I absolutely love this book. It's totally worth the golden tickets and waiting for more. keep up the great work 👍
honestly? if the author didn't seem to despise his own MC, I'd continue reading. I'll avoid spoilers out of respect for readers, but the author gives the MC the short end of the stick. every. time. especially in the things that matter most to the MC. so im just gonna say this. expect to be disappointed at every single turn when it comes to what's truly important to the MCs' way of life and beliefs. sucks because I'm 450 plus chapters in hoping the MC would get what he truly deserves and yet....... fucking betrayed again , and again and again
yeah im pretty fucking disappointed with this one. seriously? now you Cause the mother to abandon her only child because of a piece of trash who treated him like shit? I absolutely loved this story, but im highly considering dropping it. Cause wow. way to go and fuck the main character multiple times. this is utter bullshit. I cannot stress that enough. it is utter bullshit what you did to li Hao.
honestly? first impressions of li tian gang were good. until he returned from war. the more I read from the character, the more I despised him. pompous, self-righteous, threw his weight around in more than a few instances where he should leave well enough alone. Idk if I'd ever wished death on a main character, but my god. would everyone's life have been better if he died on the battlefield. honestly? no sympathy from me for him. he's an asshole.
I absolutely love this book. solid work, man. keep up the great writing! I love the spin you took with Greek mythology as well as extra mythologies you incorporated In your story. you've gained a longtime fan.
honestly, this book is definitely in my top 3 I've read to date. I'm sad to see it end. but I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride! thanks a ton to the author.
honestly, I hope so. I genuinely love this story. so hats off to you for that. and thanks for responding as well.
1 other note. honestly, it feels like the absolute warrior just screwed up his own plans. if rudra knew it was him responsible. I feel like it would make it that much harder for him to "master his emotions." There's just a lot about this twist that I can't see being "good character development. " Honestly, depending on these next couple chapters I may have to stop reading. I was actually quite ok with the rural twist. but drax? seems like a stretch
I'll be honest, this new twist ........ kinda sucks. drax literally just swore absolute loyalty to max....... whom as he's grown they both became like family. and NOW all of a sudden, he has his own desire to betray someone he practically helped raise as his own......... kinda screwed up my guy.