The writing, like the other novels by this author, is very good. The updates have left a little to be desired, mainly because the story is so good that I anxiously await the updates. The story develops at a pace that is very enjoyable to read. The characters are very cool, I only have one criticism, which is something I noticed in other novels by this author as well, which is about the powers of the other characters, and in the case of this novel the beasts, we have almost no information or any description of most of the beasts of the MC's allies or enemies. The worldbuilding is very good so far, despite the character still being trapped inside the sect. And to conclude, author, don't even think about abandoning this work, I'm anxiously awaiting the updates.
Gostei, é bem diferente das outras obras de domação de feras que eu já vi, e a forma como ele luta usando estratégia por conta de suas limitações, torna tudo mais interessante.
Eu gostei, gostei da construção de mundo e dos personagens principalmente. Principalmente a construção de mundo, é uma coisa simples mas bem feito, nada daquelas coisas extremamente complicadas que nem mesmo entendemos direito o que está acontecendo.