
Review Detail of Queen_Endi in Ten things my best friend does not know about me



I've never read any novels of this genre, so it's all new to me. It is a nice read, the only criticism I have is the lack of good grammar, to improve, you could write chapters in a Google Doc, and check your spelling and grammar. Keep writing, author!

Ten things my best friend does not know about me


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Thanks for the feedback, I understand that there aren't enough details in my story and I'm working on that. You said you believe some of my grammar is not corrected the right way. Can you give me an example of a mistake? I'll fix it.

Dinessu:I want send one of my review here because I didn't want it to see like I was being rude I think that your writing needs work, what I am trying to say is the story is very good, but I believe that some of your grammar are not corrected in the right way, something you use tell inside of being descriptive and also this a video game book. I think the fights should be more description. you can always go on youtube to learn how to write a more descriptive fighting scene. also I think you should explain their world better in a way we all can understand even with people who don't play minecraft. I think you have good potential it only takes 90% of your imagination and 10% of your writing. and you have that 95% already

thank you. my use of grammar is one thing I would like to improve, I was always just an average english learner but I wanted write. thank you. I can't wait for me to improve


I want send one of my review here because I didn't want it to see like I was being rude I think that your writing needs work, what I am trying to say is the story is very good, but I believe that some of your grammar are not corrected in the right way, something you use tell inside of being descriptive and also this a video game book. I think the fights should be more description. you can always go on youtube to learn how to write a more descriptive fighting scene. also I think you should explain their world better in a way we all can understand even with people who don't play minecraft. I think you have good potential it only takes 90% of your imagination and 10% of your writing. and you have that 95% already


it more of grammar structure

Queen_Endi:Thanks for the feedback, I understand that there aren't enough details in my story and I'm working on that. You said you believe some of my grammar is not corrected the right way. Can you give me an example of a mistake? I'll fix it.