Batman has taught you well
And destroys the timeline in season one of Legends of Tomorrow (I'm sorry, the fact that it's not mentioned is killing me, cause it's honestly [in my opinion] the best of the arrowverse)
This guy says he's watched a lot of CW, but he's obviously never watched Legends of Tomorrow, or they'd be some of his favorites
noo.. not them.. the two best characters in cw, poor Leonard didn't get enough time
For a second I thought you were singing Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
Well, that's not guaranteed, just highly likely, and I'm pretty sure the anger issues come from being dead for too long, if it happens the second he dies he might not, but who knows, cause that's just a theory, a.. show? theory
And also, Ray basically made a modified mirakuru serum in like.. a day or two back in season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow
You ain't smarter than Palmer, not in the slightest, this achievement would be easily possible for him, same level of possibility as him making the Atom suit, and honestly, the Atom suit is a much better creation.
You are A nerd, but everyone in Star Labs is a nerd, just a nerd in their own field, you're a tech nerd, Caitlyn's a medical nerd, Barry is an investigative nerd, and just a full on science nerd in general, and well.. Wells is a space nerd, and many other things, but space is one of the main things I can think of (watch Legends of Tomorrow, season 2, Moonshot)
Well, in Legends of Tomorrow season 2, Stargirl does call herself Merlin, but she's, y'know, a girl and everything