
Review Detail of TheCalm_One in Lost souls: Improving to triumph



I have only read upto ch 14. Thus, these are just some of my suggestions and first time thoughts. 1. The Story is well better than most isekai stories present on this platform(I expect nothing less from a lovecraftian story) 2. The world has not been introduced much yet and I expect it to be above average. 3. The writing quality is below average but there are not many grammatical errors. It is really simple and feels like it is thrown right to your face. I suggest you try to explain some of the scenes more vividly using examples and add more impact using vocabulary( use in moderation ) 4. It's been 14 chapters and yet I have no idea, how the mc's room look like. Try to explain the background more. It will increase your word count. 5. You can also add some philosophical ideas here and there to increase the word count. If you work on some parts, it can turn into a pretty good novel. I can guarantee it and please don't drop it

Lost souls: Improving to triumph






I see, understood. I might have gotten impatient thinking about all the inspirations I got recently.


This is brilliant advice! Are you a writer?


Nah! I just have spend a lot of time reading and have finished many novels like lord of the mysteries, trash of the counts family etc. These types of things come naturally at that point.

JayModii:This is brilliant advice! Are you a writer?

Haha! You should consider writing, I think you'd be great at it!

TheCalm_One:Nah! I just have spend a lot of time reading and have finished many novels like lord of the mysteries, trash of the counts family etc. These types of things come naturally at that point.