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  • Esposo con Beneficios

    "Nora está destrozada un mes antes de su boda cuando descubre la engañosa aventura de su prometido. Mientras maneja esta traición, descubre una profunda trama para impedirle reclamar su legítima herencia. Devastada pero decidida, Nora da un paso audaz para recuperar el control de su vida. Llega Demetri, —El Demonio para aquellos que lo conocen, un hombre formidable apenas conocido para ella, que le ofrece protección y apoyo a cambio de un matrimonio de contrato para satisfacerlo. Como un giro del destino, Nora se casa con Demetri para reclamar su herencia y luchar contra quienes conspiraron contra ella. Pero mientras lucha contra su propia familia y los muchos rivales de Demetri, ¿podrá evitar enamorarse del hombre conocido por aplastar a la gente bajo su talón enguatado? Extracto: El museo ha olvidado que el hombre era intimidante y lo desafió directamente. Más que hablar, Demetri se levantó de su asientos y se acercó a ella deliberadamente. Aunque solo eran unos pocos pasos, el tiempo parecía alargarse para Nora. Cuando casi estaba a distancia de tocar, su mano aterrizó suavemente sobre su rodilla, moviéndola de lado. Su toque se movió con un atisbo de caricia, y se colocó entre sus piernas abiertas. Nora se sentó allí en silencio congelado, sus ojos abiertos como un ciervo atrapado en las luces delanteras. Atrapando su barbilla entre sus dedos, inclinó su cara hacia arriba y habló sin prisa —Tú eres mi esposa —ArGó Demetri. Ella asintió lentamente con su cabeza en afirmación mientras su pulgar trazaba lentamente su labio—. Te he dado tiempo para reunir tus emociones —le dijo él. Otro asentimiento. El nerviosismo de Nora la hizo lamerse los labios, consciente de su intensa mirada fija en ellos. —Tu razón para el matrimonio era asegurar tu herencia y liberarte del dominio de tu madre. —Sí —Nora susurró confundida. Su confusión no era acerca de su declaración, sino acerca de las desconcertantes sensaciones que le recorrían. ¿Qué le estaba pasando? —Es hora de que cumplas tu parte del contrato, ¿sí? —Continuó él. —Sí —susurró Nora sin aliento. ¿Por qué le faltaba el aliento? ¿Había descendido el nivel de oxígeno en la casa? ¿Se estaba adelgazando repentinamente el aire? De repente, su mano dejó su cara, y ella lo vio acercarse más. Fue entonces cuando Nora comprendió lo que estaba sucediendo. Todos esos besos tentadores y emocionantes que había leído en novelas estaban a punto de convertirse posiblemente en su realidad. Pero el beso anticipado no sucedió. En cambio, se detuvo cerca de ella y ordenó —Bésame."

    har_k · 都市
  • Casada con el Hijo del Diablo

    【Volumen 1 - Casada con el hijo del Diablo】 Un príncipe, del que se rumorea que es hijo del Diablo. Él es la definición de Peligro. Él es la Oscuridad misma. Una princesa. Encarcelada en su propia casa, solo para salir una vez que se case. ¿Pero casarse con quién? *** Había una vez, el Diablo se enamoró de una de las muchas esposas del Rey. Una noche fue a su habitación disfrazado de su esposo y hizo el amor con ella. Ella quedó embarazada de su hijo. Al saber esto, el Rey ordenó su ejecución creyendo que su esposa le había sido infiel, pero entonces el Diablo se apareció al Rey ofreciéndole un trato. A cambio de gran poder para su Reino, el Rey permitiría que su esposa engendrara al hijo del Diablo. El Rey, codicioso de poder, acepta el trato y su Reino se convierte en uno de los más poderosos Reinos y el hijo del Diablo, el séptimo Príncipe del Reino. Ser princesa probablemente suena bien. Una vida llena de lujo, vestidos hermosos y zapatos bonitos, pero para Hazel, no hay nada agradable en ser princesa. Nunca puede salir del palacio, nunca puede tener amigos, nunca puede comer o decir o vestir lo que quiera y nunca puede elegir a la persona con la que va a casarse. Pronto se casará con un hombre al que nunca ha conocido, un príncipe del que se rumorea que es el Hijo del Diablo. 【Volumen 2 - El regreso del hijo del Diablo】 **Secuela de Casada con el hijo del Diablo** ¡Ha vuelto! Esta vez más feroz, rápido y fuerte, con una sola cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Príncipe de la Oscuridad, Hijo del Diablo, Lucian ha vuelto, y tiene solo una cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Eso es hasta que se encuentra con ella. Una mujer que lo seduce más allá de la razón, pero que también afirma ser su esposa. Rodeado de oscuros secretos y poderosos enemigos, Lucian debe decidir a quién confiar y a quién destruir. Después de que le rompieran el corazón una vez, Klara juró no volver a enamorarse. Pero cuando su hermano intenta obligarla a un matrimonio y el molesto pero diabólicamente guapo Roshan la rescata, las cosas se complican. ¿Podrá proteger su corazón del hombre cuyo tacto prende fuego a su cuerpo? ¿O se rendirá a su deseo y arriesgará su corazón una vez más? ————————————————————————————————— 【Volumen 3 - El Diablo en sus Sueños】 LA BESTIA ENTRE NOSOTROS Imagina vivir en un mundo lleno de seres ardientes y feroces, escondiéndose en las sombras, vagando en nuestros sueños, arrastrándose bajo nuestra piel. Escuchando a hurtadillas, manipulando nuestras mentes y explorando nuestros cuerpos. Son salvajes, bestias, pero algunos de ellos son compañeros y amigos de la infancia. Algunos son peligrosos, otros aún más peligrosos. Viven entre nosotros. Algunos de nosotros los llamamos Demonios, otros los llaman Djinn. Pero algunos de ellos nunca deberían ser llamados. LA BELLEZA BUSCANDO AMOR Heaven, la nieta del Diablo y princesa de Decresh lo tiene todo en la vida. Padres amorosos, belleza, riqueza y estatus. Pero falta una cosa. Y ese es el amor. Heaven sueña con el tipo de amor que tienen sus padres y ahora que ha llegado a la edad de casarse, debe encontrar a su hombre ideal y al futuro rey de Decresh. Y debe encontrarlo pronto. Hay un hombre. Un misterioso extraño de ojos plateados que sigue apareciendo en sus sueños. ¿Quién es él y qué quiere? A medida que la línea de pretendientes crece, los sueños de Heaven se vuelven más vívidos, lo que la obliga a embarcarse en un viaje para encontrar al hombre de sus sueños. ¿Podría él también ser el hombre de sus sueños? ¿O resultaría ser una pesadilla?

    JasmineJosef · ファンタジー
  • Estoy secretamente casada con un magnate

    —Maridito, no quiero más, me siento fatal... —Amor, sé buena, termina esta medicina. El apuesto hombre abraza a la mujer en sus brazos, consolándola tiernamente mientras le da la medicina. Qiao Mianmian se topa con Mo Yesi, el más distinguido vástago de toda la Ciudad de Yuncheng, y termina pasando la noche con él. Después de que él le ofrece beneficios a cambio de su matrimonio, la recién nombrada Sra. Mo de repente tiene el poder de tener todo lo que alguna vez deseó. —Maridito, hoy le di una bofetada a la Reina del Cine Cheng Feifei, ¿fui demasiado lejos? —Amor, ¿te duele la mano? Déjame frotártela. —Maridito, gasté al máximo tu tarjeta de crédito, ¿estás enojado? —Amor, ¿estás contenta con tu compra? Avísame cuando necesites más. —Maridito, hoy estoy cansada, no quiero moverme... —dijo ella. ```

    Gentle Dance · 都市
  • Reencarnado Como un Zorro Con Sistema

    ``` Reencarnada por error como un zorro, Tang Li Xue consiguió un sistema que podría ayudarla a evolucionar y convertirse en una Deidad como su compensación. En el vasto Mundo Inmortal lleno de poderosos cultivadores, bestias demoníacas y espíritus misteriosos, ¿cómo podría sobrevivir Tang Li Xue siendo un zorro? No había otro camino, Tang Li Xue debía continuar subiendo de nivel, aprender y evolucionar hasta convertirse en una invencible Deidad Zorro que domina por encima de todos. ¡Acompañemos a Tang Li Xue en su viaje para enfrentar todos los peligros en el vasto Mundo Inmortal y volverse más fuerte paso a paso! ```

    godadi · ファンタジー
  • My Solo System

    To make your reading experience MORE FUN, I created a free comic for the novel. Check out the first chapter to read it or join my discord server :D ____________________________________ It's a story about a super hero in his early footsteps, the journey to become one, and the rise to save all human kind. The only mistake Aroon and his brothers made was to say no. They got an offer to submit and they refused. Aroon didn’t know all this would happen next. He and his two other twins wrongly thought that the worst would be to lose some privilege... not losing their lives. Under other circumstances you wouldn’t put him, his brothers, or even any of his family in any regard at all. He was raised knowing how hard it was to survive in this world, especially with such a big family with no father to shoulder many responsibilities for them. However fate had another opinion regarding him. The world is under great turmoil for five years. Dungeons came up out of nowhere and monsters kept killing people. In this brutal and mysterious world, systems started to appear. They were only given to twins, and humanity started to strike back and defend their homeland. Join the adventures of Aroon, who lost his two twin brothers before, lost his systems and was left as someone without anything at all... The loser Fallen as he was always called. In a sudden twist of fate he got himself a system, the only and unique Solo System that no one else had. He can fight on his own without the help of anyone and also can level up; something wasn't available to anyone before. _______________________________ Discord server link: https://bit.ly/ranmaro _______________________________ Release schedule: one up to two chapters per day. _______________________________ The cover photo is from the comic XD

    ranmaro · ファンタジー
  • Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

    Humanity was finally recovering from the wave of an unknown Mana Apocalypse that had turned the world upside down. A world where Science had married Magic. Advanced technology had mixed with magic spells. Monsters took over the world and remarked earth's cities and countries as their kingdom. Half of humanity took the path of magic to survive, and half of humanity took the help of their advanced technology to survive. But what if humanity turns against humanity? The world split into two groups- The Science Users and The Mana Users Hitori, who happens to be in the Mana Users group hates magic and spells. Saibai Hitori's passion, pleasure, and happiness lie in gaming. He unlocks the solo Cultivation System and the ability to cultivate in and outside the most popular game. [The Emperor of the Apocalypse] is currently the best VRMMORGP open-world, kingdom-building survival game in the world. In this apocalyptic world, players try to clear dungeons marked on the map to mark that as their territory and eventually become the one and only Emperor of the Apocalypse. In times of destruction, trusting someone will only destroy you. Players and guilds started attacking each other in the game. Guild Vs. Guild, Player Vs. Player, Player Vs. Environment, Realm vs. Realm. Everything is on, everything is going down. Hitori's goal is to unravel the secret behind his parents' death and become the Emperor of the Apocalypse. In a world where humans evolve and survive, only I cultivate and conquer. ... .... Whenever you start reading a book, it becomes your responsibility to finish reading the book. But, the book is equally responsible to hold our attention. So, at any point, if you think that the book is unable to hold your attention anymore, drop it. Seriously, drop it. Maybe come back later to read the book. Probably the time is not good to read the novel. Or maybe your mind frame does not want to or is unable to absorb the book's content. Whatever the reason may be, drop the book. At some point in your life, you may come back to read the book, but for now, stop reading this book. --Author, AJPaturde, 1st March 2022. Thanks to my readers and my writing skills we have won WPC #264. This novel has acquired the third position in the contest, thanks. WPC #264- https://activity.webnovel.com/noah/202203019?nestedTab=tab2&tabIndex=1

    AJPaturde · ゲーム
  • Solo Player Arvin

    Arvin was a genius back on earth. With eidetic memory, he was able to enter college at the age of 15 and could have become one the greatest genius on earth after graduating college… Although he was a genius, he lived a very tough life. With no money and no parents, he faced many life's challenges alone… But one faithful day he gets chosen to be a player in a game orchestrated by the Gods… He gets transported to another world where there is danger in every step… But as a ray of hope, a God extends his hand towards Arvin to save him… That God promises him power in this treacherous world and returns he only wants one thing…. BEAT THE GAME before ANYONE ELSE CAN Gifted by the Mischief system Arvin starts his journey… Come and join Arvin’s adventure in this treacherous world. Join him as he uncovers the deep and dark conspiracy around him… Join him in a journey where he becomes the most fearful existence in the whole game…. ..................................................................................................................... Warninngs... 1>This novel will have an overpowered MC. 2>This novel may have some grammatical mistakes. Because English is not my mother tongue. 3>Everything that happens in this book happens for a reason. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. If you think that a character is being naive or is insanely overpowered, then it is there for a reason. 4>It will contain gore and bad words... ............................................................................................................... 1 Chapter daily... Will do mass release when readers will hit certain power stone goals... ....................................................................................................................... If someone wants to chat with me about the novel then join my discord... https://discord.gg/QbjkADmhh2 ...................................................................................................................... If anyone wants to donate to me personally then feel free to use the link below https://paypal.me/Aladin666817 ............................................................................................................................. If anyone likes my work and wanted to support me then they could start by becoming my Patreon... https://www.patreon.com/Aladin786

    Aladin666 · ファンタジー
  • Moxie Solo

    Year (December 2019) A dead experiment that turned alive “Before your father come back home, get lost…” her step-mother pushed her out of the house. Wu Jin Lan ran from her hospital bed. She was feeling lonely. “Mother, I am better now,” she pleaded so that her mother could let her enter in the house where she used to play all day long with her biological mother. But after her death, Wu Jin Lan suddenly fell sick and the doctors told that her heart and organs were losing their routine and she might become a permanent hospital visitor and this proved true. “Get lost and never come back, you are simply a trash and your father is simply wasting his money on his trash daughter, you are also snatching the money that my child deserve,” she scorned and spat out. Wu Jin Lan was broken to hear this, she walked back with heavy steps, her hospital long shirt swaying on her lean and thin figure. [If you guys are interested to read further, you are welcome, a small reminder, if you are looking sci-fi romance, I suggest this story is not your cup of tea, Join female lead on her journey with me your author here.] Author _Sha

    _Sha · SF

    Fast-paced and sizzling with a forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, My Fault is the first book in Mercedes Ron’s Culpable trilogy. This suspenseful YA series untangles the threads of love, trauma, and secrets, perfect for fans of Ugly Love and After. Noah and Nick’s relationship started with the most passionate of fires, but after Noah’s mistake, it might have all just gone up in smoke. Nick can’t forgive her. Can’t trust her. Can’t be with her—but he also can’t stay away from her, no matter how he tries. And their inevitable crash back together will ignite the wildest flames yet. But Nick and Noah’s red-hot collision course is marked with a new and dangerous set of challenges, and the stakes aren’t just broken hearts—they’re life and death. The two will have to decide once and for all if they are truly made for each other, or if burning everything to the ground is their only chance at a future. Love might not be enough to save them, and sometimes even | forgiveness can’t fix what’s been broken. As the translator of the Culpable trilogy series Culpa Mia,Culpa Tuya,Culpa Nuestra ; by Mercedes Ronn, it is important to address the readers with a respectful permission and advice. Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that the story belongs to the author and all rights are reserved to her. As the translator, I've been granted permission to translate the story into English for a wider audience. Secondly, it is important to advise the readers to approach the story with an open mind and respect for the cultural and societal norms presented within it. The story is set in Spain and deals with themes such as love, family, and societal expectations. Some readers may not be familiar with these themes or may have different perspectives on them, but it is important to approach the story with an open and respectful attitude. Lastly, any criticism or feedback should be constructive and respectful towards the author and the translator. Personal attacks or derogatory comments will not be tolerated and will be addressed accordingly. The goal is to share the story with a wider audience and promote cultural understanding and appreciation.

  • Imagina Online

    * Contains Voting/Polls for readers to participate in the story's direction or upcoming character developments~ * Opened up Creator's Portal in Chapter 1, for readers who want to submit their own characters to be featured in the story -------- THE LAUNCH OF THE HIGHLY ANTICIPATED GAME OF THE CENTURY, AS WELL AS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND. THE BIRTH OF THE NEW GAMING ERA. A MIRACULOUS PRODUCT BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE WORLD'S MOST RENOWNED ZOTRE GAMING CORPORATION. ALL PLAYERS, THE TIME HAS COME! THIS IS MAXI DAVIDSON FROM TODAY'S GAMING NEWS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCING... IMAGINA ONLINE IS NOW LIVE!

    SFY · ゲーム
  • Camino hacia la grandeza, solo con fuerza controlare mi destino

    Incapaz de proteger a sus seres queridos, Jin vio como las vidas de su madre, sus hermanas y sus compañeros eran arrebatadas por la cruel realidad del nuevo mundo. Después de 10 años de lucha, él consiguió completar su venganza, cayendo sin vida frente a los cadáveres de los hijos del emperador. "Que es esa voz, porque me es tan familiar" levantando su cuerpo, Jin encontró la sonrisa de su hermana que lo intentaba despertar, había vuelto al pasado, apretando los puños el decidió que no las perdería otra vez.

    iTeshi · SF
  • Una vida injusta con solo 16 años

    DaoistTzzktg · 歴史
  • Solo Player's Friend

    Raydel is transmigrated into the body of a protagonist's friend who is going to die. But he doesn't want anything to do with anyone anymore. All he wants is a peaceful life, so he avoids his own Death Flag and flees to live peacefully outside of the Hunter Society. However, his friend, Han, comes after him and pulls him back into the world of dangerous dungeons and towers. He even says, "I won't let you slip away again." What does this mean?! Even though Han never really care about him before, now he's following him around suspiciously. And if that's not bad enough, being the protagonist's friend turns Raydel into the target of every villain. One of them is the Last Boss who Raydel has no idea why he even wants to mess with him in the first place. Damn it, I just want to live a new life in peace! Translator : Parhelia Editor : Padiwaratda Chitkhot (Dear my moon) Proofreader : remimiiho

    Montag71 · ファンタジー
  • Nuestra historia

    23456789009876 · 若者
  • Nuestra Constelación

    "No bajaré la Luna por ti, tampoco las estrellas, pero si podemos crear nuestra propia constelación".

    Sofia_Altamirano · 都市
  • Stepmom-con

    Roy: “Ah yes… the famous Truck-Kun. This is so cliche.” I died. At least I think I’m dead. I never had sex. This all sucks. Man. Voice (Unidentified): “Sex isn’t all there is to life.” That was a voice I the darkness. I heard a voice. Roy: “It doesn’t matter because I’m dead so I’ll never experience it.” Voice: “Take it from me… Sex isn’t all there is to life and if you think it is and have as much of it as I did you will always want a break from it.” I heard the voice again and begin to question it. Why would I be hearing voices now? I’m supposed to be dead. Roy: “You don’t know my life… but I’m not going to argue with you.” Voice: “You shouldn’t argue with me. You don’t know what it was like living through it all when all you could do is read it on some website.” Roy: “Author? What? Wait… are you serious? Don’t tell me?” Voice: “I’m a floating spirit. The ending wasn’t the ending. The real ending of those stories was very different. You can call me Dong Chen.” ---------------+------------------ Genre ::::::::. annoying protagonist , cheat abilities , Fantasy , graphic , Incest , reincarnation , Revenge , Romance _ _ Who's Dong Chen ? If you guys don't know read previous novel Oh! I switched places with someone and my mom became a Son-con!

    Xuefang1 · ファンタジー

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