


I'm Scarlett Jane, the 27 year old author of The Girl Who Loved Two Princes.

2022-04-14 入りましたSouth Africa









  • Scarlett_Jane

    This is the kind of book you can lazily flip through on a sunday afternoon. It's not going to change your life, but it will serve for a fun pass time. Writer shows great potential and promise, but I would have liked a little more attention to detail. That's my only critique. Really it's a lovely, light read. Haven't quite finished yet, but I plan to. Ten chapters in. All the best to the writer

    just another roomie MOVED
    都市 · vesnxx
  • Scarlett_Jane

    I am proud to announce that The Girl Who Loved Two Princes has returned to Webnovel. Please search for the title. The cover with the blonde lady on it is the one that will allow you to read. Thanks again for all your support. As always I hope you enjoy both books and review if you do Love SJ writer of the The Girl Who Loved Two Princes series

    The Girl Who Loved Two Princes
    都市 · Scarlett Jane
  • Scarlett_Jane

    I'm sorry I don't find this plausible. What about the detectives that were assigned the case? Were they bribed too? You would have had to stage a crime scene. Show injuries. The black blood would be a red herring for any detective. Respectfully I think I will stop here. I wish you luck in the future

    Ch 8 Arrested
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Okay.. So many things... First off, the doctor who would have done the autopsy would have been a government worker since this was a homicide and there definitely would have been an autopsy. Your GP can only sign a death certificate if you died of natural causes or in a hospital. Secondly, didn't they say there was a body? So he wasn't cremated and you could still do an autopsy now to determine cause of death. Testimony alone from an eye witness in this case is not thorough. It's sloppy and it's not how things are done. Finally, most people don't have a funeral so quickly. How long after he died is this? That's just the obvious things to me. The plot doesn't hold water.

    Ch 8 Arrested
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane

    I come bearing new issues...the reason she has to get married is flimsy. Her grandfather is alive and can at this point easily fix the will so that she has more time to find a husband. Unless what you meant was she is inheriting her belated mother's property or whatever through this marriage. If so, this is unclear. I also don't get why the groom agrees. If he wants someone for his child, he can get a nanny. It's not a good enough reason to marry if he's wealthy himself and has no interest in her inheritance. Just saying. Doesn't add up

    Ch 4 The scheme to get her inheritance
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Here's my big question. If grandpa is so attached to his granddaughter, why did she have to get married by today? Just curious.

    Ch 2 Protective grandfather
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane
    に返信 Hassy_101

    No no, I'm very straight forward. I say what I like and what not. Sometimes people get upset so I just stop there, because it's not my intent to upset anyone. I don't think you did a bad job. Just needs some tweaks. I wouldn't have commented at all if I wasn't interested. If you don't mind, I'll keep going then😅

    Ch 1 The last minute groom change
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane
    に返信 Hassy_101

    Apologies if you found that harsh. Maybe I will just pass. Sorry I wasn't able to review. Wishing you much success 💕

    Ch 1 The last minute groom change
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Your synopsis is super confusing. You have random people talking that don't really give up any necessary information in the first chapter instead of introducing your main characters well and I was just thinking easy on the exclamation marks. Nevertheless, I've yet to read a contract marriage book... So I will give it a shot. Onward

    Ch 1 The last minute groom change
    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom
    都市 · Hassy_101
  • Scarlett_Jane

    As my boyfriend tends to say, where is my chapter? Waiting to see what happens next... I think keep the mystery going for why Kian won't just fire Caitlyn. Keep it from Farrah's pov.

    Ch 18 Nineteen: The Confrontation
    Six Simple Steps
    都市 · CoolLette
  • Scarlett_Jane

    I love the idea behind the book. It's just a bit of a slow burn. I also feel it is not a romance. More fantasy. Sometimes a bit tricky to follow. Like I thought the main plot was supposed to be about the love triangles but now we're getting into spirit users and such. .. Not yet entirely sure what that's about but it seems to be the main focus of the book. If you're a fantasy lover, you're going to enjoy all the effort put into the world building. No real romance yet(at ch 15) I'll keep reading though. All the best to the author

    Who is the Villain?
    ファンタジー · Eternal_bunny
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Loving your work!

    Ch 4 Chapter-4
    Who is the Villain?
    ファンタジー · Eternal_bunny
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Hi Everyone Scarlett Jane here. Author of the The Girl Who Loved Two Princes trilogy. Books 1 and 2 may be leaving Webnovel soon. I apologize for the inconvenience. Rest assured, I aim to bring them both back asap. https://linktr.ee/scarlettjane1102 Check out this link in the meantime to see where else you can read the books in the meantime. Sincerely thanking everyone for your support SJ

    The Girl Who Loved Two Princes
    都市 · Scarlett Jane
  • Scarlett_Jane

    I'm thoroughly enjoying this. Farrah is clearly a spoilt rich girl but you can see her insecurities coming through as well. They have great chemistry, even if they don't necessarily know each other that well. A great blend of drama, sass and romance. Let's get a little critical. There are some grammatical errors, minor technical issues. I'm also left wondering when this woman goes to work. Even if it doesn't play into the story, she works, right? Sooo when is that? Her life seems to revolve around Kian and hoping he isn't cheating/proving herself to him. It seems she's the only one working on their marriage. I don't get her relationship with her mom at all. Apparently she has friends, so why consult the woman who abandoned her instead? Just not quite understanding all this isolation. Okay, yes I know. I'm a critic at heart. I really do enjoy this though. The bickering and teasing gets me every time. I'm mad for the enemies to lovers trope. Would definitely recommend

    Six Simple Steps
    都市 · CoolLette
  • Scarlett_Jane
    に返信 RosyKosy

    Hey Rosy Scarlett Jane here. Writer of the books. Curious as to why you rated them a 2.5. I'm writing a third book in the series and would love to know if something is off

    The Girl Who Loved Two Princes
    都市 · Scarlett Jane
  • Scarlett_Jane
    に返信 Eternal_bunny

    Thanks so much for the kind words

    The Girl Who Loved Two Princes
    都市 · Scarlett Jane
  • Scarlett_Jane
    に返信 Yulia_Schweng

    Update: The second book has officially been released on Webnovel. Hope you love it

    The Girl Who Loved Two Princes
    都市 · Scarlett Jane
  • Scarlett_Jane

    I want to come back to this book when I'm in a better headspace. It's a bit melodramatic I feel, which can be tiring, but it's good writing overall. The kind of book that pulls you in and demands you pay attention. I enjoy books like this. They take you out of your comfort zone in the best way

    現実 · Azure04
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Your typical werewolf story, aside from her not being one that is. I'm a sucker for outcasts though. It looks like it will bean enjoyable read

    The Pack's Weirdo : A Mystery to unveil
    ファンタジー · Mudita Upreti
  • Scarlett_Jane

    Not sure anyone on Webnovel is new to werewolves anymore, but the slow introduction to her abilities is welcomed. Many people are going to enjoy this read immensely

    My Mythical Fate
    ファンタジー · shentiments