I'd love to see johnny raiden in this some time in the future.
Btw you are entirely correct with that statement. Orbital rocket science is a bit of a hobby. I also meant de orbit earlier not orbial insertion 😆
If the satelite is geostationary in low earth orbit (the best case) is 20 times the speed of sound is a conservative figure for a direct orbital insertion before she hits any atmosphere for there to BE a terminal velocity. Thus the heat issue and heat shield. The math you want for this is a ramping acceleration capping at 1 gravity of acceleration over the distance between a low earth orbit satelite and the carmine line. (Spoiler most low earth orbit satelites burn up when they hit the atmosphere for a reason)
Re entry speeds are usually in excess of 20 times the speed of sound, that's far above terminal velocity. I'm honestly talking about the re entry to the atmosphere needing a shield here. She likely wouldn't need one but that entirely depends on the vibranium mix and anything external to the suit would be vaporized at those heat levels.
Her vibranium suit is fairly likely to simply eat the heat of reentry anyways like 95 percent likely. Tony's suit can technically survive reentry via infinite deltaV from that fancy infinite power source of his and the repulsor tech enabling him to simply slow down enough that re entry isn't an issue. Traditional rockets simply typically don't have the fuel or time to waste with slow active burn re-entry when a heat shield is lighter than all that fuel.
Holy shit a full on railgun. Man's got class in his choices. I'd be trying my best to keep that thing after the war 😆
If anyone is capable of breaking a vibranium skinsuit on earth it's her.
Should be depression here not autism.
I think gwen picked up a version of madam web who's powers she can certainly access. This should include the ability to sacrifice someone to resurrect someone else like say kingpin for miles' uncle or a mook or random villain for this world's peter. Just saying that's technically a spider power set and thus should be on the table 😆.
I believe I wasn't quite clear enough here for this to be constructive for you. There's no cause and effect here to push the fishman pirates to be stronger beyond literal from on high tampering which ruins the immersion of the story quite excessively in a completely different way than a charachter immersion break. this is on the level of a 4th wall break spoiling a later on fight being harder with no room to add a cause and effect such as my example part here. Example; Now if there happened to be a fishman scout in the area that got alerted due to the conflict between the don's pirates and mihawk happening closer to nami's home island because they were slower to get there and said scout caused arlong to call up reinforcements from fishman island makes for a great cause and effect chain Instead we get (you did this so the system is changing things for the harder in the next area) No explanation, nothing to say this might be to get the needed fighting stress so luffy levels up his fighting game. There are simply too many issues here.