
be quiet before you get exiled小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • You Will Only Be Mine

    A normal high school boy with nothing much happening in his life except for...life. Every new day was the same as the one before but he doesn't really care much about it. He thought of himself as a normal high school-going boy with no clear future. Lazy, sarcastic, but kind of intelligent, he was living a normal life. Though fate had different plans for him as he met a girl who he did and did not know. The school princess was the first thing he saw when he woke up in his bed caressing his head. To any other boy in his situation, it would be pure bliss but he was worried. Why? Since she was in his house which he had locked before going to sleep. Little did he know that the girl was more than what she showed and was about to turn his entire life upside down. How will he tackle this situation? No one knows that.

    The_unknown_guy · ファンタジー
  • The Exiled Lady's Rumoured Tyrant.

    Due to a small plate of snacks, Shangguan Rei, the prettiest lady official in Qin Empire's Imperial Palace who was going to marry the youngest brother of the Emperor, exiled by her beloved Empire that she devoted her full royalty to. On that snowy night, as her bare delicate feet stepped on that bone-piercingly cold snow, her last bit of naivety and innocence were stripped away along with her will to live. With the heavy shackles on her feet, she was the only one who knows that she was falsely accused but does it even matter now? However, just as Shangguan Rei was about to give up on her desire to live, she met him, that man, that godlike man from another dimension, who she wasn't supposed to have a chance to meet in her life. And the red thread of fate has another plan for her... *The story background of this story is purely an alternative reality/history and has absolutely nothing to do with real history. And the Qin Empire is not the Qin Empire we all know. I merely use the ancient monarchy system of some ancient empire as a reference. **No NSFW, no smut. Don't read if you are looking for NSFW content.

    AI380 · ファンタジー
  • To Get Her

    Terror. One word to describe CEO Sanjun Alcantara who happens to be Ethina Montoya's new boss. Sanjun has been in love with his childhood friend, Siren Sandoval, for so long that instead of just courting her, he planned a wedding proposal. And he put Ethina in charge to finalize his plan. But Siren didn't show up due to an important matter. So to save his face, the proposal meant for the love of his life was made to Ethina. How will they solve the unexpected turn of events? Can he still get her? TO GET HER is now a published book and available in all leading bookstores nationwide! Grab your copy now!

    BadReminisce · 一般的
  • The Reincarnated Obsession Of An Exiled Lycan

    Storm is a nobody without her pretty face, her smart mouth and her oblivious healing gift. But all that changes when the gods, to prevent the annihilation of an entire specie, orchestrates her meeting with an underground mafia lord; a ruthless Lycan, who had been exiled from his pack for killing his father. ***TO NOTE*** Story contains: 1. R18 scenes 2. Violence. 3.Short tales of two other main characters apart from Female Lead(related). 4. Up for WSA!

    nuvvy10 · ファンタジー
  • Be Here For You

    Devan yang seorang gay harus terusir dari keluarga karena itu. Bertahun- tahun memendam jati diri, pria remaja itu malah dikhianati oleh sang kekasih. Ketika remaja itu hampir putus asa karena pengkhianatan yang juga melibatkan anggota keluarga terdekat, secara tiba- tiba ia dipertemukan dengan pria bertatto yang nampak menyeramkan dengan gaya pakaian dan botol alkohol di tangannya. Devan tak pernah menyangka, hidup barunya yang secara penuh ditanggung pria bernama Mike itu akan merubah keseluruhan dirinya. Tampang menyeramkan dengan seringnya Mike bergaul dengan preman jalanan nyatanya tak merubah kepribadian baik pria dewasa itu. Mike bahkan selalu berusaha mengupayakan yang terbaik untuknya hingga memasukkannya ke sekolah elite. Semua peristiwa yang diciptakan oleh Mike pun nyatanya membuat Devan perlahan jatuh hati. Namun Devan berusaha meredamnya karena kesadaran diri dan lagipula Mike pria normal. Dan banyaknya tokoh baru yang seiring berjalannya waktu terus memaksa keduanya untuk jujur pada diri masing- masing.

    Erina_Yufida · LGBT+
  • Seclusion System: Exile to Ascendance

    If you're reading this, chances are you’re drawn to the allure of Eastern-themed stories... tales of ancient clans, mystical arts, and the relentless pursuit of immortality. Now, imagine waking up one day to find yourself reincarnated into the very world you’ve always longed to experience, A world where martial prowess and cultivation define one’s destiny. You’ve been reborn into one of the four major clans, a place of power, prestige, and unimaginable resources. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Or so it seems. But there's a cruel twist to this dream-like fate. Despite being surrounded by unparalleled talent and limitless potential, you discover that you can't cultivate. Not a single trace of spiritual energy will respond to your call. In a world where the strong thrive and the weak perish, you're nothing more than a powerless mortal. Imagine the scorn you’d face... every sneer, every whispered insult, every condescending gaze. As the sole member of your clan who cannot harness the power of the elements, you become the laughingstock, the shame of a family that has produced immortal powerhouses for millennia. Would you still cling to this world, or would you long for the ordinary life you once knew? For Feng Chen, this nightmare was a living reality. Born into the revered Feng Clan, his destiny was supposed to be one of greatness. Yet, for 14 excruciating years, he struggled in vain, unable to cultivate even the smallest amount of spiritual energy. Every day was a reminder of his inadequacy, every encounter a painful lesson in humility. His name, once spoken with pride, became synonymous with failure... a blemish on the illustrious history of his lineage. Finally, the clan could bear it no longer. Stripped of his name, his rights, and his dignity, Feng Chen was cast out, exiled from the only home he had ever known. With nothing left to live for, he wandered into the wilderness, seeking solitude in a desolate cave where he could quietly fade away from the world that had forsaken him. As he lay on the cold stone, his body broken and his spirit shattered, he closed his eyes, ready to embrace the darkness. But just as the last flicker of hope was about to die out, something extraordinary happened… *Ding!* – Activating Seclusion System! ******** Just letting you guys know that its a slow paced story with a system that focuses on making its host train in seclusion… but ofcourse thats not all to it as that would make everything so boring no? So expect many adventures… And yes he will have a harem (sigh… poor lil me) yes the System of the story is unique altho seemingly normal at first, it'll show its true colour in the story.. Also, the MC might feel a bit bratty and spoiled at first but trust my cookin.. Upload schedule? 2 chapters everyday! More if u gibe me money ;-; Drop ur comments and reviews btw… votes too… and coins :) *Points a gun at u* (Special Note - Ik starting chaps may get boring but i hope you'll read all the available chapters before coming to any conclusions. it might seem like any other cultivation novel but im trynna cook smthin different.)

    WanderingShadow1 · 東方
  • System: Be Kind to Get Rich

    Trevor Scott lost everything after being slandered for a crime he didn't commit. He was fired from his job, got dumped by his girlfriend, and ended up in jail. Even in prison, he was bullied severely until he almost died. When he woke up from a coma, he experienced something unbelievable. A chip implanted in his head that invited him into a system that allowed him to change things. He was convinced that he could get the power and wealth to take revenge on those who had wronged him. The more good deeds he does, the richer he becomes. This is the beginning of a mysterious hero who is loved by the whole city. ***

    Putri_Andina_7944 · 都市
  • Before The Dawn

    Apa jadinya jika seorang penyidik kepolisian, mendapat telepon dari pria misterius yang memberitahukan tentang kasus pembunuhan yang sedang berlangsung? Hal seperti itulah yang menimpa Arvin Theodore. Seorang penyidik kepolisian nomor satu di unitnya. Entah membawa tujuan apa, seorang pria misterius memberitahukan secara langsung mengenai kasus pembunuhan yang sedang atau akan terjadi. Di satu sisi memang terlihat menguntungkan, tapi di sisi lainnya justru mengundang banyak tanda tanya. Hingga pada akhirnya, melibatkan Arvin dengan pembunuhan berantai yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang memiliki julukan The Dawn. Pemburuan sebulan tiga mayat pada tanggal-tanggal tertentu, sudah menjadi ciri khas pembunuh yang satu ini. Dia mengeksekusi korban secara brutal. Pun meninggalkan tanda seolah memberi pesan peringatan. Dalam proses penyelidikan yang Arvin dan rekan-rekannya lakukan, justru menggiring mereka pada kelompok bernama Black Alpha. Sebuah kelompok kejahatan bawah tanah yang ternyata memiliki benang merah dengan apa yang terjadi enam belas tahun silam. Tragedi yang coba Arvin lupakan selama ini, justru kembali menghantuinya. --- Author Note: Cerita ini hanya fiksi. Jika terdapat kesamaan nama tokoh, pangkat, latar tempat dan kejadian/kasus. Itu murni atas ketidaksengajaan penulis. Pun penulis tidak memiliki tujuan tertentu atau hubungannya dengan pekerjaan dari instansi terkait.

    Rryuna · ホラー
  • Want You to Be Mine.

    Humairah Az-Zahra, gadis yang masih duduk di bangku SMA. Ia memiliki cita-cita ingin melanjutkan sekolah di Luar Negeri. Keinginan gadis itu bukan untuk menimba ilmu, melainkan mencari jodoh di Negeri orang. Kedua orang tuanya berjanji akan mengikuti kemauan gadis itu dengan syarat, Humairah harus mendapatkan nilai yang bagus saat ujian Nasional. "Janji ya, Bunda. Kalau Humairah dapet nilai bagus, Humairah mau lanjut sekolah ke Luar Negeri.." "Janji, emangnya kamu mau kemana?" "Pastinya Korea Selatan lah, Bunda. Biar bisa ketemu Oppa-Oppa ganteng. Siapa tau Bunda dapat mantu orang sana, ya 'kan?" "Bunda kurbanin juga kamu lama-lama," *** "Jalan pakai mata!" "Yaelah, sant--, maaf pangeran.." Pria yang tanpa sengaja ditabrak oleh Humairah, langsung berjalan menjauhi gadis tersebut. Humairah pastikan mulai saat itu juga, ia akan berusaha mendapatkan hati pria tersebut. Karena pria itu sudah membuat dirinya jatuh cinta untuk pertama kalinya. "Aa ganteng, tunggu Aira.." Akankah Humairah dan pria itu bertemu kembali? Apakah Humairah bisa memiliki pria tersebut? Tunggu kisah selanjutnya.

    AQUELLA_0803 · 都市
  • Mr. Fu, Your Wife Offered You 150 Million to Get Divorced

    "She's not my granddaughter! I only have one granddaughter, and that's Cha!" "If you refuse to marry Fu Sen, I'll reclaim your house. I'll also kick your father out of the company!" Zhou Yun had been missing for ten years. With much difficulty, she finally made it home. She thought her family would adore her, but her grandmother refused to acknowledge her. If it weren't for her sister from another mother refusing to marry Fu Sen based on the contract, Zhou Yun's grandmother wouldn't even have allowed her to step into the house. Everybody knew that the third young master of the wealthy Fu family, Fu Sen, was an arrogant loser who never cared to work a day in his life. He later became crippled too. Naturally, Zhou Cha didn't want to marry someone like that. Now that Zhou Yun had returned, and she happened to be a hillbilly anyway, they believed she was the perfect match for Fu Sen. The Zhou family could also become closer to the Fu family. It was hitting two birds with one stone. Later, Zhou Yun noticed something was amiss. Why was her fiance so different from the rumors? Not only was he not the arrogant type, like what she heard, but he was even a little clingy... Fu Sen also realized something. His hillbilly fiance was the person who once saved her life! Why did she have the medical knowledge to heal the sick? Why was she so rich? *** "Mr. Fu, Madam wants to call off the wedding. She's offering you seven hundred thousand dollars as compensation." "I refuse!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam increased the amount to seven million." "Give her fourteen million. I refuse to call the wedding off!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam... She increased the amount to seventy million..." "Is she trying to compete to see who is richer?" Fu Sen asked aloud.

    Mountain Springs · 都市
  • The Quiet Empress

    “I was selfish and naïve but when I realize it, everything has been too late.” “If I have another chance, I’ll still be selfish but I won’t be naïve anymore.” An introvert girl, Feng Ning, chose to live alone after losing everything. Killed in an accident, she woke up as an infant in the ancient time. Now a princess, how would she fare in a completely different world? … Note: This is a short story. (At least, much shorter than my other stories XD) Story set in fictional world with similar culture to Ancient China. Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Special thanks for Jiyen (webnovel user Cookiejiyen) who had created the beautiful cover *sending hearts* ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - 1 Year of Beginning [complete] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - 2 Years of Restarting [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - Astral Flower [on going] ... Follow me on IG: @sora100518

    Sorahana · 歴史
  • It Can Only Be You

    "First time i was sorry, but this time i am not. Wanna take revenge on me Parth? Go ahead. Try me and believe me you will regret messing with me. You will regret that you met me. I'll be your nightmare Parth Maurya." Parth's fist tightened hard. Her eyes were full of anger and with disappointment. After all the worse things he had done to her, this is the only time she showed her hatred towards him. He very well knows that he deserves it. But, at that moment he realised that he can take anyone's loath but her. Even if she had a misunderstanding about him, he is at fault for starting such a thing. *** "You got all the rights to ask me any of your questions Nora. You got all the rights to order me to do anything for you. I want you to exercise such right of yours idiot. That would make me happy." Parth tenderly spoke. "Why? Why do i have such rights on you?" She asked. "Because i know except you no one was there, no one is here and no one ever will be there." ... "Parth i love you." "I already know that idiot." "Don't you ever think of leaving me alone." "I would rather die my love." *** Nora Steave, a big-time aloof, is a sixteen-year-old girl, an heir of Steve enterprises. In her life, she got what one desires the most and also what one hates the most. She had what those people fancy, but she also had to suffer from something which no one wanted. Parth Maurya, is a nineteen-year-old boy, is known not just for his powerful background but also for his tyrant behaviour. His life either revolved around his studies or business. He never cared about other things because he was left with nothing to love. Until she came into his life. *** Nora came back to her home country with her brother after a half-decade. After all the mishaps she could face in her life, she wanted a peaceful life to move on. However, things didn't go that way from the very first day of her college. Initially, it was all about hatred and bullying, however, one must pay the price of being a dickhead. He had never thought that those words would bite him back this hard. Even if there was no hatred left between them, that girl cared less about his feelings for her. The more he tries to get close to her, the more she expands the meaning of their friendship in her dictionary. After all the push and pull game, Parth understood his assignment. 'Need to strike hard.' #I only like happy stories with lots of dog food and possessiveness. (Not in a toxic way but in cute way). #I don't like stories with revenge, or hatred drama. Neither do I like humiliating stuff much. #The cover page is not mine. #Last but not the least, English is not my first language, so forgive me.

    chiao2 · ファンタジー
  • I Will Get You Back, Young Master! (English)

    For 5 years, Dimas Lawrence fell into a coma. One day he woke up so suddenly that no one expected it. It was a miracle above all the impossibility. However, this miracle actually gave a new wound to others who had been waiting for him. Dimas had woken up from his long sleep. But, he forgot everything. His memory only reached his name, family, and intelligence. All the suffering he went through with someone, he had forgotten for the umpteenth time. Natalie Jhonson, the poor girl who has accompanied Dimas for the past five years with great patience and hope that the man will wake up one day. Finally, her wish came true. Dear a thousand dear, Dimas wakes up from a coma only to forget everything including their love story. Natalie was angry, confused, and sad at being forgotten so easily. Dimas even asked for her identity when he saw Natalie crying for him when he woke up from a coma. Dimas doesn't know anyone. His character is no longer the timid and idiot Dimas. He was like a Young Master from a prestigious family. His cold and indifferent attitude towards people's reactions gave Natalie a strange feeling. The first thing Dimas looks for is his father, Christian Lawrence, who used to throw him on the streets like trash. He didn't remember Natalie, his lover. All he remembers is that bastard dumped him, but as soon as he respects it it's as if Christian hasn't done anything to harm him. "It's so easy for you to forget me. Are you so happy to play this love like something worthless?" - Natalie Jhonson "I've tried to remember many times. But, I still don't know who you are. Who are you to say that I'm your closest person?! I even doubt if you were just dreaming all this time!" - Dimas Lawrence [ Book 2 ] *** You can contact me on: Instagram: lidiacntys10 Discord: LidiaCntys10#7888 My other novels: - The Imperfect Second Male Lead (English) - Dear Angkasa : My Pet Boyfriend (English) - The Mafia Queen : Trapping A Man Who Phobias With Women [ Book 1 ] You can read both books separately. For now, the second book has been uploaded early.

    LidiaCntys10 · 都市
  • You are not in exile, you are clearly traveling!

    【Exile + Farming + Spatial + System + Opening Up + No CP】 Just as she crossed over, she was tragically exiled, but fortunately, she had a spatial dimension at her disposal. Rob the house? Rob the air instead. Chen Xue immediately emptied out the Chen Family Estate, from the floor to the bed curtains, even the garden and lake were not spared. She even moved away the several thousand kilograms of food that her enemies had planted to frame her. When the enemies came to ransack the house. The enemy was dumbfounded, “Where are the things? The several thousand kilograms of supplies I secretly placed?” One of the household servants said, “Sir, apart from rat droppings, there’s nothing in the Chen Family residence.” A colleague remarked, “Sir Chen is so honest, there’s not a grain of food in the house, and even the family sleeps on the floor.” Chen Xue said, “My family is really poor, there’s not even a single grain of rice in the jar, we’re so poor we can’t even afford to cook.” So, everyone knew that there was a Mr. Chen in the capital who was struggling and penniless. Chen Xue’s Father: “Whoever says my family is struggling and penniless, I’ll take issue with them!” Chen Xue’s Mother: “It was our daughter who said it.” Chen Xue’s Father: “Ahem, well then, that’s okay.” Chen Xue said that exile was very difficult, not only enduring the wind, sun, rain, but also lacking sufficient food… The convicts and constables sneered, “Go on, we are the ones exiled, you’re practically on vacation.” Among the exiled group, the Chen family lay in the carriage, drinking tea, eating dried fruits, playing Go, leisurely cultivating vegetables in the spatial dimension, and when craving, exchanging snacks like spicy strips from the system, living quite contentedly.

    Zephyrian · ファンタジー

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