater to people. So Luo Yan decided to be a salted fish and just shamelessly sell meng. A certain male god who always bought Luo Yan's meng: Yan Yan is so cute! Why is Yan Yan so cute?? Cold faced on the outside, a cinnamon roll on the inside Gong X Super beautiful, black-belly Shou.

    Tyramisu · LGBT+
  • Duas vezes rejeitada Luna, o desejo de todos os Alfas

    Valerie, a filha do Alfa assassinado da Matilha Yellow Stone, nunca poderia liderar a matilha porque tinha uma Loba Luna. Seu parceiro, Tristan, foi feito o Alfa em seu lugar. Após assumir o título de Alfa, Valerie foi armada e brutalmente rejeitada, não apenas por Tristan, mas também por toda a sua matilha e sua irmãzinha, Scarlet, com quem Tristan tinha casos secretos. “Eu rejeito Luna Valerie como minha parceira. Ela foi pega na cama com um estranho, o que significa que ela trairia a matilha. O castigo para traição é a morte,” Alfa Tristan anunciou sem coração. Os cânticos dos membros da matilha e dos Alfas visitantes que vieram para a conferência dos Alfas os atraiu para o julgamento. Ninguém pensou que o Alfa Denzel, cujo nome fazia os pelos da pele se arrepiarem devido à sua crueldade, compareceria à conferência. Valerie encontrou esperança quando percebeu que Alfa Denzel era seu companheiro de segunda chance, mas dolorosamente, ela foi rejeitada mais uma vez. A dupla rejeição fez com que ela perdesse sua loba, e ela foi condenada à morte por todos os Alfas presentes. Ela pensou que seu destino estava selado quando Alfa Denzel partiu e um guerreiro estava pronto para executá-la. Todos ficaram chocados quando Alfa Denzel de repente se virou. “Pare! A filha traiçoeira de um Alfa defunto não deve ser morta. Mais sofrimento a aguarda,” ele declarou. O coração de Valerie afundou quando ela viu seu olhar sombrio, que era como um poço sem fundo, enquanto ela desmaiava de exaustão. Alguns meses depois, houve uma guerra entre os Alfas, pois começaram a reivindicar a Luna rejeitada duas vezes. Com sua loba morta, será que a deusa da lua seria generosa a ponto de dar a ela outra loba? E qual Alfa seria capaz de derreter seu coração agora frio?

    Glorious_Eagle · ファンタジー
  • Zweimal Luna abgewiesen, der Wunsch aller Alphas

    Valerie, die Tochter des ermordeten Alphas des Yellow Stone Rudels, konnte das Rudel nie anführen, weil sie einen Luna-Wolf hatte. Ihr Gefährte Tristan wurde an ihrer Stelle zum Alpha ernannt. Nachdem sie den Titel des Alphas angenommen hatte, wurde Valerie reingelegt und brutal zurückgewiesen, nicht nur von Tristan, sondern auch von ihrem ganzen Rudel und ihrer kleinen Schwester Scarlet, mit der Tristan heimliche Affären hatte. "Ich lehne Luna Valerie als meine Gefährtin ab. Sie wurde im Bett mit einem Fremden erwischt, was bedeutet, dass sie das Rudel verraten würde. Die Strafe für Verrat ist der Tod", verkündete Alpha Tristan herzlos. Die Rufe der Rudelmitglieder und der anwesenden Alphas, die zur Alphatagung gekommen waren, zogen sie zu dem Urteil hin. Niemand hätte gedacht, dass Alpha Denzel, dessen Name ihnen wegen seiner Rücksichtslosigkeit die Haare auf der Haut zu Berge stehen ließ, es zur Konferenz schaffen würde. Valerie schöpfte Hoffnung, als sie erkannte, dass Alpha Denzel ihr Partner der zweiten Chance war, aber sie wurde schmerzlich zurückgewiesen. Die doppelte Zurückweisung führte dazu, dass sie ihren Wolf verlor und von allen anwesenden Alphas zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Sie dachte, ihr Schicksal sei besiegelt, als Alpha Denzel ging und ein Krieger bereit war, sie hinzurichten. Alle waren schockiert, als Alpha Denzel sich plötzlich umdrehte. "Halt! Die verräterische Tochter eines verstorbenen Alphas sollte nicht getötet werden. Sie erwartet noch mehr Leid", erklärte er. Valerie fiel das Herz in die Hose, als sie seinen finsteren Blick sah, der wie ein bodenloser Abgrund war, und sie wurde vor Erschöpfung ohnmächtig. Ein paar Monate später entbrannte ein Krieg zwischen den Alphas, die Anspruch auf die zweimal abgewiesene Luna erhoben. Wird die Mondgöttin ihr nach dem Tod ihres Wolfes gnädig sein und ihr einen anderen Wolf geben? Und welcher Alpha könnte ihr nun kaltes Herz zum Schmelzen bringen?

    Glorious_Eagle · ファンタジー
  • America 1919

    In 1919, Donnie's soul traversed into the United States. To start off, Donnie, just a soldier who had recently stepped down from the battlefields of World War I, was framed by his superior. Before the Prohibition era began, he took over a bar in Atlantic City. With the perspective of a transmigrator and ruthless tactics, he gradually became the largest bootlegger in America. In the roaring twenties, Donnie delved into bootlegging, ran beauty pageants, built his career, and stormed Wall Street. Decades later, when people studied modern American history, they found that the name 'Donnie Block' was one they simply could not ignore!!!

    One Yellow Mountain Red · 都市
  • My Runes Can Be Upgraded

    Condition 1: Collect 1 Yellow Turban Soldier’s Rune (Completed) Condition 2: Defeat 100 Runic Monsters Solo (Completed) Condition 3: Kill Wild Boars in One Strike 5000 times (Completed) Condition 4: Consume 10 Runic Pills (Completed) Your Rune Can Now Be Upgraded.

    Angry Laugh · ゲーム
  • (BL) Hunting The Field Guide

    Kellen Woods grew up never knowing a normal world. By the time he could walk, his mother and father had already sealed several serious gates that threatened the safety of his hometown. By the time his sister was born, they were famous worldwide. So the world held their breath for when Kellen and his sister came of age, waiting to see what kind of power they would awaken. His sister was just like his mom, same power, same class, while Kellen, woke up one day to find out what it meant to be special in a family the world watched. But in the worst way. Awakening weaker then your powerful parents wasn’t unheard of, but when your younger sister awakened at the same class as your parent, anyone would feel inferior. And Kellen, never one to ask for hand outs, left the comfort and safety of his hometown to become better than the weak brat everyone thought he was. Kellen went to the front lines, to where the gates normally broke out. From there, Kellen worked hard, and then worked some more until no one could doubt that he was good at his job. He got so good that even with his lower class, people would still hire him to help. But Kellen never took it to heart. He had learned a valuable lesson on the front lines. Classification only meant shit if you walked back out of the gate. Otherwise, shut your mouth and listen to those with more experience. They determined who made it out alive or not. But Kellen was tired now. He had gotten everything out of his system, and the fast paced life on the front lines didn’t suit him anymore. Now, he wanted to go home, buy a house, maybe find a nice man to settle down with, and live a normal life. All the while, the yellow eyes he’d met on the front lines haunted him, no matter how much he tried to forget about them. Especially since the Esper they were attached to refused to let him go.

    CalyB · LGBT+
  • Rise of the Horde

    Xiao Chen was once a great soldier of Huaxia known for his strange, unique but effective tactics and plans during operations. He would always assume command and orchestrate highly-dangerous missions and would lead his unit to success. He was known for being a great commander which made his military rank soar, from being a young lieutenant freshly graduate from the academy to becoming one of the youngest general that Huaxia had ever seen. Sadly though his military career was cut short when he was deeply involved in the older generals politics. He died a tragic death when he was murdered by the men who he trusted so much and considered his brothers. His soul wandered through the river of time and space still seeking vengeance and was soon swallowed up by a swirling light. He soon found himself in the body of a monster or that's what others consider him to be. He had a hulking figure pack with muscles,towering nearly 7ft tall, a pair thick tusks jutting out from his mouth and lupine ears along with the great desire for battle welling up inside him. He begins his new journey as a green hulking monster or an orc as what his kind was called, a monster born for war and lived for war.

    Draejon · 軍事
  • Da Xuan Martial Saint

    A thousand-year dynasty would inevitably face decay, and a hundred-year noble family would eventually return to dust. What in this world could last forever? Was it an Immortal Body, tempered a thousand times, or the Martial Arts will, in Heart Unity with heaven and earth? Chen Mu came to this world, his sword in hand, and when he turned back at dusk, countless heroes and millennium-old Demons had all turned to dust, leaving only one person on the road paved with yellow sand.

    Night Wind Listener · 東方
  • Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

    In the age of interstellar exploration, three hundred years ago, Mage explorers from the yellow river planet took their first step towards outer space. It was a joyous event for every mage on that planet, yet unfortunately, space is dominated by other races. The Peak level Mage from the Yellow River Planet was the weakest power in existence among other outer space races. It's a cruel reality for everyone. From then on, every mage from the Yellow River Planet began to increase their power level by consuming outer space resources. Then they constantly researched, upgraded the power level system and tried to pave the way for the next generation of space explorers. Now, our MC Vincent Carey's ambition is to be the next generation of space explorers. How is he going to increase his strength and compete among other races to get resources? How is the unknown little yellow river planet going to be known and feared by others? --- To find out further, read my new novel and support it with the power stones. Current Plan- 7Chaps/ Week. Target- 200 PS/ Week - 14Chaps/Week --- Support me via: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AravindS9356 https://www.paypal.me/AravindS9356 --- Disclaimer: Fantasy and Fictional Story. Society is similar to Modern-day Earth.

    Aravind_S · ファンタジー
  • Joy of Life

    A family inclined to kindness and charity would grace the descendants. Thanks to one small act of kindness, by providence she comes across a grateful friend; Fortunate that her mother, has done an unperceived good deed…. Men should rescue the distressed and aid the poor… Who would have guessed that kindness in this world ultimately would be the road that one must choose, that proverbial fork in the road? Clouds of rain float on eastern winds as new vines start to blossom. Though drums of war roar too loudly and their brilliance has been lost, a green grass carpet greets the sun by the break of morning. Let us wait for the yellow leaves, a few gourds are harvested.

    Mao Ni · 歴史
  • I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

    All I ever wanted was for famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Arsène Lupin to appear in my dreams and share their wisdom. But instead, why am I hearing the voices of notorious serial killers in my head, guiding me to solve a string of mysterious cases?

    TK_Selwyn · ファンタジー
  • I Became Invincible By Offering Up Sacrifices To My Sect's Grandmaster

    Zhou Dao transmigrated to a world where demons rampaged and Daoist laws ruled. His sect was in straitened circumstances, and their property was on the brink of being demolished. Desperate, Zhou Dao had his eyes fixed on the coffin of the sect’s Grandmaster and decided to do something with it. A voice rang, “D*mn! You are actually plotting to steal my skull. With your attitude, Sunset Mountain has a chance of reaching its heyday again!” On that very night, the corpse of the Grandmaster moved! Moving forward, Zhou Dao would receive rewards whenever he offered up demonic beasts as sacrifices to the Grandmaster. He offered up a 1000-year zombie as a sacrifice and received the Indestructible Body of Demon Refining. He offered up a nine-tailed demon fox as a sacrifice and received a Fox Girl Puppet. He offered up a demon turtle from the Eastern Sea as a sacrifice and received a high-power muscle massage gun. … For eons, countless Daoist members meditated on The Yellow Court Classic. For years to come, Zhou Dao harvested countless demonic beasts with no intention of burying them. Many years later, in the same Daoist temple, Zhou Dao sat at the front door as he bore witness to the joy and the sorrow of all creations. He had seen birth, illness, death, and all sorts of bizarre phenomena. He put on a crooked grin as he said, “I offer up the heavens and the earth as a sacrifice.”

    Xia Junji · 東方
  • My Pet Beast is really not an Evil God

    Gary Smith arrived in a peculiar world of beastmasters, where an ancient taboo was reborn from the depth of time, and an evil god was lurking. In this world, birds and beasts, rivers and mountains, even elements could spawn spiritual power and turn into pet beasts. Among them, the powerful ones became ecological niches by themselves, radiating secret realm ecosystems such as the Yellow Spring, Skeleton Kingdom, Succubus Nest, and Kingdom of the Sky Tree, nurturing countless followers. The beastmasters make contracts with the pet beasts, nurture them, and control the spiritual power. After witnessing the "Taboo Sun" event, Gary Smith obtained the ability to extract materials from everything in the world and compile "Secret Food". Through the Evolutionary Secret Food, the combination of "The Shattered Dusk World" + "Ancient Dragon’s Dead Egg" results in the Feast of the End. When the pet beast consumes it, it evolves into the Dusk Dragon God. The Dusk Domain erodes the world, turning into the God at the end of time. The Skill Secret Food allows the pet beasts to plunder skills from everything, becoming omniscient and omnipotent. The Sacrificial Secret Food snatches the taboo time, sacrifices the ancient beings, and blasphemes against the gods. His style of beast control also started to become peculiar. There is the Spider Shadow that devours ancient dragons and weaves dreams of all lives with its threads, the Red Master that pollutes the multiverse, and the Devourer of the Realms, who consumes worlds... In response to this, he explained, "My pet beasts are just a bit peculiar. They really are not evil gods!"

    Morning dusk crow · 東方
  • Emperor's Reckoning

    Heaven, hell, and the world themselves have forgotten a prominent figure that once stood at the pinnacle. Alas, the said figure himself forgot who he was. Lyon is a young man who lived a leisurely life on earth. Not much was said except that he enjoyed such a life. However, one fateful night sent him to the world where killing is not a sin, alchemy is a thing, and magic cultivation is not imaginary. Immediately after being sent to this world. He is met with a beautiful woman who rumbled the earth and cracked the very firmament under the mortals' eyes. Selena is her name. She claimed to be his wife, the first one of three. However, their meetings didn't last long due to circumstances that he has yet understood. With one wedding ring on his finger that contained half of his past power, he sets forth to find Cecile, the woman whom Selena said is a queen in Blue Continent, the other wife that he adored then. But, he lacked focus at times, and combined with his whimsical nature, he often finds himself, in unusual situations. His smirk and lazy demeanor brought nothing but trouble for himself and the others around him. His relentless nature of stealing, his rebellious adolescence year, and the capability to smile by the teeth of a gnawing dragon brought his charm to a height that fairies once forget. Though his perverted nature often gets them to scurry away almost immediately, those that stayed long enough to know him better, know the redeeming qualities of Lyon Torga as a whole. Regardless! His arrival in this world has rotated an old cog of fate that those old monsters and old kings in the ages of the ancients, would have never guessed to be working again.

    Big_Yellow · ファンタジー

    ALL OF HER OBSESSION AND WANT IN ONE MAN. BUT HE IS MORE..... Arielle Hiarton owns a billion-dollar Queendom, manifests a spectacular level of sexuality, and never fails to engage her passions. She is also secretly a Lupine Shifter—who has never shifted once. The bonds are breaking. She's awakening....... Her female counterpart..... He's a Deadly Wolf, clothed in human skin. He has never once entertained thoughts of being totally human. Robed in silver fur, a caricature of innocence. Winter comes. The Winter of Silver Moons...... And they submit. Wholly. Passionately.....Until it borders on his Dark desires...... HER EYES ARE THE SWIRLING OCEAN. HIS, ARE A BRIMMING INFERNO....

    Dean_Sahara · ファンタジー
  • Desolate Era: Hatching a Phoenix at the Beginning

    Suddenly, a huge earthquake occurred all around the globe, throwing everyone into a desolate world. The humans of the new world were primitive. They lived their lives facing all sorts of dangers every day, from hurricanes to attacks from huge beasts. The humans that were brought to this world all received a totem and an egg. Placing the totem on a certain land would turn the place into the person’s new tribe. Everyone could expand their tribes according to their strengths. The eggs contained various beasts that would grow into humans’ most loyal companions. Humans would have to struggle to live in the desolate world with their companions and protect their own lands. Just as Ye Chen was about to hatch his egg, he noticed he could read hidden hints. [Monster Egg: Place a drop of blood to hatch.] [Hidden Hint: Hatching the egg now will reward you with a Rank E Mutated Beast, Spiny Turtle.] [Hidden Hint: Hatching the egg in 1 minute will reward you with a Rank D Mutated Beast, Dangkang.] … [Monster Egg: Place a drop of blood to hatch.] [Hidden Hint: Hatching the egg now will reward you with a Rank E Mutated Beast, Yellow Horse.] [Hidden Hint: Hatching the egg in 30 seconds will reward you with a Rank C Mutated Beast, Tiger Fish.] [Hidden Hint: Hatching the egg in 60 seconds will reward you with a Rank SSSSS Mutated Beast, Immortal Phoenix.] … A few years had passed since then. Ye Chen led a group of Rank SSSSS Mutated Beasts and said confidently, “My success is the result of my hard work!”

    Canopy · ファンタジー

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