


Come one come all and experience the Relverse. If you found your way here enjoy your stay and the stories that come with it 🙌🏾

2020-12-05 入りましたUnited States









  • RelHD
    に返信 MaddHatter_666

    Primal society makes no sense. They’re civilized not primal. And harems aren’t even common in Skyrim or elder scrolls. Like the author said it’s mainly just orc warlords. And it wouldn’t make sense for him to have a harem. Again like the author stated he already had a large family before, and he’s from earth where polygamy isn’t common and it’s not viewed as positively. Harems deadass make no sense for this story. And they make no sense in general, there’s too many love interests so the story would just end up devolving into a slice of life just to accommodate screen time and relationship building for all of them. And making it small still wouldn’t mean much. So what if he is near immortal, so what if he’s an archmage. Being allat wouldn’t mean a harem is better. And it’s not even in the MC’s personality to have a harem. I’m rereading this jaunt and I can say for a fact with his personality a harem wouldn’t work out. If yall want harems so bad jus watch a harem anime or read a harem manga. Or better yet write your own. Harems are lame ash and ruin stories.

    As for the whole romance talk, the more I think about it within context a harem would make little sense, the mc has already had a large family and is over a century old mentally, also he grew up in a place where polygamy is considered weird at best and in Tamriel only orc warlords really have more than one spouse (that I know of). I still haven't decided anything but I am leaning towards the no harem route.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    ゲーム · Rastislav
  • RelHD
    に返信 RelHD


    There is a puddle of clear water next to me so, unable to contain my curiosity, I use it as an improvised mirror. When I look at it what greets me are bright red eyes, a sharp, noble face, shoulder-length black hair, and light grey skin. It feels weird not being human anymore but I will no doubt quickly get used to it. I appear to be around 185ish cm tall which is quite a bit considering I am still very much a teen.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    ゲーム · Rastislav
  • RelHD

    6ft for my fello americans

    There is a puddle of clear water next to me so, unable to contain my curiosity, I use it as an improvised mirror. When I look at it what greets me are bright red eyes, a sharp, noble face, shoulder-length black hair, and light grey skin. It feels weird not being human anymore but I will no doubt quickly get used to it. I appear to be around 185ish cm tall which is quite a bit considering I am still very much a teen.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    ゲーム · Rastislav
  • RelHD

    Says he doesn’t want shield to know he can summon his weapons on a whim, then just summons a shotgun on a whim. Make it make sense

    I smiled and summoned a shotgun with a tape recorder duck taped to the bottom. "Never go anywhere without it."
    In Marvel As Dante
    映画 · RaedaX_1
  • RelHD

    They haven’t even been together that long and bro talking like they been together for a bop. Please tone it down with the romance. It’s throwing off the story fr, I get you wanna build up their relationship and make her the main love interest but this extra stuff right here just isn’t needed. It’s starting to feel like more and more like a romance novel as the chapters go on

    I leaned in, resting my forehead against hers. "I mean it. You inspire me, Momo. Every day, in every way. Seeing you out there, fighting with everything you have... it reminds me why I fell in love with you in the first place."
    MHA: Izuku Legacy
    アニメ·コミックス · XaviValentine
  • RelHD
    に返信 Alibi_Tolegenov

    I was thinking the same. I was fw the story but all this shi is just cringe, it was nice in the beginning but it’s too much now

    I leaned in, resting my forehead against hers. "I mean it. You inspire me, Momo. Every day, in every way. Seeing you out there, fighting with everything you have... it reminds me why I fell in love with you in the first place."
    MHA: Izuku Legacy
    アニメ·コミックス · XaviValentine
  • RelHD
    に返信 BoredProtagonist

    What’s that?

    Dropping the note as it disintegrated I refocused on the blade and held it up with a content smile, a feeling that was reciprocated by the blade as it hummed in my grip. "Ah… It's been a long while Reaper. You were my companion in game and now you'll be my companion in life. How poetic." (Image here)
    Mount & Blade: Asgard
    ゲーム · RelHD
  • RelHD
    に返信 Big_Mushroom

    He literally said manly in the description and you post a feminine looking photo.

    What greeted him was a twenty-year-old young man, with long black hair reaching his shoulders, a square-ish face, and dark brown eyes. A very average face, if he was being honest. Very similar to his real self.
    Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)
    アニメ·コミックス · Reis123
  • RelHD
    に返信 DetachedDreamer

    How? Most of the Z fighters have been dead for years. They can’t come back. Chichi Vilma and gohan were the last to be alive. They’re the only ones that could theoretically come back. The dragon balls can’t bring back people who’ve been dead for over a year and can’t bring back people twice. Some of the z fighters have died once already so they can’t come back. And even then why would they. They’ve been dead for some time. Everyone is already acclamated to the afterlife and probably doesn’t want to come back. And Gohan, chichi, and bulma are all with the people they love. I swear the people on this app can be brain dead. Yall just love to complain about the stupidest things.

    What about Gohan? He would tell me Time and Time Again how much he missed his father. Chi-Chi had even Died recently due to a heart attack. Why would I bring him back to this empty world?
    I’m Trunks
    アニメ·コミックス · Hrblackwater
  • RelHD

    Everyone on this app just loves to complain about an MC and the authors choices. Kinda crazy to me

    What about Gohan? He would tell me Time and Time Again how much he missed his father. Chi-Chi had even Died recently due to a heart attack. Why would I bring him back to this empty world?
    I’m Trunks
    アニメ·コミックス · Hrblackwater
  • RelHD
    に返信 Hrblackwater

    It’s not, Dragon Ball Alternative is much better

    I loved my mother, but I loved her enough to know that she missed my father dearly. Would snatching her away be selfish?
    I’m Trunks
    アニメ·コミックス · Hrblackwater
  • RelHD

    First sentence made 0 sense

    My eyes started burning as if I just smelled so for an experience form. He killed him. He killed Gohan in cold blood with my name being his final words.
    I’m Trunks
    アニメ·コミックス · Hrblackwater
  • RelHD
    に返信 Beans_on_a_tree

    Terrible writing

    Blurring at the leader I jumped, managing a flying kick to his chest sending him flying backwards and crashing through a large tree.
    The Immortal (twilight fanfiction)
    映画 · Beans_on_a_tree
  • RelHD

    Our little boy is finally growing up 🥹

    He needs to make some major revisions to the Masterplan. He had been approaching this entire thing all wrong. His initial strategy had been crafted when he had no connection to any of the people here, and when they had been nothing more than characters in a narrative he was weaving. But now, as he sat here beside Bulma, he knew that he could no longer view them as fictional constructs or pawns on a chessboard.
    Dragon Ball Alternative
    アニメ·コミックス · Equuleus_Nox
  • RelHD

    I’ve been waiting and checking for updates for the longest. You’re finally back, just finished rereading too to refresh my memory

    Chapter 60- Why We Should Go to Namek: a Thesis
    Dragon Ball Alternative
    アニメ·コミックス · Equuleus_Nox
  • RelHD
    に返信 Leon_Luis_

    Read the first 4 words and immediately thought of the Boondocks theme song

    Ajax's gaze lingered on Goku's broad back as Earth's strongest fighter took determined strides toward Vegeta. Ajax couldn't help but marvel at the aura enveloping Goku– the unmistakable presence of a main character, a hero among heroes.
    Dragon Ball Alternative
    アニメ·コミックス · Equuleus_Nox
  • RelHD

    Why even give him this he has never used it

    Jujutsu Kaisen: Second Life Sorcerer
    アニメ·コミックス · KyotoBeenPaid
  • RelHD
    に返信 RelHD


    Grade: 2
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Second Life Sorcerer
    アニメ·コミックス · KyotoBeenPaid
  • RelHD

    Nice he went up 2 grades. He could stand a chance against that special grade now I think with some hell

    Grade: 2
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Second Life Sorcerer
    アニメ·コミックス · KyotoBeenPaid
  • RelHD
    に返信 Drimy

    They’re the only ones of 5 in a dangerous world. With nothing to do but train eat sleep do missions and hang out. It’s not uncommon for that to happen. Friendships blossom quickly and unexpectedly. If yall had some irl yall would know this smh

    Then the scene shifted, the image of Sumiko burned into my memory. Her lifeless body, the perfect hole in her chest. A scream ripped out of me, but there was no sound, just the echo of a cry trapped in the void. It was my fault. I was too weak, too slow, unable to save her...unable to save any of them.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Second Life Sorcerer
    アニメ·コミックス · KyotoBeenPaid