
Review Detail of SpiraSpira in A cyborg in the Wasteland



I am, of course, going to rate my own story as 5 stars. If I didn't like it I wouldn't be writing it! But I definitely hope to see some other reviews by other people, feel free to tell me where I've gone wrong. If you hate it, I'd appreciate knowing what parts and if anything changed would change your mind! Thanks!

A cyborg in the Wasteland






Why is this in the male lead section? Did you accidentally pick it or something?


It was intentional. Although they are labeled "male lead" and "female lead" what webnovel really means is that "female lead" are romance stories, which wasn't what I intended to write.

The_EnlightenedOne:Why is this in the male lead section? Did you accidentally pick it or something?

Really? I always thought it just referred to the gender of the protagonist. I have bean reading on Webnovel for over 2 years and it’s Always been just male lead means male protagonist

SpiraSpira:It was intentional. Although they are labeled "male lead" and "female lead" what webnovel really means is that "female lead" are romance stories, which wasn't what I intended to write.

Me too. And I haven't found more than a handful of stories in the female led section that aren't romance stories. Sorry, I wasn't intending to "trick" anyone, just I think more people that would enjoy thid story browse stories in the "male led" section.

The_EnlightenedOne:Really? I always thought it just referred to the gender of the protagonist. I have bean reading on Webnovel for over 2 years and it’s Always been just male lead means male protagonist

Well as long as you have the fact the the protagonist is female in the synopsis or the tags it doesn’t really matter. I just thought I’d say something just to make sure you were aware.

SpiraSpira:Me too. And I haven't found more than a handful of stories in the female led section that aren't romance stories. Sorry, I wasn't intending to "trick" anyone, just I think more people that would enjoy thid story browse stories in the "male led" section.

There was already that tag but I added a note to the end of the synopsis as well.

The_EnlightenedOne:Well as long as you have the fact the the protagonist is female in the synopsis or the tags it doesn’t really matter. I just thought I’d say something just to make sure you were aware.

There’s no note or tag?

SpiraSpira:There was already that tag but I added a note to the end of the synopsis as well.

amazing story not my cup of t3a but it still got me hooked


Something went down with webnovel and now I can't read fanfiction without the app is it affecting you're ability to upload?


I've been told that Webnovel has changed their website and isn't showing more than the first 10 chapters on their website for any of their stories anymore. I cross-post this story on fanfiction dot net though, just search for the same title and you could read it there on the website.

Goldenswiftreader:Something went down with webnovel and now I can't read fanfiction without the app is it affecting you're ability to upload?

thank you heading there now will probably be dropping this website though.

SpiraSpira:I've been told that Webnovel has changed their website and isn't showing more than the first 10 chapters on their website for any of their stories anymore. I cross-post this story on fanfiction dot net though, just search for the same title and you could read it there on the website.

One benefit is that that site preserves the rich text I write the story in (basically just bold and italics that I use to emphasize some words.)

Goldenswiftreader:thank you heading there now will probably be dropping this website though.

I can no longer continue reading on this website due to the administration blocking out access to more than a few chapters to anyone who doesn't read on the app. (Personally I think its to force us to view their advertisements not like i care since i don't block on this site but whatevs the countermeasures are affecting me too.) Keep in mind that I'm reading on a work phone so i can only read on the built in web browser makes things extraordinarily difficult here. Anyways I really hope the one on fanfic is a legit repost and not a aggregator copy cya there.


You might lose a fairly large number of readers over this change which personally, I'd take up with the webnovel developers. If there aren't more complaints they won't be doing anything about it.

America_Yea:I can no longer continue reading on this website due to the administration blocking out access to more than a few chapters to anyone who doesn't read on the app. (Personally I think its to force us to view their advertisements not like i care since i don't block on this site but whatevs the countermeasures are affecting me too.) Keep in mind that I'm reading on a work phone so i can only read on the built in web browser makes things extraordinarily difficult here. Anyways I really hope the one on fanfic is a legit repost and not a aggregator copy cya there.

I've cross published this series on fanfiction dot net and sufficientvelocity dot com

America_Yea:I can no longer continue reading on this website due to the administration blocking out access to more than a few chapters to anyone who doesn't read on the app. (Personally I think its to force us to view their advertisements not like i care since i don't block on this site but whatevs the countermeasures are affecting me too.) Keep in mind that I'm reading on a work phone so i can only read on the built in web browser makes things extraordinarily difficult here. Anyways I really hope the one on fanfic is a legit repost and not a aggregator copy cya there.

Thanks glad to hear it. You might get a bit more traffic there since anyone reading at the library or browser only will have to move on I'm thinking.

SpiraSpira:I've cross published this series on fanfiction dot net and sufficientvelocity dot com

The author has created a great story and has some of the best theories about technology that I have heard every invention mc creates seems some what plausible and described in great detail which was a bit annoying at around chapter 40-50 I think but is some of my favourite parts now. Don’t if author is really smart or I’m dumb but the fact that they have gone into so much detail about some cutting edge topic is amazing