furries? 🤨
saw this comment coming from a mile away 😂😂
sir have you forgotten you have a novel yourself 😭 please start posting already.... i have been blue balled and i dont even have balls...please start uploading already
goblin slayer would like to know your location.
phew..... thank god he was killed. if the author had made princess believe him i would have issued an assassination on the dark web for the author. grandpa drax save this moron.
author what happened to you? r u alright? or is it just you were high when u wrote this? ltrly i mean like ltrly cant u think of anything more creative?
dude both of them are s*x offenders 💀 shakuni was the main reason behind the stripping of draupadi in the royal court(yes people and her husbands watched as a woman was being stripped. i found everyone except krishna disgusting after this event. krishna was the one who saved her) and ravan ltrly almost r@ped a married woman. both of them are just degenerates...
*internet era