
Review Detail of Yorbin in Surviving The Novel



I'm quite torn on this one. First, the good things are that the writing quality is excellent by WN's standards. Then there are a bunch of likeable characters, but the MC isn't of them and the plot is nothing we haven't seen before. I don't really mind clichéd stories as long as the characters are likeable, but the MC leaves a lot to be desired. He has too many negative personality traits and no good ones. He's wimpy, naïve and a crybaby. He knows the plot of the novel, but he doesn't use it. He isn't the brightest tool in the shed, honestly. And these aren't things that you'd consider part of character development, there's no internal struggle with these ones. His internal struggle is about guilt and that's what he has to overcome, but his wimpy, naïve and cry-baby nature is just a part of him. Maybe he'll man up in the future, but if you want to read it now, you will have to put up with that. That might not bother you, but it was frustrating to read, honestly. Anyway, to put a positive spin on all of this, I bring you the cry-counter, that is, how many times the MC has cried throughout all 35 chapters. Chapter 1. Cried 3 times. Cried in the 4th paragraph. He then cries again when his mother calls him. Then he cries later as he's getting isekai'd (that's a new one.) Later, he cried when he was reborn as a baby but I'm not counting that one. Chapter 3. Cried twice. Chapter 4. Cried once. Chapter 7. Cried once when his teacher tells him a story about his mother whom he barely knew. Chapter 10. Cried twice during goodbye with his tutor's last session. Cried in chapter 15 when [SPOILER]. Chapter 20. Cried twice. One in a flashback, but then cried repeatedly over a long period of time in that flashback. Chapter 21. 2 times. The crying from chapter 20 spilt over (pun-intended) to chapter 21. He then cried again once more after that. Chapter 24. 2 times. He cried when he saw the devastation of the town then cried again after [SPOILER]. Chapter 28. 3 times. He cries when someone gets injured. He then cried again with a hug. Then he cries later when he says goodbye to a loved one who was going to be in danger and continues to cry for a while. Chapter 31. Cries once. Pretty big spoiler so no details. Chapter 34. Cried once remembering the events of chapter 31. Chapter 35. Cried twice. Crying of chapter 34 carried over to 35 and then he cried later. He cried a total of 23 times. I don't think I've cried that much in my entire life lol.

Surviving The Novel








Thank you for asking about my main character's tendency to cry in the novel. The reason my character cries frequently is a deliberate choice I made to convey their emotional depth and the challenges they face throughout the story. Crying serves as a visual representation of their internal struggles and the intense emotions they grapple with. Throughout his past life, my main character has experienced several emotionally impactful events that have deeply affected him. Firstly, when he was a child, he tragically lost his little sister, leaving a lasting impact on his emotional well-being. The grief and sadness from this loss have carried into his adult years. Additionally, during his childhood, he endured bullying, which left lasting scars and contributed to his emotional sensitivity and vulnerability. The memories of being targeted and humiliated during his formative years have influenced his emotional responses. Moreover, in his romantic relationships, he experienced the pain of betrayal when his girlfriend cheated on him. This betrayal shattered his trust and confidence in relationships, leading to emotional turmoil and frequent tears. It's important to note that the presence of tears does not diminish the strength of the main character. On the contrary, their willingness to express their emotions openly and confront their pain demonstrates courage and emotional maturity. ( that's what I think ) As for his naivety despite being 24 years old, it can be attributed to a combination of factors. The early loss of his sister disrupted his sense of security and innocence, hindering the development of emotional resilience. The lingering effects of childhood bullying further contributed to his self-doubt and cautious outlook on the world. Additionally, the betrayal he experienced in his relationship made him more susceptible to being overly trusting or naive in subsequent interactions. While my main character faces significant emotional challenges, there is potential for growth and improvement in his journey. Throughout the novel, he will undergo a transformative process that allows him to heal and develop as an individual. I deeply appreciate your engagement and genuine interest in my story. Your feedback and support mean a lot to me. I understand that every reader has different preferences and expectations, and I can't fulfill everyone's preference. Character building and world building are essential elements for establishing a strong foundation in the narrative. They create an immersive experience and help readers form deep connections with the characters and understand the intricacies of the story's setting. This intentional approach sets the stage for future events, conflicts, and resolutions that will unfold as the story progresses. I kindly ask for your understanding as the story gradually unfolds and the pacing picks up. I believe that the intricate world and character dynamics will merge into a captivating and engaging narrative that resonates with you on a deeper level. Once again, thank you for your support and the time you've dedicated to reading my novel. Your engagement is invaluable to me, and I hope the story continues to captivate you as it progresses.


Oh and also I am not mature enough to know what an man in his mid 20s might think... well sorry about that. I hope I will mature fast. ~(>_<。)\ And yea please if you can, don't just leave low stars. It hurts a little, when you feel like the work you are putting so much effort in is not appreciated by others. I can understand if its truly trash, but its not... is it? So please be compassionate, will ya? ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ Happy reading!

Shiroi_kage:Thank you for asking about my main character's tendency to cry in the novel. The reason my character cries frequently is a deliberate choice I made to convey their emotional depth and the challenges they face throughout the story. Crying serves as a visual representation of their internal struggles and the intense emotions they grapple with. Throughout his past life, my main character has experienced several emotionally impactful events that have deeply affected him. Firstly, when he was a child, he tragically lost his little sister, leaving a lasting impact on his emotional well-being. The grief and sadness from this loss have carried into his adult years. Additionally, during his childhood, he endured bullying, which left lasting scars and contributed to his emotional sensitivity and vulnerability. The memories of being targeted and humiliated during his formative years have influenced his emotional responses. Moreover, in his romantic relationships, he experienced the pain of betrayal when his girlfriend cheated on him. This betrayal shattered his trust and confidence in relationships, leading to emotional turmoil and frequent tears. It's important to note that the presence of tears does not diminish the strength of the main character. On the contrary, their willingness to express their emotions openly and confront their pain demonstrates courage and emotional maturity. ( that's what I think ) As for his naivety despite being 24 years old, it can be attributed to a combination of factors. The early loss of his sister disrupted his sense of security and innocence, hindering the development of emotional resilience. The lingering effects of childhood bullying further contributed to his self-doubt and cautious outlook on the world. Additionally, the betrayal he experienced in his relationship made him more susceptible to being overly trusting or naive in subsequent interactions. While my main character faces significant emotional challenges, there is potential for growth and improvement in his journey. Throughout the novel, he will undergo a transformative process that allows him to heal and develop as an individual. I deeply appreciate your engagement and genuine interest in my story. Your feedback and support mean a lot to me. I understand that every reader has different preferences and expectations, and I can't fulfill everyone's preference. Character building and world building are essential elements for establishing a strong foundation in the narrative. They create an immersive experience and help readers form deep connections with the characters and understand the intricacies of the story's setting. This intentional approach sets the stage for future events, conflicts, and resolutions that will unfold as the story progresses. I kindly ask for your understanding as the story gradually unfolds and the pacing picks up. I believe that the intricate world and character dynamics will merge into a captivating and engaging narrative that resonates with you on a deeper level. Once again, thank you for your support and the time you've dedicated to reading my novel. Your engagement is invaluable to me, and I hope the story continues to captivate you as it progresses.

Okay, first of all, I understand you are young. As I read from your profile, you are 18, no? But I don't think you need to worry about that, from what I read, you understand that the MC is immature despite his years. When the time comes and you need to write a mature side to him, you just have to try. Even if it's not coming from experience, there will certainly be a difference in his personality. Second, I never said the novel was trash. I did say some good things about it. This takes me to my last point, you are sacrificing your main character's likeability for the purpose of displaying his struggles, but you're not doing anything to make us like him. Maybe that sounds harsh to you, but it is the truth. I'm an avid reader and I've read through countless character arcs, you're not the first one to make this mistake. Some authors will own up to this and say that this is the story they want to tell, and some readers don't mind an unlikable main character. Perhaps because they can relate to him, but you leave a great portion of people who can't relate to him in the dust. For me, it is particularly hard because I think I've experienced just as much if not more tragedy than your MC and those experiences only served to steel me further. But at the end of the day, I think at this point, this novel deserves the 3 stars which is above the average. Don't worry about your score too much since everyone here knows that Webnovel's rating doesn't mean anything because many authors delete reviews and organize review swapping. People will make their own opinions when they read your novel.

Shiroi_kage:Oh and also I am not mature enough to know what an man in his mid 20s might think... well sorry about that. I hope I will mature fast. ~(>_<。)\ And yea please if you can, don't just leave low stars. It hurts a little, when you feel like the work you are putting so much effort in is not appreciated by others. I can understand if its truly trash, but its not... is it? So please be compassionate, will ya? ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ Happy reading!

"Cry me a River"


thanks for the comment bro...character building sucks when it takes too long especially when it past the 10 chapter I don't hate it it's just overused and not my type and his also an adult reincarnator he should already has his own resolve from the beginning. for now, I will give it a try