

2022-08-05 入りましたGlobal









  • Vlad_6530

    'a fine young man of the new era' yeah only chinese speak like that. This novel is translated isn't it? Please remove all traces of chinese bs before uploading chaps.

    As a fine young man of the new era, with a higher education, Aeg was naturally someone with excellent adaptability and learning ability. One year was more than enough to become familiar with and integrate into this world. Apart from his typical Eastern features that made him slightly stand out, he could already communicate smoothly with the other members of the Night's Watch in daily interactions... Speaking of which, there was something that really bothered him: in this blasted alternate world, the "common tongue" of the continent of Westeros was not the British-accented English he was used to hearing in the TV series, but a language with grammar and letters slightly similar to English, yet unfortunately, with very little correlation.
    Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)
    書籍·文学 · BoredIdler
  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 Vlad_6530

    the rising cases of cheating and divorce suggest otherwise. Anyway Author kun the choice is upto you.

  • Vlad_6530

    Yes. But then again author san you yourself are torn between no harem and yes harem so I would presume you do think a harem can work. You don't have to make it retarded like chinese novels, You can make harem limited like having WW, Zatana, Raven, Barbara Gordon and Supergirl. You need not include Canary as she is better suited for oliver. Besides I think harem with these characters is highly possible. Raven has a bad childhood and daddy issues if you can solve her daddy issues then it will be easy, Barbara was shot by joker thus losing her lower body mobility if mc can heal her I suppose it will work out, Supergirl is like the last one of her race so she must be lonely mc can exploit that, Save giovani and you can get zatana, WW well she hails from greek pantheon I am sure she understands this much better than most. You can read Gotham's Dead end Bar it will give you great insight into how to make the harem seem reasonable. At the end the novel is yours GO WITH YOUR HEART. Atmost you will only loose a few readers no matter what you choose. Though tbh HAREM IS SUPREME. WHY TF WILL SOMEBODY SETTLE FOR LESS WHEN THEY HAVE POWER TO EASILY HAVE MORE. Humans are hypocritical pieces of s***. Why deny your desires when you can fulfill them. All that no harem bs doesn't sit well with me simply coz though many claim to love their partners unconditionally the rising case of cheating and divorce suggests otherwise. Anyway thanks for reading my rant Author san.

  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 CowboyFrog

    Bro so it's gonna be Harem or not?? Dating a few girls and breaking up to be with one is not Harem having all of them at the same time with their consent is harem. So you gonna be taking them all or are you just going with Zatana?

  • Vlad_6530

    Harem would have been better with supergirl, raven, zatana and wonder woman. But well it's your novel your call. Though please remove harem tag it's misleading.

  • Vlad_6530

    Definitely Barbara.

  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 Soul_Eater_0252

    now that you mention it you are being stingy. Cud have given him Essence of Martial Arts + Eye of misfortune.

    [You have obtained the Eyes of Misfortune]
    Lookism :The True King
    アニメ·コミックス · Soul_Eater_0252
  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 Reus_255

    Actually that's pretty much it.

    The fight, if one could call it that, was not so much of a fight as it was a beating, a beating that Harry was on the receiving end of. While Harry was actually quite talented at hand-to-hand combat, Master Wei had decades of experience over him, and from what he knew the man was a former soldier who had participated in the Vietnam war when he was only seventeen years old. Even with all of Harry's prodigal talents, he was simply no match for a man who had looked death in the face and survived overwhelming odds.
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    映画 · Miguelho
  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 Kratos_theLycaon

    You gotta do what you gotta do.

    "Oh! Well that was..... fast" Jacob said sporting a dejected look that was clear for Allison to see as he looked down while packing he's books, he could see Allison had a concerned look when she saw him act like that, "What do you mean fast?" She asked him while looking him directly in the eyes, "Well i was gonna ask you to go with me as friends since we both just got here but...." Jacob again made a disappointed look and looked directly into Allison's eyes as he said "It's fine" Allison looked abit flustered as she hurriedly stated
    TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha
    テレビ · Mr_Fruitless
  • Vlad_6530

    wait was the mc asian in his past life?

    Westerners do not emphasize modesty; the more outstanding one's performance during an interview, the greater the chances of success.
    Hunting in Hollywood
    セレブリティ · INIT
  • Vlad_6530

    the harder they fall.

    'The bigger they are...!'
    Anti-NTR Man: Kokujin No Tenkousei NTR Ru VERSUS
    アニメ·コミックス · Hazy_0832
  • Vlad_6530

    that makes no sense even the closest black hole is around 1500 light years away. You simply can't cover that much distance in 20 lifetimes much less 1.

    On a serious note, My name was Wu Xian. and this was pretty much my 2nd life. In my first life, I was an astronomer. I always felt like Earth was too small, so when the day came when I was reaching the end of my life, I picked the best way to go out... through a black hole.
    The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World
    アニメ·コミックス · itachi1010
  • Vlad_6530

    sussy baka uzumaki.

    "He even got the hair color from you, let alone the appetite," Saya happily smiled, "what shall we name him, Ryuta?"
    Red Nara
    アニメ·コミックス · l_legolas
  • Vlad_6530

    is that even allowed I mean the option for exchanging muggle money for galleons and stuff should be for children with muggle parents. Considering he is half-blood and his mother a witch she should have wizard money.

    We visited Gringotts first, exchanging Muggle money for Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. The goblins were intimidating but efficient. Next, we headed to Madam Malkin's for my school robes. As I stood on a stool, being fitted for my new attire, I couldn't help but wonder about the people I would soon meet. Would I cross paths with Harry, Ron, and Hermione?
    Harry Potter Self-Insert
    書籍·文学 · NeverluckySMILE
  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 Reus_255

    funny how the reality is quite contrary to their imagination.

    The fight, if one could call it that, was not so much of a fight as it was a beating, a beating that Harry was on the receiving end of. While Harry was actually quite talented at hand-to-hand combat, Master Wei had decades of experience over him, and from what he knew the man was a former soldier who had participated in the Vietnam war when he was only seventeen years old. Even with all of Harry's prodigal talents, he was simply no match for a man who had looked death in the face and survived overwhelming odds.
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    映画 · Miguelho
  • Vlad_6530

    author did her dirty.

    Steve paid her £125,000 for complete adaptation rights of the seven books, be it stage, TV, or movies, including the merchandising. Rowling will get 5% of the net profits of any merchandise sold. If Steve is unable to release the first movie within the next 10 years then the rights automatically revert back to Rowling. After that, every 10 years, Steve will have to pay a renewal cost of £125,000 to keep the copyright with him.
    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    映画 · FableWeaver
  • Vlad_6530

    Author you ain't chinese right?

    Petunia snorted, Vernon looked disgruntled, and Dudley looked constipated. When Harry was seven years old, he had found a small Dao that taught a variety of Chinese Martial Arts. It had taken various levels of violence threatened and a demonstration of Harry's magic by levitating several knifes and floating them around the three Dursley's before he was allowed to go. Dudley had wanted to go as well, but ended up quitting because it was too much work. None of them liked the fact that he went there, but could do nothing about it as Harry paid for his time there himself.
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    映画 · Miguelho
  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 scyfly

    true he could turn into an obscurus.

    It was that dream again, one of the many that haunted his sleep. This was nothing new to Harry, while his meditation allowed him to clear his mind and lock his memories away during the day so they wouldn't bother him, there was nothing stopping them from coming out during the night when he fell asleep. It was an unfortunate side effect of sleeping, all mental functions, including any defense he crafted within his mind shut down while sleeping.
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    映画 · Miguelho
  • Vlad_6530
    に返信 Morpheus_45368

    Well considering how he is able to utilise weak telekenisis despite being around 1 yr old and considering the fact that possibly some of his ancestors could have descended from salzar slytherin. I men magic families have a history of inter marriage among themselves.

    The man merely laughed and stalked forward. "Stand aside, you silly girl…stand aside, now…" he hissed. His voice sounded kind of like this one snake that I spoke to that lived in our flowers. Except that snake sounded nice. This man did not sound nice. He sounded cold.
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    映画 · Miguelho
  • Vlad_6530

    also please bring mica and appolonia. Author san excellent work. You have my respect.

    (This chapter includes some lemon scenes, but nothing too intense. If you'd like more steamy moments in future chapters, just leave a comment!)
    Godfather System
    映画 · NewComer714