


So, basically, my goal is to create awful shit, but I don't plan to write it badly. Basically unethical, immoral, etc. I kinda got bored of writing normal things, so here I am.

2021-09-01 入りましたGlobal









  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 iamapsychopath

    Yes... 'The man with an ax axed.'...

    "That Theo certainly is more distant than Sydney, isn't he?" The man with the ax asked. (I resisted making the worst pun here, praise me.)
    Worthless Reincarnation
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 Xayran_Jantjies

    Hi! Sorry, I am, I have just gotten writer's block and am currently trying to figure out where to go next with the story. Recently, I've been planning a bit, but it will likely be a bit longer before I publish the next chapter. Apologies for the wait!

    Ch 8 Chapter 7: New Experience
    I Am The Beast King
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 Matrixkrock

    Sorry for the late response, been lacking motivation, will try to publish more soon! Now, onto the point of this reply. The cardboard cutout thing was on purpose to give the reader the idea that something is amiss and not quite right, I know I executed it poorly and will try to do better in the future.

    Ch 14 Chapter 13: Lorenstein
    Worthless Reincarnation
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 Sin_of_GREED

    I plan to continue it, I just have a tendency to do work on books, lose motivation, then do more, then repeat...

    Ch 7 Chapter 6: New Relationship
    I Am The Beast King
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 Tyyx

    Ah, no need to worry, the mc finds any woman that he has a relationship with to be his, he won't just give them away. Also, the second part is complex. He's not a slave, but the goddess does see him as a pawn.

    Ch 7 Chapter 6: New Relationship
    I Am The Beast King
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 IMightBeGod


    "Hey, mister." A little girl with long black hair said. Arnott looked down at the girl with a confused expression. After a moment, he noticed she seemed to be hiding something behind her back. "Sorry, but I need you to die." She said as she pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger, letting out a loud bang.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 IMightBeGod

    Fair, In essence, yes. But since he doesn't see the girls as a harem and instead as a resource, a human resource, if you will, he doesn't consider it as such.

    'Not only that, but the way goblins breed is with the women of other races, so having human women would allow me to build forces more easily at a faster pace. Also, if I use appraisal, I should be able to find the most fertile women as well as the women with the best genes for the job.' He continued.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 IMightBeGod


    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Why A Different World!?
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 IMightBeGod

    Well, his goal to begin with wasn't a harem, but instead an army, lol

    'Not only that, but the way goblins breed is with the women of other races, so having human women would allow me to build forces more easily at a faster pace. Also, if I use appraisal, I should be able to find the most fertile women as well as the women with the best genes for the job.' He continued.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 IMightBeGod

    Understandable, lol

    "Hey, mister." A little girl with long black hair said. Arnott looked down at the girl with a confused expression. After a moment, he noticed she seemed to be hiding something behind her back. "Sorry, but I need you to die." She said as she pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger, letting out a loud bang.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 IMightBeGod

    Just woke up and saw this, lol. The mc is highly rational, so he blames the so-called goddess that is the loli more than lolis in general.

    "Hey, mister." A little girl with long black hair said. Arnott looked down at the girl with a confused expression. After a moment, he noticed she seemed to be hiding something behind her back. "Sorry, but I need you to die." She said as she pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger, letting out a loud bang.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 looney287


    Once the pants were undone, she went down on his dick and spent the rest of the time he was there using him as she pleases. he blacked out after a few minutes and bled out after a few hours.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 KingKitten

    Had to get reincarnated somehow, right?

    "Hey, mister." A little girl with long black hair said. Arnott looked down at the girl with a confused expression. After a moment, he noticed she seemed to be hiding something behind her back. "Sorry, but I need you to die." She said as she pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger, letting out a loud bang.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon
  • TwistedDragon
    に返信 Daoist3vXS3L

    Yes, yes it did.

    "Hey, mister." A little girl with long black hair said. Arnott looked down at the girl with a confused expression. After a moment, he noticed she seemed to be hiding something behind her back. "Sorry, but I need you to die." She said as she pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger, letting out a loud bang.
    I Am The Goblin Emperor
    ファンタジー · TwistedDragon