I almost have an addiction to reading novels and I'm also very nitpiky about what I read. Dumb MCs are one of the things that irritate me the most.
I'd say this is a good thing. exposing some secrets to trusted people can lower the burden of having to do everything on your own and keep secrets from people around you. in the book, the MC shares different secrets with different people, so the MC can get help and confide in people if there's a problem. I don't like MCs hiding secrets from trusted people for no reason, and just having to lie to everyone all the time
he literally does? it was confirmed in the biography that he succeeded in investments and made a fortune.
nah....these police are ACTUALLY braindead. you think it's more likely that the murderer kills his target, and then passes out on the rain with the weapon in hand(why would he pass out his killed a 6 year old) rather than the option that the killer knocked him out, put that weapon on him, and ran. the most obvious shit to the point that this book makes me wanna slap the shit outta the author. first the scenario on the last chapter where someone sees his self defense gear and instead of explaining that it was because to defend himself, he runs away, actually showing her that he's up to no good, then this shit? wtf
there is literally a very good excuse for having these one him, but of course plot has to happen so author makes a dumb ass scenario that makes no sense. "like I told you, someone was following your sister and me, and I wanted to be prepared in case something actually goes wrong. even if you won't believe me, i still have to protect myself". you make your case, make your story sound even more real, and she thinks you're serious about this and not just a creep
don't think this is the kind of shit you wanna half understand. same thing that led to your life getting ruined on the first future
would it not look like the prime example of insider trading if you stack everything in your life, borrow everything you can, to go against market trends and short a company that everyone sees as a growing stock? and it actually happens and you profit?
yea boi
"controlled" and "suppressed" would be more fitting. it's not peaceful and serene if your 6 year old next door neighbor can get brutally murdered and you can get falsely imprisoned for it for the rest of your life.
it's really a copy of lord of the mysteries and the legendary mechanic mixed together, but not written as good as any of them