The Perks of Returning Back to the Apocalypse
In the year 2023, the world was forever altered by the cataclysmic event known as the "World Collision." Four planets, including Earth, inexplicably merged, causing destruction on an unimaginable scale. Chaos reigned as the boundaries of reality shattered, and enigmatic relics and structures from distant worlds emerged, defying all known laws of physics. Lives were lost in the millions as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions ravaged the planet, leaving behind a perilous new world.
Amidst the devastation, an even more terrifying consequence emerged – mythical creatures from one of the merged planets materialized on Earth. Unleashing terror and destruction, these monstrous beings added to the inhabitants' suffering.
Now centuries later, in the year 2833, Liam, a man plagued by an unhealable and corrosive wound, endured eight centuries of suffering and isolation. His family perished during the initial chaos of the apocalypse, leaving him utterly alone, devoid of love, friendship, and hope. To survive, Liam ekes out a meager existence as a porter, accepting any odd job that offers meager earnings. Each passing day deepens his sense of emptiness.
However, one fateful day, everything changes. During a perilous mercenary mission, Liam meets a violent end, only to awaken in the past, long before the cataclysmic event. Realizing he has been granted a chance to relive his life, Liam becomes determined to seize this second chance with newfound vigor.
No longer content with mere survival, he yearns to transform himself into the strongest, richest, and most debaucherous individual the world has ever seen, enjoying life to its fullest!!!
#LiveStreaming #Gods #Overpowered #Ranker #Dungeons #War #DifferentRaceGirls #Harem #Demons #Monsters #R18
|| Disclaimer: ||
This novel is a work of fiction set in a fictional parallel world to Earth. Any resemblance to any individual, race, person, or religion in the real world is purely coincidental. The characters, events, and settings portrayed in this book are products of the author's imagination and do not represent any real-world entities.
The logic and rules governing this fictional world are entirely different from those of our reality. It is essential to understand that this world exists purely within the realm of imagination and should not be interpreted as having any connection to real-world beliefs or practices.
Readers should be aware that this novel contains elements that may not be suitable for all audiences. These include R18 content, gore, smut, and other mature themes. Discretion is strongly advised for those who may find such material uncomfortable or inappropriate.
The intent of this work is to provide an immersive and captivating storytelling experience, exploring the boundaries of imagination. Enjoy the journey into this fictional world while keeping in mind that it is entirely divorced from any real-world associations.
Shiroi_kage · ファンタジー