i just wanna laugh
really enjoying your work so far! honestly can’t stress it enough, i’m hooked and refreshing like an addict for the next fix(chapter - p.s. when’s the mass release for this book?) secondly - i would love for the entire gang(Jazz, Sam, + Tuck) to start getting martial arts training/instruction and also regular combat experience(YJ + JL training sessions n shit - build some relations with other characters, especially their age). Lastly, i’m not super knowledgeable about the Laterns, so is there a ring you could give Jazz? also it would be dope if she could become some sort of psychic Mutate(?) or maybe learn magic from Zatana or Dr. Fate? Constantine will be around so maybe he sparks her interest.
author definitely SMASHED this ff idea; MC is the middle(?) child of the Fentons - it is best to view this story as an AU of both DP/DC however that does nothing to take away from the amazing world building, characters, and story/plot development. The pacing is smooth and at a comfortable pace, neither fast or slow - and allows for the building of tension and background plots to keep the pressure and overarching story interesting. The MC is obv Hulk - however he also has ghost powers, which we haven’t seen much of yet, however the sheer potential of the MC already has him collapsing reality. There are some plot holes/errors(Jazz being in the same grade/year/classes as her brothers) however i find it doesn’t take anything away from the quality, my opinion. The author is learning and growing with every chapter and story they upload and i’m excited to see where this goes.
i think, at least later on, it should minimum apply to energy techniques as a work-around to his limitations - it’ll make his chakra(energy source) more malleable and flexible, give additional properties; density/concentration, feeding/stuffing his cells with chakra to initiate some form of biological evolution(ie TLM), basically learning to manipulating his energy in any form his opponents can - adaptive energy source(?)
bro needs his “easy big guy, suns getting low…”
I agree with the professional moron, however, the fear ability works really well with his rage - in fact i recommend finding a way to double down and evolve it into a rage, nightmare esc bloodlust ‘force’(Emotional Devouring, Fear Manipulation, Conqueror’s Haki hybrid) that he can manipulate and is especially prominent when he gets emotional and rages. hell, later you can even connect the ability to death(endless) and dream(nightmares/fear - endless). also i’d really like to see an interaction with Didi
nah, she’ll figure it out - the moment his muscular green back is about to crush her dumbass
enjoying your work - thanks for the chapter and i hope you get some rest
are his eyes a hard limit to his ability to replicate and copy? using the flame flame fruit as an example - say he copies the ability with his mirror of earth, meaning he understands the ability and its uses, the limitations and advantages, and the effect consuming the fire fruit has - once the time limit is off, can he use his fire release/any other fire related abilities owned at that time, in replicating the power on his own?
when your planning the bloodlines you want to add to MC - i’d focus on the 5 closely tied to the Otsutsuki - Hyuga, Kaguya(Bones), Uzumaki, Senju, Uchiha. Secondly prioritize traits that will be immensely helpful - Kurama Clan(Real Illusions Kekkei Genkai) and Orochi’s other minion with passive Nature energy absorption for sage mode and further physique enhancement/strengthening.
so ~500thousand(naturo) and ~900-1mil(shippuden)? still kakashi