I am here again
Just a suggestion but how about making him a 'Demon king' like Sai akuto. The so called strongest character in anime. I know it breaks all balance but it seems fun. You should go to Sai akuto vs battle wiki for his full abilities
is this story dropped
is this story dropped
aiden should be able to win against everyone in class 2 normally because unlike people at level 10, he's someone who maxed out all stats(EX rank) at all levels. he should be as strong as a hypothetical level 11 or low 12 same as bell who could hit one level(low) above his weight class.
it's evil dragons other than aphohis , azhi dahaka and crom crouch. These aphohis and azi dahaka have powers Rivalling the two heavenly dragons and crom supassed them
how about giving him mio's angels once he levels up to 11. with level 11 being a kind of final level after which his abilities grow indefinitely. or giving him [Eden].or you can say he became a danmachi God at level 11 with mios angels being his divine powers
can he learn the clan traits of devils, abilities like ddraigs doubling and transference and albions dividing and absorption with his magic king development ability
Honestly I'm only interested in the longinus and dragons of this world. Not really interested in the girls.
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter. I know it's just because of simplicity but what reason will you give for the ego of Raphael bring split into two. I mean yamai exists