Hi, I'm kind of starting out on making fan-fics so read them and give me some suggestions please. “Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee!”
In that case, I'd say that seastone somewhat weakens and eliminates the devil fruit power, while the sea severely weakens and makes devil fruit users sink
Life Return should help with that
Is that really comparable tho? Mr 3 made solid constructs while shadows are made by the absence of light, and animated due to the devil fruit
It might be something like Blank or Concept Magic magic, where he can essentially register attributes, adding them to his repertoire after gaining an understanding of their concepts or their "feel", i.e. water both gives and takes life, it is in a state of constant flow and it can create great preassure, or something so, Creation, Destruction, Preassure and Flow would probably be it's concepts. Lightning would probably have a stronger Destruction, and would have Speed as a concept.
He's somewhat right though, the tales are real, just not done by Lockhaert