Thank you so much for your feedback :D I changed the synopsis to something more detailed I appreciate your encouragement as well
Take your time with the first chapter, I'm sure you'll figure out how to set it up 😁👍
I think it's a good story with wonderful word building. I like the character's and like someone else mentioned I would focuss on adding more dialogue in chapter one: create a scene where some things are explained in a setting. Other than that I like this story :D keep up the good work
Love how you wrote the whole scene with the lanterns and the symbolism of Hirrow following a fallen star because it reached its destination in his moment of insecurity. I think you have a real talent for writing descriptions :D Good job
So I just saw I can't sent you a private message, what I wanted to say is to advise against publishers who come to you. I think it's best to continue writing the story and to maintain your rights of your work. That's all I wanted to say
Cool, I think you should self-publish when you finish this book, it's super well-written and I love how eloquently you portray the character's point of view on different topics.
OML!!!! What a story :O Dang that's some top notch writing! Is it alright if I message you? And you're amazing at setting up a scene btw I was on the edge of my seat when I read his friend's backstory
Aww his poor friend... I felt really bad for him. You nailed conveying emotions in this chapter.
i just love the way you write, it's calming to read and I can easily picture what's going on thanks to the descriptions. I like how you ended the chapter too
Great idea :D thank you!