
Review Detail of Aeternabilis in Rise My Elementals!



Sry, this story has a great premise and is very interesting I have enjoyed it so far however for me romance can make or break a story. His fiancee that killed his brother, ruined his city, tried to kill him etc is scum. She is made out so far to be the first real enemy of the mc. But now it's looking like it's gonna be one of them where she was "forced" to do it or some sht. Maybe to protect the mc from something else. Ending with her getting with the mc, in the end, all is forgiven. I can't stand this tbh... It completely ruins it for me. A female enemy that ends up with the mc. Look's like it will be one of them books... Now a couple of things that are annoying to me as well. She randomly out of nowhere just invites herself in to live with him. He says nothing at all and allows it. Okay, I can ignore this. Then she schemes against the mc getting others to atk him. When he then slapped and spat at her afterwards this made me very excited and looking forward to the future as I thought this will be unique. Something different giving me hope for the book. Now she invites herself onto his fraction by showing the mc a letter that he has to protect her? Then the mc says nothing and lets her join gaining all the benefits and letting his ENEMY on his secret on how he is breaking the rules with a loophole. WTF. This makes absolutely no sense, let's ignore the idiotic thing of letting her in on his secret but I'm sorry she needs protection from the mc? How shtty is this excuse? Isn't she the student rep? She is meant to be stronger than the mc (if he doesn't use his trump card) Plus how will she be in danger at SCHOOL. She will be surrounded by her fans helping her etc... The mc has just lost all of the backbone he had shown earlier, losing all respect I had for him. Every time it's played off with how he will make her "pay" later and how he has all these "plans" for her. I don't give a flying fck what he plans. Were here in the here and now. Great you have plans. That doesn't mean you have to let her completely roll over you all the time until you can eventually in the far future execute them. Plus he has the backing of a power equal to empires what is a tiny family from a kingdom gonna do? Yeah, gl to the author. Not for me

Rise My Elementals!






True (If you have low IQ 😂)

TheAncientOnell:This novel seems complicated and not a fun read based on this comments

I don't know why, but I also can't help but agree with some part of your review HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Such as the part that romance could indeed become one of the reason to destroy a story, and the MC should hate Elizabeth due to the fact that she (might) killed his brother. HOWEVER, their are also some part where you clearly either didn't understand the development of the story or that you skip some part of the story. YOU SEE, if you have read chapter 69, then your opinion should have changed by now due to Princess Tiana's 'Great Revelation' to some misinformation about Leo's investigation to who killed his brother. INDEED, Elizabeth had scheme to attack the MC, and even did something which, if only you carefully read the story, would be nothing but an action of a JEALOUS GIRL, especially with Elizabeth's character, which I may or may not have clearly explained, that she is a bit of a YANDERE type of a girl. (Yandere: A character, usually a girl, who fits the archetype of being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, as well as obsessed with their love interest, sometimes demonstrating this THROUGH VIOLET BEHAVIOR.) 《 Now she invites herself onto his fraction by showing the mc a letter that he has to protect her? Then the mc says nothing and lets her join gaining all the benefits and letting his ENEMY on his secret on how he is breaking the rules with a loophole. WTF. This makes absolutely no sense, let's ignore the idiotic thing of letting her in on his secret but I'm sorry she needs protection from the mc? How shtty is this excuse? Isn't she the student rep? She is meant to be stronger than the mc (if he doesn't use his trump card) Plus how will she be in danger at SCHOOL. She will be surrounded by her fans helping her etc...》 IF, and only IF, you read the story really carefully, then you would have known that LEO was helpless in CHAPTER 52. HE CANNOT disagree, since it's the 'ORDER' of the PATRIACH of the SNOW NOBLE HOUSEHOLD, which is as far as I know, Leo can't even hope to contend with, yet... 《PROOF 1: Leo doesn't really want to bring Elizabeth with him, but she shamelessly showed him a letter from her family. The letter simply state, that he, the dear future husband of Elizabeth, would look after her starting today. Hence, he can only bring her along despite feeling really unwilling.》 AS FOR THE LOOPHOLE PART, it was also clearly explained in CHAPTER 52, 《PROOF 2: One person knowing about his secret is not a problem anyway, especially if this person was just Elizabeth, a person who simply doesn't care about the points. After all, she is the only Heir of the Snow Noble Household, if she needs something, her family would immediately give it to her, if possible.》 AS FOR SHE NEEDS A PROTECTION FROM THE MC PART, protection isn't the right term to use since I didn't even mentioned that (Refer to PROOF 1). The future husband taking care of the future wife is, without a doubt, a reasonable thing to do, and let me remind you, Leo had clearly mentioned in CHAPTER 43, 《PROOF 3:  "Huh?" Leo asked doubtfully. He could agree with the title future king of Crimson Rose Kingdom, but the title future Head of Snow Noble Household... Ha! He wasn't even sure whether he can still keep his life the moment the Snow Noble Household got to know that he was making their sole Heir suffer on his hand. They might even make him live a life worse than death.) This simply meant to say that, HE NEEDS TO KEEP THE ACT IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO DIE! Hence, despite not wanting Elizabeth to be close to his life as possible, he can't do anything because he needs to keep the act and so he let Elizabeth join his faction. AS FOR THE STRONGER THAN THE MC PART, Elizabeth is only stronger than Leo (Read Chapter 97 and onwards) in the part of Magic. Let me remind you, Silver Mage Academy is a school for Magic, which means only the skill in Magic is taken into consideration for choosing a school representative and not the other kinds of skill, which Leo is really goo


AS FOR THE STRONGER THAN THE MC PART, Elizabeth is only stronger than Leo (Read Chapter 97 and onwards) in the part of Magic. Let me remind you, Silver Mage Academy is a school for Magic, which means only the skill in Magic is taken into consideration for choosing a school representative and not the other kinds of skill, which Leo is really good at. Also, he is the school representative for the 1st year student only, that title alone clearly explains already that she is not that powerful yet, since she can only represent the 1st year students. ADMIRERS? Do you really think the theme of this novel is ****-romance drama? This is a FANTASY! Not those sort of novel where a girl has too many admirers in school and the MC should beat them in order to get her. This novel is definitely not a DRAMA, so you should not expect those type of cliché scenes popping up. 《 The mc has just lost all of the backbone he had shown earlier, losing all respect I had for him. Every time it's played off with how he will make her "pay" later and how he has all these "plans" for her. I don't give a flying fck what he plans. Were here in the here and now. Great you have plans. That doesn't mean you have to let her completely roll over you all the time until you can eventually in the far future execute them.》 ROOL OVER THE MC UNTIL THE DAY HE EVENTUALLY EXECUTE HIS PLANS? Elizabeth is nothing now but a mere tool to Leo to supply him POINTS the moment she joined his Mischievous Lion faction. YOU would have known this if you have carefully read CHAPTER 26, 《PROOF 4: "I can't believe that all of you are feeling excited at falling in his trap..." Cassandra whispered to herself as she shook her head, as showing pitty of their really low IQ.》and CHAPTER 83 'Leo's new Points Generator plan', which this Points Generator simply refers to Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Alfred, Anna, Michael, Adrian, Angelo, and Raffy. LASTLY... This is the part that I don't even know where you got, hahahaha! 《 Plus he has the backing of a power equal to empires what is a tiny family from a kingdom gonna do?》 As far as I know, even taking into consideration my stockpile of chapters here, Leo's backer is only Madam Silva and his Master. Till this point, I still haven't added anyone aside from those two. If you are referring to chapter 70, 《"Well, circumstances has changed. Your father has ordered us to start withdrawing. Hence, unfortunately, we can no longer stay and protect Viscount Leo, since a power capable of possible contending against Kingdoms has already started hiding in the dark, protecting him in our place, hehehehe..." Karl said solemnly, before turning to look at Leo. What he meant about 'a power capable of possible contending against Kingdoms' was actually not Sword and Magic, but something much more shocking about Leo.》Then maybe you have only mistaken the Kingdom as Empire. Nevertheless though, I clearly mentioned here that CAPABLE OF POSSIBLE CONTENDING AGAINST KINGDOMS, even repeated it twice, so this backer is clearly not equal in strength to Empires or even Kingdoms as it only mentioned the possibility. And if you're referring to SWORD AND MAGIC, let me remind you that the only backer of Leo in SWORD AND MAGIC is Madam Silva and no one else. AND if you misunderstood chapter 74 'The day of visit from the President of Sword and Magic'. Then I will do the honor of explaining to you that to visit someone doesn't meant you are going to become that person's backer. I'm very very sorry if you have misunderstood a few parts of the story. One fact about me is, I'm not the type of AUTHOR that will just put a bunch of words together in order to form a paragraph or a sentence. Instead, I will analyze and think thoroughly how the story should develop and if what I'm writing in this part is considered as acceptable if I used it. I don't add PLOT ARMORS, and I will always consider the possible PLOT HOLES of my story if I do it this way or that way. I will always an

M_W:I don't know why, but I also can't help but agree with some part of your review HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Such as the part that romance could indeed become one of the reason to destroy a story, and the MC should hate Elizabeth due to the fact that she (might) killed his brother. HOWEVER, their are also some part where you clearly either didn't understand the development of the story or that you skip some part of the story. YOU SEE, if you have read chapter 69, then your opinion should have changed by now due to Princess Tiana's 'Great Revelation' to some misinformation about Leo's investigation to who killed his brother. INDEED, Elizabeth had scheme to attack the MC, and even did something which, if only you carefully read the story, would be nothing but an action of a JEALOUS GIRL, especially with Elizabeth's character, which I may or may not have clearly explained, that she is a bit of a YANDERE type of a girl. (Yandere: A character, usually a girl, who fits the archetype of being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, as well as obsessed with their love interest, sometimes demonstrating this THROUGH VIOLET BEHAVIOR.) 《 Now she invites herself onto his fraction by showing the mc a letter that he has to protect her? Then the mc says nothing and lets her join gaining all the benefits and letting his ENEMY on his secret on how he is breaking the rules with a loophole. WTF. This makes absolutely no sense, let's ignore the idiotic thing of letting her in on his secret but I'm sorry she needs protection from the mc? How shtty is this excuse? Isn't she the student rep? She is meant to be stronger than the mc (if he doesn't use his trump card) Plus how will she be in danger at SCHOOL. She will be surrounded by her fans helping her etc...》 IF, and only IF, you read the story really carefully, then you would have known that LEO was helpless in CHAPTER 52. HE CANNOT disagree, since it's the 'ORDER' of the PATRIACH of the SNOW NOBLE HOUSEHOLD, which is as far as I know, Leo can't even hope to contend with, yet... 《PROOF 1: Leo doesn't really want to bring Elizabeth with him, but she shamelessly showed him a letter from her family. The letter simply state, that he, the dear future husband of Elizabeth, would look after her starting today. Hence, he can only bring her along despite feeling really unwilling.》 AS FOR THE LOOPHOLE PART, it was also clearly explained in CHAPTER 52, 《PROOF 2: One person knowing about his secret is not a problem anyway, especially if this person was just Elizabeth, a person who simply doesn't care about the points. After all, she is the only Heir of the Snow Noble Household, if she needs something, her family would immediately give it to her, if possible.》 AS FOR SHE NEEDS A PROTECTION FROM THE MC PART, protection isn't the right term to use since I didn't even mentioned that (Refer to PROOF 1). The future husband taking care of the future wife is, without a doubt, a reasonable thing to do, and let me remind you, Leo had clearly mentioned in CHAPTER 43, 《PROOF 3:  "Huh?" Leo asked doubtfully. He could agree with the title future king of Crimson Rose Kingdom, but the title future Head of Snow Noble Household... Ha! He wasn't even sure whether he can still keep his life the moment the Snow Noble Household got to know that he was making their sole Heir suffer on his hand. They might even make him live a life worse than death.) This simply meant to say that, HE NEEDS TO KEEP THE ACT IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO DIE! Hence, despite not wanting Elizabeth to be close to his life as possible, he can't do anything because he needs to keep the act and so he let Elizabeth join his faction. AS FOR THE STRONGER THAN THE MC PART, Elizabeth is only stronger than Leo (Read Chapter 97 and onwards) in the part of Magic. Let me remind you, Silver Mage Academy is a school for Magic, which means only the skill in Magic is taken into consideration for choosing a school representative and not the other kinds of skill, which Leo is really goo

I'm very very sorry if you have misunderstood a few parts of the story. One fact about me is, I'm not the type of AUTHOR that will just put a bunch of words together in order to form a paragraph or a sentence. Instead, I will analyze and think thoroughly how the story should develop and if what I'm writing in this part is considered as acceptable if I used it. I don't add PLOT ARMORS, and I will always consider the possible PLOT HOLES of my story if I do it this way or that way. I will always and always read the chapter over and over again to avoid these kind of bad reviews, hehehehe... And if their is indeed a unreasonable or a part that doesn't have an explanation yet, just please keep on reading the story since this story is not yet finished. The story is still developing and slowly being built up towards the ending that I guarantee my readers would love to read. Also, I know that your review is just your own opinion, but that doesn't meant I cannot change your views, right? Hopefully, through this reply you will consider giving another chance to my novel. HAVE A HAPPY READING! ~Author, M_W CANCER

M_W:AS FOR THE STRONGER THAN THE MC PART, Elizabeth is only stronger than Leo (Read Chapter 97 and onwards) in the part of Magic. Let me remind you, Silver Mage Academy is a school for Magic, which means only the skill in Magic is taken into consideration for choosing a school representative and not the other kinds of skill, which Leo is really good at. Also, he is the school representative for the 1st year student only, that title alone clearly explains already that she is not that powerful yet, since she can only represent the 1st year students. ADMIRERS? Do you really think the theme of this novel is ****-romance drama? This is a FANTASY! Not those sort of novel where a girl has too many admirers in school and the MC should beat them in order to get her. This novel is definitely not a DRAMA, so you should not expect those type of cliché scenes popping up. 《 The mc has just lost all of the backbone he had shown earlier, losing all respect I had for him. Every time it's played off with how he will make her "pay" later and how he has all these "plans" for her. I don't give a flying fck what he plans. Were here in the here and now. Great you have plans. That doesn't mean you have to let her completely roll over you all the time until you can eventually in the far future execute them.》 ROOL OVER THE MC UNTIL THE DAY HE EVENTUALLY EXECUTE HIS PLANS? Elizabeth is nothing now but a mere tool to Leo to supply him POINTS the moment she joined his Mischievous Lion faction. YOU would have known this if you have carefully read CHAPTER 26, 《PROOF 4: "I can't believe that all of you are feeling excited at falling in his trap..." Cassandra whispered to herself as she shook her head, as showing pitty of their really low IQ.》and CHAPTER 83 'Leo's new Points Generator plan', which this Points Generator simply refers to Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Alfred, Anna, Michael, Adrian, Angelo, and Raffy. LASTLY... This is the part that I don't even know where you got, hahahaha! 《 Plus he has the backing of a power equal to empires what is a tiny family from a kingdom gonna do?》 As far as I know, even taking into consideration my stockpile of chapters here, Leo's backer is only Madam Silva and his Master. Till this point, I still haven't added anyone aside from those two. If you are referring to chapter 70, 《"Well, circumstances has changed. Your father has ordered us to start withdrawing. Hence, unfortunately, we can no longer stay and protect Viscount Leo, since a power capable of possible contending against Kingdoms has already started hiding in the dark, protecting him in our place, hehehehe..." Karl said solemnly, before turning to look at Leo. What he meant about 'a power capable of possible contending against Kingdoms' was actually not Sword and Magic, but something much more shocking about Leo.》Then maybe you have only mistaken the Kingdom as Empire. Nevertheless though, I clearly mentioned here that CAPABLE OF POSSIBLE CONTENDING AGAINST KINGDOMS, even repeated it twice, so this backer is clearly not equal in strength to Empires or even Kingdoms as it only mentioned the possibility. And if you're referring to SWORD AND MAGIC, let me remind you that the only backer of Leo in SWORD AND MAGIC is Madam Silva and no one else. AND if you misunderstood chapter 74 'The day of visit from the President of Sword and Magic'. Then I will do the honor of explaining to you that to visit someone doesn't meant you are going to become that person's backer. I'm very very sorry if you have misunderstood a few parts of the story. One fact about me is, I'm not the type of AUTHOR that will just put a bunch of words together in order to form a paragraph or a sentence. Instead, I will analyze and think thoroughly how the story should develop and if what I'm writing in this part is considered as acceptable if I used it. I don't add PLOT ARMORS, and I will always consider the possible PLOT HOLES of my story if I do it this way or that way. I will always an

Nice explanation.

M_W:I'm very very sorry if you have misunderstood a few parts of the story. One fact about me is, I'm not the type of AUTHOR that will just put a bunch of words together in order to form a paragraph or a sentence. Instead, I will analyze and think thoroughly how the story should develop and if what I'm writing in this part is considered as acceptable if I used it. I don't add PLOT ARMORS, and I will always consider the possible PLOT HOLES of my story if I do it this way or that way. I will always and always read the chapter over and over again to avoid these kind of bad reviews, hehehehe... And if their is indeed a unreasonable or a part that doesn't have an explanation yet, just please keep on reading the story since this story is not yet finished. The story is still developing and slowly being built up towards the ending that I guarantee my readers would love to read. Also, I know that your review is just your own opinion, but that doesn't meant I cannot change your views, right? Hopefully, through this reply you will consider giving another chance to my novel. HAVE A HAPPY READING! ~Author, M_W CANCER

what is love baby dont hurt me


dont hurt me no more

Coner_priestofoohr:what is love baby dont hurt me

some characters are just not likable


Oh baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me

DaoOfNaps:dont hurt me no more

Nice reply ill read it now

M_W:I'm very very sorry if you have misunderstood a few parts of the story. One fact about me is, I'm not the type of AUTHOR that will just put a bunch of words together in order to form a paragraph or a sentence. Instead, I will analyze and think thoroughly how the story should develop and if what I'm writing in this part is considered as acceptable if I used it. I don't add PLOT ARMORS, and I will always consider the possible PLOT HOLES of my story if I do it this way or that way. I will always and always read the chapter over and over again to avoid these kind of bad reviews, hehehehe... And if their is indeed a unreasonable or a part that doesn't have an explanation yet, just please keep on reading the story since this story is not yet finished. The story is still developing and slowly being built up towards the ending that I guarantee my readers would love to read. Also, I know that your review is just your own opinion, but that doesn't meant I cannot change your views, right? Hopefully, through this reply you will consider giving another chance to my novel. HAVE A HAPPY READING! ~Author, M_W CANCER

This novel seems complicated and not a fun read based on this comments




I was not going to read the book at first but thanks to the author reply I am now going to read this book it looks good



TheAncientOnell:This novel seems complicated and not a fun read based on this comments

Absolutely roasted


same, I almost skipped over it. thankfully I read the comments on reviews in case the author replies.

kwame25:I was not going to read the book at first but thanks to the author reply I am now going to read this book it looks good

The hero is a perverted person without a character like the rest of the trivia novels, I don't care if she was forced or was unconscious or hypnotized as long as she tried to do anything bad to the hero she should be killed without justification, but the hero likes the skirts of young girls is disgusting, this is hypocrisy evident in novels


Wow, psycho alert! So let's say that if you're wife/GF was blackmailed/forced into attacking you whether emotionally or physically, you would retaliate/kill them w/o asking the circumstances beforehand?

Master_Of_gu:The hero is a perverted person without a character like the rest of the trivia novels, I don't care if she was forced or was unconscious or hypnotized as long as she tried to do anything bad to the hero she should be killed without justification, but the hero likes the skirts of young girls is disgusting, this is hypocrisy evident in novels

You are wrong. This is only a summary. As for the original, I will force him, whoever this person is, to confess and know the reasons, so that I know who my enemies and traitors are. As for the person who tried to destroy me, if I act kindly, I will cut off his head. If I hate him, I will torture him before killing him. The traitor is always severely stabbed because it is unexpected.

Jorlat123:Wow, psycho alert! So let's say that if you're wife/GF was blackmailed/forced into attacking you whether emotionally or physically, you would retaliate/kill them w/o asking the circumstances beforehand?

Death to all traitors

Master_Of_gu:You are wrong. This is only a summary. As for the original, I will force him, whoever this person is, to confess and know the reasons, so that I know who my enemies and traitors are. As for the person who tried to destroy me, if I act kindly, I will cut off his head. If I hate him, I will torture him before killing him. The traitor is always severely stabbed because it is unexpected.