


Death is life, isn't it? Everyone is born only to die.

2022-04-13 入りましたRussia




  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Lifea day ago

    How much time had passed since he had absorbed the heart of the dao and possessed this man.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life2 days ago

    I think first you should have released some fanfiction that would be based on some popular universe, and after it gained an audience, you could release this novel and through that fanfiction gain an audience for your novel, only the personalities of the MCs should be similar or they should have the same sets of thoughts and desires.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life2 days ago

    Hopefully, the MC will destroy that first young master, pulverize his pride and all.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life4 days ago

    This is interesting.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life5 days ago

    Let him rather destroy this body, and create a new incredibly powerful body.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life5 days ago
    に返信 TheCelestialMaster

    Because if you don't care about anything, then your next action is to hang yourself or cut your wrists.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life5 days ago
    に返信 TheCelestialMaster

    It is impossible not to care about anything, everyone cares about something, someone about their own life, someone about their influence and wealth, someone cares about others, and so on.

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life5 days ago

    All I can say is that I hate it when MC has such a start, it only shows his stupidity and inferiority, it took him more than 15 years to realize that his parents treated him like an animal? Did he endure more than 20 years of pain and humiliation only to attack and die? Beautiful and stupid. Does the MC have its own morality? Well, good luck, because with such characteristics he is not a villain, but at best an antihero or neutral, but not a villain. His "friend" would have looked much better as a presenter, it would have remained to make him even more manipulative, sadistic and bloodthirsty. If you say something about the development of the hero, then we both understand that this is bullshit, in the first chapters you have already set a certain framework for the MC, in which he will simply develop as a person + I read your comments, and it only strengthened me in my thoughts, because in one of your comments you gave a characterization of an antihero for MC, because there is such a concept, As morality does not exist for a villain, a great villain does not care about those around him, these are just tools. Another minus is that the MC was reborn at the very bottom of the hierarchy, this is too frequent a place of rebirth, it would be better if he was born the second or third son of a count or marquis (as far as I understand, this is somewhere in the middle of the hierarchy among the nobles), he would be born with a very good talent, after eliminating his brothers and becoming the head of the house, he would make his house powerful, and so on. And why did I write such a commentary? First, remove the villain tag. Secondly, it is better to think over the plot (I know it's difficult, I myself had attempts), think over the balance, goodies for MC, What talents the MC will be born with and so on, but most importantly, think carefully about the personality of the MC, because I don't want to read about another villain with his own morals. I hope this comment helps you, and you won't delete it with red eyes))).

  • Skull_of_Life
    Skull_of_Life6 days ago

    Hooray, it looks like a good Harry Potter fan fiction has finally appeared.