Really? You had to struggle to overpower the weakling before he could kill you? Puh-leez. 😒
Does one need a concealed carry permit for a drill? Asking for a friend. 😏
Let me start with the disclaimer that my review was is based on the first 12 chapters. I found this book difficult to read. Many sentences read like Google translate, very awkward and confusing. Author shifts between first and third person in the same sentence. Pronoun gender is generally correct, but not always. The story may be very interesting in the author's native language but the translation quality is low. The lack of quotation marks make dialog difficult to follow. Spelling is accurate and sentence structure is fairly good if rudimentary. Author frequently makes esoteric word choices when the simpler word would be more appropriate to the sentence structure. The contrast is very jarring. The author is very imaginative so I hope she has continued to hone her skill. Translation quality is often the biggest detriment to novels on this site. I do not want to discourage the author with this review, but other readers should not be led to believe this is a 4.9 star book. Three stars is a very generous rating.
She will go to "the groom"? The future husband of "the bride"??
Yes, please clarify. I barely understand what I am reading. 😥
Lodenworth, you are in for a very rude awakening re your "loving" wife. 😐
Slapped by a bitchy snow storm...I 'm going to act like that makes sense. 🤣
What a garbage thing to do.
Why can't anyone else see these creatues? Magic?
Et tu Zian? 🤣