
Review Detail of _Avatar0FFury_ in TEENBEAST (Teen Wolf AU)



Yo! This is my first Fan-Fic, I hope you can enjoy my rendition of the Teen-Wolf Universe and it’s characters. I plan to add a few twists where they fit in terms of powers,abilities, charaxters and races as well as mythical origin. Other than that, I’ll stick to a lot of the source material and add my own creations. One of which will play a rather large role! Anyway, feel free to ask any questions or leave your own review. Also, no. This mf is not harem. Sorry lads, we keeping the ho*ny to a minimum this time around and the violence at a MAXIMUM 👺🀬👺👌👌💥💥







may i ask about the pairings ?


who is ml?


If you mean romantically speaking, I don’t want to spoil, I’ve got one person in mind that isn’t even featured much in any other Teen Wolf fanfics I’v seen. But that isn’t set in stone, I’ll make sure it makes sense and flows correctly yk? Not trynna just jam characters together 😅😅 but most of the other stuff remains similar in the beginning, like Scott and Alison and Stiles seeing the inner beauty in Lydia 😄👍

luckky25:may i ask about the pairings ?

My own OC who is mentioned in the synopsis but it’s a shared spotlight here on TEENBEAST as you shall see if you read 😄👌

Lycarus:who is ml?

Wait so what season are you starting on?

_Avatar0FFury_:If you mean romantically speaking, I don’t want to spoil, I’ve got one person in mind that isn’t even featured much in any other Teen Wolf fanfics I’v seen. But that isn’t set in stone, I’ll make sure it makes sense and flows correctly yk? Not trynna just jam characters together 😅😅 but most of the other stuff remains similar in the beginning, like Scott and Alison and Stiles seeing the inner beauty in Lydia 😄👍


EphemeralKaos:Wait so what season are you starting on?



ok I'll allow it with my help this shall be the best teenwolf fic on this site


alucardtfs:ok I'll allow it with my help this shall be the best teenwolf fic on this site

is the protag a male? or female?

_Avatar0FFury_:My own OC who is mentioned in the synopsis but it’s a shared spotlight here on TEENBEAST as you shall see if you read 😄👌

Male 😄👍

MimicReads:is the protag a male? or female?

nice another teen wolf FF, i hope this one doesn't dropped


We don’t drop over here🫡

JikoxChatGpt:nice another teen wolf FF, i hope this one doesn't dropped

Idk why create oc love interest if u have plenty to choose from. Never liked oc as fem lead.

_Avatar0FFury_:My own OC who is mentioned in the synopsis but it’s a shared spotlight here on TEENBEAST as you shall see if you read 😄👌

Where on earth did you read that I was having an oc love interest?

AKARYUU:Idk why create oc love interest if u have plenty to choose from. Never liked oc as fem lead.

Hey, I have a question: is the world explained, or knowledge of OG series is required?


Well. It’s kind of a mixture of both. When I say this I mean, I approach the novel with the idea that readers haven’t watched the show in a while. So I lightly go over some things and very heavily dive into others. But! I had one person say it’s hard to follow the first few chapters as someone who’s never watched so I’d say it would be a hassle to understand at times. If you do end up reading I’ll do my best to answer any questions or misconceptions. If you don’t I wish ya happy reading elsewhere m8 🙏

trudny1:Hey, I have a question: is the world explained, or knowledge of OG series is required?

Wow, that was a fast response, thank you

_Avatar0FFury_:Well. It’s kind of a mixture of both. When I say this I mean, I approach the novel with the idea that readers haven’t watched the show in a while. So I lightly go over some things and very heavily dive into others. But! I had one person say it’s hard to follow the first few chapters as someone who’s never watched so I’d say it would be a hassle to understand at times. If you do end up reading I’ll do my best to answer any questions or misconceptions. If you don’t I wish ya happy reading elsewhere m8 🙏

No problem m8

trudny1:Wow, that was a fast response, thank you

Omg, thank you! I hate harems. To me, it’s always going to be that one soulmate that’s fated to be with you, through thick and thin! ☺