
Review Detail of SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST in Second World



The mc starts of strong, pragmatic and grounded. Then he gets a fairy guide and turns into a weak, scatterbrained moron. I liked the initial 25 or so chapters of the story, but with the complete 180 in personality and competence, it began to just grind on my nerves. It showed in the fights of chapter 28 and 29, then with him going from a hoarder on the avarage skyrim player level in chapter to some moron at chapter 30 who doesn't want to pick up loot because he doesn't use those items... When he's carrying a back full of junk items to sell... And needing his fairy guide to point out the obvious in a ridiculing manner, I dropped It. The way I see it, it's like two people worked on this story, the first 25 chapters or so were by a person who liked to write a competent story but lost interest. And the second by a person who had a total thing for the usual incompetant characters who need minders to tell their left hand from their right, along with tropes and clichés. Its like seeing a high rated Litrpg novel start, only to have some weebo wanting it into some kind of mix wuxia / harem anime hybrid. Perhaps the story was written by copy pasting events from other novels, then having the patchwork rewritten as one thing to make it a whole, without keeping the character and his personality in mind. That's not a bad way to write a new story, after all originality these days is just well stolen concepts applied in uncommon ways, but the loss of sight of the character's original engaging personality causing it to be exchanged for a moron with an overbearing fairy who needs to hold his hand lest he trips over his own feet is not cool. I think I would be much more interested in the story if the MC was more consistent in his character.

Second World






Yeah and even with such a stat that is double of others he still needs to fight a tough battle just to win over rookies


Haven’t started reading, now i really won’t start reading after reading this.


wouldnt say its as bad as you make it, but also that youre not wrong. id say its the player as a one track mind and doesnt want to stand out even though he does. it makes him purposely hold back and forget the items/skills he has at his disposal. the fairy could be a little less snarky and a bit more forth coming. i get shes mad shes pulled from her life and forced to be linked to him. over time shes gets a little better, however she should be more forth coming. i feel like half the time he should talk and ask her for info she either is smart about it and not helpful, or he just expects her not to be and doesnt ask. he stops hoarding things cause he learns to trust that when she does speak up shes actually really useful, a pain but useful. so he trusts her judgement on what to keep, sometimes he just keeps stuff no matter what she says. I honestly hope she warms up to him faster, i get it mischievous fairy and all, and becomes more useful besides a snarky sidekick know it all. be cool if she teaches him a secret spell or aids him with her own skills.


i agree with your comment man... it was far more interesting when MC was still struggling with the zombies and undead back in the "real world/illusory Earth" of the "tutorial" but.... it is unable to compete with other "typical fantasy game world" novels when MC gets transported to such a medieval world setting....


I read 1 chapter was about to continue reading but I guess it's unnecessary to continue since this Rewiew has that many like with means that people agree with it.


do you have any good Novels similar to this, but with competent Mc's? I like the concept but the personality of the Mc or the grammar always scares me away. Thx in advance


Only paid ones. Generally if you look for gamelit or litrpg audiobooks you will find what you're looking for. I say audiobooks because pretty much only the good stuff gets turned into an audiobook as well. Sadly, those books aren't offered on wn, and can be bought on audible or if you got a vpn to hide behind acquired with some searching on audiobookbay.

Jasonenrick:do you have any good Novels similar to this, but with competent Mc's? I like the concept but the personality of the Mc or the grammar always scares me away. Thx in advance

A similar book is Mages are too OP. One of my favorite novels. The MC is intelligent and the story progresses well. If you just want an enjoyable book to read you could go with astral pet store, monarch of time, or my 3 beautiful vampire wives. All good choices that continue to perform every chapter.

Jasonenrick:do you have any good Novels similar to this, but with competent Mc's? I like the concept but the personality of the Mc or the grammar always scares me away. Thx in advance

Fantasy Simulator is great. The translations become bad around 380-400, after that it becomes better again, likely because this novel switched translators between. So besides those 20 or so weirdly translated chapters, the novel is worth it

Jasonenrick:do you have any good Novels similar to this, but with competent Mc's? I like the concept but the personality of the Mc or the grammar always scares me away. Thx in advance

Well, I was about to start reading this until I saw your review. I think I'll take your word for it and not bother waste my time on this novel.


"Ascension of the Immortal Asura" hidden gem 💎 no harem no romance.

Jasonenrick:do you have any good Novels similar to this, but with competent Mc's? I like the concept but the personality of the Mc or the grammar always scares me away. Thx in advance

wanted to screenshot the last few paragraphs and found out that I couldn't...sucks


Thank you for the warning I'm not fond of reading stories filled with anime references or with similar behavior to that japanese media


You’re missing out on a really good story my dude.

Ethereal_Vexage:Thank you for the warning I'm not fond of reading stories filled with anime references or with similar behavior to that japanese media

i was able to

izusky:wanted to screenshot the last few paragraphs and found out that I couldn't...sucks