


A lonely trans girl obsessed with everything to do with yuri. Apparently I decided to start writing. Huh, wasn't expecting that.

2022-08-04 入りましたCanada









  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Wolfbrother444

    I'm currently in the middle of rewriting my earlier chapters right now and this caught something that I missed. Thankyou for the help!

    Peaking over the pillow she just screamed into, she then looked at the small plant.
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Aletrka

    Definitely more comfortable. Other than the inherent danger that Euryale poses, there's also something of an inferiority complex that Val can sometimes get. If she feels like she lacks value, then her entire self image and confidence can deteriorate. After their fight though, even if she understands that Euryale is still overwhelmingly more powerful, there's a degree of comfort knowing she could at least put up a modicum of a fight. Not only that, but with how she and Dahlia fought alongside each other, there's a new and more intense form of connection that they have now formed and that *definitely* makes our vampiress feel more comfortable and secure.

    Ch 208 Taunts and teases
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Aletrka

    Yes! In the end, everyone really is just a big happy found family. With regards to Avery's condition... yeah, they're really not meant to be a fighter. My initial concept of this fight had a greater emphasis on Avery, but by the time I got to actually writing it, I really just wanted to use it as an opportunity to focus on Dahlia and Val's bond. I've considered doing some side chapters in the future which would show the other fights' perspectives though... And finally, when talking about Euryale's soul collection, you have to remember that they all basically are now in their effective afterlife and the outside world has hardly ever threatened them. They might be able to experience things through Euryale's senses, but they never actually experience danger themselves. In this battle though, Dahlia's magic threatened their existence, something that hadn't happened in ages. It's like if you were watching TV and suddenly one of the characters on the screen stabbed you with a knife. I'd be pretty freaked out too.

    Ch 207 After-fight aftercare
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 PhoenixDragon

    Helloooo, I send this reply now as I have officially made a discord. Seeing you say this, I felt like I couldn't agree more and so I got to work on making the discord server its link can be found in the latest chapter's author's note. As for everything else, I feel it's probably to talk in more detail on discord. As I've said before though, thank you so much for your support, as always :D

    Ch 210 A glimpse of what’s to come
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 queersorceress

    The trust in Euryale (at least from Dahlia) was basically solidified from the instant they made contact. As mentioned, communicating in the way Euryale did basically reveals everything about the intent and emotions behind everything they say. Considering Euryale had spoken to Dahlia for literal hours even if kept to fairly simple and basic messages, her positive intentions and lack of any ill will became very very clear to Dahlia. With regards to everyone else's trust though... it's far more tenuous and is heavily reliant on Dahlia having vouched for her. As for the rest of what's to come... yeah, I'm honestly excited and I especcially have plans in the northern territory and duchy coming up that I'm really looking forward to. We're finally onto the final stretch of the Calanthian arc, with the village and the heart being the last of it. I'm glad you're looking forward to what's to come, because I really am as well.

    Ch 209 Soul searching
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Teial

    Thank you!!!!

    Ch 209 Soul searching
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 PhoenixDragon

    Nope, no PSA, this is the first time I mentioned it. It's just a pretty basic gallbladder removal so I'm not making a big deal out of it, but I still wanted to leave an authors note in case recovery was more complicated than expected. Also, glad to hear you like their relationship. It's a little strange in a lot of ways, but I've really enjoyed writing Euryale as well as exploring how she affects and interacts with everyone else.

    Ch 209 Soul searching
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Illumina_Gregory

    Oof, that hits close to home. No offence taken though as I genuinely really appreciate the feedback. I know that I was trying to lay a foundation back in the earlier chapters so I know my own reasoning, but hearing feedback like this makes me want to try and find alternative ways to do it without being quite so educational about it. I think it's my own more analytical nature peeking through, so it's something I definitely need to learn and adapt. Hopefully, when I finally get around to rewrites for the earlier chapters, I can keep this in mind and try to make things feel a bit more fun and natural. Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying so far :D

    Ch 27 A purpose for magic
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 harrigtab

    Something that I definitely go into but maybe not enough later is the magical solutions that can be used. Otherwise, you'd be right. I mean, there's always the opportunity to make a cool blind fighter character or something, but Dahlia's more in a position to circumvent her poor sight rather than needing to adapt. Luckily, our girl has a lot of options available going forward

    "So, with regards to combat practice, this one isn't optional. I can tell it doesn't appeal to you and I'm sorry, but this is something that everyone in the castle needs at least a minimum of experience with. There are too many monster attacks and assassination attempts for me to feel safe leaving you alone unless you can defend yourself. I'll arrange for a trainer that you can trust, so don't worry, ok?"
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Fount_of_Wonder

    *cough* not to mention she technically has royal blood thanks to her mother *cough* Yeah, in terms of lineage, Dahlia is actually absurdly high ranked. However, neither her bloodline nor her mother's heritage are something that can really be tossed around easily so unfortunately she'll just have to hide in obscurity T_T (That's a lie anyway considering she's also the partner of an Archduchess... she really does have a ton of prestige now that I think about it)

    After a much needed rest, what followed was far too much arguing than anyone would have liked. Despite steady support from a select few, Dahlia's integration into the council was a slow, gruelling, and arduous process. Some pompous assholes (as she secretly called them in her head) were so adamant about birthright mattering that they basically refused to even entertain the girl, much less take her seriously. Even the constant badgering of multiple higher ups couldn't get a handful of the generals to respect Dahlia no matter how hard she tried. 
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Fount_of_Wonder

    I won't confirm or deny too much here, but I will say that her mana reserves and her control of mana is absolutely affected by her bloodline. As far as comprehension is concerned with regards to her aspect though.... I'll let that be found out over time.

    Obviously, I'm not an innate caster, so I can only benefit so much from purifying my bloodline but, considering what primordials are, I don't expect it to be inconsequential. Even if whatever this heritage grants me won't be noticeable or beneficial until later on, I want to see if I can get a hint of what I can expect. It might help me plan around it, or inspire new ways to cast but… if I'm being honest, now that I know my bloodline I'm just a little giddy and excited to learn more about it~"
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Teial

    yeahhhh, I didn't realize that it would be a problem until it was too late. I may actually be reducing the privilege chapters back down due to how it messed with what people could read this month. I feel bad for that . Sorry for the delays

    Ch 207 After-fight aftercare
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 The_Ep1c_Mor0n

    ohhhhhh, yes. So right now the most recent chaps are privilege. I increased the number of privilege from 2 to 5 so I imagine the issue now is that you're not eecieving new chapters until the difference is made up. My original intent was to make this change when I released 5 chapters at once but I think the privilege didn't update until the following month. I'm really sorry for that and Imconsiderinf reducing the privilege chapters as well (I only really need them if I was uploading daily in a month tbh, I might just reduce them next month and only bring them back if I'm doing daily uploads in the future... Idk, it's something I need to think about. Thank you for bringing it up though as it's definitely something I need to put more thought into

    Ch 202 A feast for family
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 OhAri

    Glad you're still enjoying! 😊

    Ch 87 When traps trap the trappers
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 The_Ep1c_Mor0n

    At the moment none 😭 I'm very bad at time management and also often impulsively release chapters earlier than I mean to when I actually do write ahead, sooooo, yeah. I release as I write. I will say though that this year I am hoping to slowly stockpile one chapter a week so that later on I can release one chapter a day as a special major release throughout a month

    Ch 202 A feast for family
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Fount_of_Wonder

    Thanks, and I hope that explation helped and you continue to enjoy 😊

    Luckily, these seemed to either be lesser variants or chicks. They may be similar in size to a horse, but they were dwarfed by their adult counterparts. The birds looked like dodo birds, with dull grey feathers that would look pearlescent given the right angle. The strange shimmer to their wings made them difficult to see clearly or to hit accurately and then their natural strength and speed made them terrifying to fight without magic.
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Fount_of_Wonder

    *cough* spoilers *cough* Please try to keep your questions spoiler free for future chapters But to answer the quedtion, no because purification of bloodline is based on the bloodline exclusively, not aspect. However... at the moment it hasn't been made clear yet what attributes *are* related to Dahlia's bloodline, so it'll take time to figure that on it's own.

    Luckily, these seemed to either be lesser variants or chicks. They may be similar in size to a horse, but they were dwarfed by their adult counterparts. The birds looked like dodo birds, with dull grey feathers that would look pearlescent given the right angle. The strange shimmer to their wings made them difficult to see clearly or to hit accurately and then their natural strength and speed made them terrifying to fight without magic.
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 PhoenixDragon

    Hmmm, without spoiling things, I do have plans for Dahlia's eyes as her bloodline purifies, though the specifics haven't been settled on yet. I'm still working things out. I will say though, the increased framerate idea is cool, but not likely to be used. While a purified bloodline will increase generale abilities both in terms of sensory perception and reaction speed, the time dilation aspect wouldn't suit Dahlia's abilities and would be more suited to someone with temporal or mental casting abilities. Something like a weakness sight also isn't something I plan to do at this time, but it is more in line with Dahlia's bloodline and where I might go with things. I won't say more though as I'm still in the planning stage and would also hope that the way Dahlia changes is an exciting surprise to look forward to going forward~Thankyou for your support and interest though! While right now I'm not looking for proofreaders and the like, having cool ideas and feedback like this is still a great way to both get feedback and broaden my own mindset!

    Ch 203 To prove one’s worth
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 PhoenixDragon

    So far, I've accepted 'protection', though I do appreciate the other ideas you've brainstormed. There's a chance that, even if the form's name might not be changed, future named spells associated with it might be able to use some of these descriptors as inspiration. Bulwark is a good one and I can see myself using it in the future

    Ch 188 Kephn’s Protection
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel
  • AngelAsphodel
    に返信 Addrivat

    You have no idea how encouraging this is to hear. Thank you so much!!!

    Ch 27 A purpose for magic
    Lost: To Be Found
    ファンタジー · AngelAsphodel