

2022-03-04 入りましたIndonesia









  • Daniel_Junius
    に返信 Leo_Wood_1125

    this must be a bot

    Ch 1 1. Meeting God
    Martial Artist in Another World
    アクション · Daniel_Junius
  • Daniel_Junius
    に返信 Uncanny7

    the problem is not about will he won't he, it's about the possibility that he can do it, human by nature will do anything to survive, including killing other humans, i want to make a character that is not based on my idea, i want to be able to relate to the characters, what will they do, so by giving him this power, he will eventually create stuff that will upset the balance

    GOD continued saying "Since I'm gonna send you to another world i will grant you 3 wishes, what will it be?" Kento, who was a tea maniac when he was alive, immediately said "I would like infinite tea leaves please." Dumbfounded, GOD asks "you want to use your 1st wish for.... tea leaves??" Kento, who knows exactly what he wants, answers "yes please." "Your wish is granted" GOD said, suddenly a jar flew down to him "This jar will have every tea leaves you want, just say the name and it will fill itself with the leaves, you have 2 more wishes." Kento, who keeps patting his infinite tea jar like a baby, said "hmm, that is all i could think of right now." GOD who is perplexed and intrigued watching Kento said "since you have infinite tea leaves, let's drink tea here for a while and figure out your next wishes." "That is a good idea, let's drink some chamomile tea so we can have a relaxing conversation." said Kento.
    Martial Artist in Another World
    アクション · Daniel_Junius
  • Daniel_Junius
    に返信 Uncanny7

    guns, nukes, tank, airplane, rocketship, RPG, orbital cannon it will upset the balance of the fantasy world

    GOD continued saying "Since I'm gonna send you to another world i will grant you 3 wishes, what will it be?" Kento, who was a tea maniac when he was alive, immediately said "I would like infinite tea leaves please." Dumbfounded, GOD asks "you want to use your 1st wish for.... tea leaves??" Kento, who knows exactly what he wants, answers "yes please." "Your wish is granted" GOD said, suddenly a jar flew down to him "This jar will have every tea leaves you want, just say the name and it will fill itself with the leaves, you have 2 more wishes." Kento, who keeps patting his infinite tea jar like a baby, said "hmm, that is all i could think of right now." GOD who is perplexed and intrigued watching Kento said "since you have infinite tea leaves, let's drink tea here for a while and figure out your next wishes." "That is a good idea, let's drink some chamomile tea so we can have a relaxing conversation." said Kento.
    Martial Artist in Another World
    アクション · Daniel_Junius
  • Daniel_Junius
    に返信 Uncanny7

    that would also mean he can create anything, and i do mean ANYTHING, he's OP enough as it is

    GOD continued saying "Since I'm gonna send you to another world i will grant you 3 wishes, what will it be?" Kento, who was a tea maniac when he was alive, immediately said "I would like infinite tea leaves please." Dumbfounded, GOD asks "you want to use your 1st wish for.... tea leaves??" Kento, who knows exactly what he wants, answers "yes please." "Your wish is granted" GOD said, suddenly a jar flew down to him "This jar will have every tea leaves you want, just say the name and it will fill itself with the leaves, you have 2 more wishes." Kento, who keeps patting his infinite tea jar like a baby, said "hmm, that is all i could think of right now." GOD who is perplexed and intrigued watching Kento said "since you have infinite tea leaves, let's drink tea here for a while and figure out your next wishes." "That is a good idea, let's drink some chamomile tea so we can have a relaxing conversation." said Kento.
    Martial Artist in Another World
    アクション · Daniel_Junius