
Review Detail of VashuRajput269 in One Piece: Reborn as Enel



Story starts with a man who can see a beggar that nobody can and gives him some money which led him to get transmigrated ( Author tried to do something new for the reason behind transmigration but it could be done a bit better) So the character he gets transmigrated is Enel, as people in today's time is mostly peaceful mc corrects his predecessor mistakes and thinks of letting previous old man become God of Skypiea. Now we have impression that mc is kindhearted with his actions and monologues so far but it changes in next chapter, it was mentioned that four priest were loyal to him and only do things ordered by him but he kills them which is inconsistent with his character, I will not tell how could this has been considered done better as all you can think this by yourself. Oh and author also mentioned in his comments these priest weren't that powerful so they were not of much use, which kill mood for me to continue read. Anyway try yourself first and see it for yourself, thank you.

One Piece: Reborn as Enel






Yeahh but giving a author feedback about his mistakes and suggestions are not a bad thing right if he wants to pursue this as a career or simply improve his writing he needs to know his mistakes and correct it doesn't he

Deadauthor:You talk the talk but what have you written? It is easy for one to tell another to do better then it is to actually do better. Like the dude simply got transmigrated to the one piece world what more can you want? The god is not just uselessly thrown away either but apart of the story same with the Mc past. Sure his actions were odd mybe out of character but atleast give his creativity some credit for a spin at an otherwise redundent cliche instead of writing it off like anyone can do better.

I appreciate the honesty tbh. The intro is a bit strange, but I don't get why some people think it makes the MC seem like a kind man. He is a paranoid man with plenty of issues (he didn't even care about ppl getting tortured by that god either), he only decided to walk up to that beggar after seeing him for around 6 years everywhere he looked, to the point where he thought he was becoming insane. It's also hinted at that the god doesn't really understand what kindness is, but that is to be explained at some point later in the story. The priests were also not loyal to him, they were loyal to the tyrant whose body he had taken over. It doesn't matter that they were acting on the old Enel's orders, they were still deplorable people that killed and enslaved thousands and not the type of company anyone would want to keep around. And the part about them not being strong was likely in response to someone saying they could've been useful as subordinates cuz they had Mantra.


You are right but things could have been written in a better way and you telling they(priest) have done many bad things and because of that they have been killed. If he was neutral he would ignore them, if he was smart he would have manipulated them. Him handing over god job plus commenting how bad his predecessor action were, gives mc that impression of being kind. I know you can say he just doesn't want to do the job of being God and all but you understand the point, right? But also the way you have written feels inconsistent with the character, the things you are telling now were not portrayed clearly when they were written at that part of chapter, so no more explanation here will fix that but editing the chapters will. Just like how you explained here you can write glimpses of mc character so the flow feels better. And good luck 👍

VeganMaster:I appreciate the honesty tbh. The intro is a bit strange, but I don't get why some people think it makes the MC seem like a kind man. He is a paranoid man with plenty of issues (he didn't even care about ppl getting tortured by that god either), he only decided to walk up to that beggar after seeing him for around 6 years everywhere he looked, to the point where he thought he was becoming insane. It's also hinted at that the god doesn't really understand what kindness is, but that is to be explained at some point later in the story. The priests were also not loyal to him, they were loyal to the tyrant whose body he had taken over. It doesn't matter that they were acting on the old Enel's orders, they were still deplorable people that killed and enslaved thousands and not the type of company anyone would want to keep around. And the part about them not being strong was likely in response to someone saying they could've been useful as subordinates cuz they had Mantra.

Hey author Is ant king in mha finished? I read it once while it was still updating and waited for it to finish, then i forgot what happened when it did update so I just wanted to wait till it was finished to reread it. (

VeganMaster:I appreciate the honesty tbh. The intro is a bit strange, but I don't get why some people think it makes the MC seem like a kind man. He is a paranoid man with plenty of issues (he didn't even care about ppl getting tortured by that god either), he only decided to walk up to that beggar after seeing him for around 6 years everywhere he looked, to the point where he thought he was becoming insane. It's also hinted at that the god doesn't really understand what kindness is, but that is to be explained at some point later in the story. The priests were also not loyal to him, they were loyal to the tyrant whose body he had taken over. It doesn't matter that they were acting on the old Enel's orders, they were still deplorable people that killed and enslaved thousands and not the type of company anyone would want to keep around. And the part about them not being strong was likely in response to someone saying they could've been useful as subordinates cuz they had Mantra.

it's finished, you just reminded me that I have an epilogue to write for that :))))

M7TH1C:Hey author Is ant king in mha finished? I read it once while it was still updating and waited for it to finish, then i forgot what happened when it did update so I just wanted to wait till it was finished to reread it. (

You talk the talk but what have you written? It is easy for one to tell another to do better then it is to actually do better. Like the dude simply got transmigrated to the one piece world what more can you want? The god is not just uselessly thrown away either but apart of the story same with the Mc past. Sure his actions were odd mybe out of character but atleast give his creativity some credit for a spin at an otherwise redundent cliche instead of writing it off like anyone can do better.

VashuRajput269:You are right but things could have been written in a better way and you telling they(priest) have done many bad things and because of that they have been killed. If he was neutral he would ignore them, if he was smart he would have manipulated them. Him handing over god job plus commenting how bad his predecessor action were, gives mc that impression of being kind. I know you can say he just doesn't want to do the job of being God and all but you understand the point, right? But also the way you have written feels inconsistent with the character, the things you are telling now were not portrayed clearly when they were written at that part of chapter, so no more explanation here will fix that but editing the chapters will. Just like how you explained here you can write glimpses of mc character so the flow feels better. And good luck 👍