“The Pope! How many divisions has he got?”“Take some exercise, try to recover the look of a human being.”-Stalin “Everyone has a right to be stupid, but Comrade McDonald abuses the privilege.”-Trotsky
Pictured here is a homo sapien of the stupid variety.
huh, damn, at least someone has it worse than me. If I was in your position probably would've kms a while ago. Well, good for you man. Maybe I'll fix my life someday as well.
Smoking tobacco also causes changes in the brain, which in turn causes addiction. Nobody said anything about meth addicts. But its still a problem that isn't fixable. That's why people don't go to the hospital, because they can't fix it in the hospital. Which comes back to my point. Which I made more than a year ago. Unlike the main character, I don't smoke, which makes him the loser, and me the not loser. I drink alcohol instead. Its much better. Slivovitz, vodka, спирт. Now, fuck off retard.
Yeah, it seems we just come across different things, or I dismiss those types of things before I even get to the meltdown. All the stuff I read the mc just understands the situation and gets right to the plot, which is I can forgive most times for either story reasons or using suspension of disbelief, but its always kinda strange why they don't even care about any of the questions I would've had if I was in that situation.
1 km is very short, you can walk it in like 10-15 minutes. Monsters don't extend that by much
what a damn coincidence, its just the monster they needed
he'd be like the sidekick's sidekick of the first guy the mc kills
more than just the two, the guy and the girl, and their relationship is kinda weighed down by the others. Thats why I prefer one couple.
I try my best to push all that to the side of my brain and ignore it