

2020-10-30 入りましたBelgium









  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Allpowerful

    Mostly the same MC but the story will start during the mandalorian wars instead of the phantom menace. Each volume will be about a specific incarnation of the MC. (1: Mandalorian Wars. 2: Great galactic war, ...). I just want to write something lenghtier than what I wanted at the start so I'm rebooting it

    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 djdjdn

    if the events are before percy arrived at the colony it should be 2005 or before

    But all things considered, the results were better than I had anticipated, not only the children of Ares now feared me, but I also had a new TV and three video game consoles with all the games available for each console in the market, Apollo had decided it was best just to have variety as he said on he last note.
    Percy Jackson: The God of Magic
    書籍·文学 · CORNBRINGER
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Blood_Prince

    nop, I just have another ff I'm working on and I don't have a lot of time so I'm working on what motivate me the most at the time I open my PC to write ^^

    Ch 1 Ziro the Hutt
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 LilxSwayne

    Peeves is a poltergeist. Poltergeist can interact with objects like when Peeves was writing on the blackboard in the first book ^^

    Ch 20 The trapped prankster
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 SumYung

    on wattpad, but I don't remember the name since it was a long time ago in another galaxy 😅

    [Confirmation. Your avatar's race will be "Arkanian/Nordian Hybrid", Master.]
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 kqwxz

    hum it was implicit but I will add a line for that when I wake up tomorrow. Limoncelo is hitting hard right now.

    I leave the shop and start walking towards the Leaky cauldron to go home when I hear a voice calling me behind my back. "Sean!" I turn around to see Daphne walk quickly in my direction accompanied by an older woman who must be her mother and a younger girl who is probably her younger sister.
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 kqwxz

    Harry is 11, Sean is 10, Rose is 9.

    Draco Malfoy also ended up in Slytherin as expected and Harry went to Gryffindor. I hope that means that he will still have the courage to face Voldemort even if his personality has completely changed. The sorting hat had not even announced the name of his house that he was going towards Gryffindor's table, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 kqwxz

    you can read it if you want but since it was my first story, the level is really under what i'm currently capable of producing now. Still there are some fun chapters in there. The story will have a lot of change from chapters 50-60.

    Ch 25 Knockturn Alley
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 kqwxz

    Bones Hannah ? It was Abbot Hannah and Bones Susan

    McGonagall picks up her list, but I know the next name she's going to say, I'm already walking to the sorting hat when she says my name. "Bones, Sean."
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 5paghetti_5auce

    love taco

    "AHHHHHHH!" My eyes open at once. I feel like I had a bad dream where my heart stopped after eating Al's special cheese-feta-onion fried taco during my Star Wars marathon.
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Darth_Ullyses

    Two different name, same powers

    |Psychometry| allows me to review scenes of the life of the possessor of an object by touching it. The more the person is in contact with this object or has strong emotions related to it, the easier it is. But I already managed to get a vision by picking up a pencil on the floor, however, it took me several minutes of concentration. It is also the first power a little rarer that I got, even if it is not that rare at a low level.
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Fafnir30Alseif

    do the math again. if he is one year yonger than Susan, that just means he start school as the same time as her if he start school one year earlier. When school start, MC is ten and Susan is eleven.

    But now, things will start to get complicated. If nothing has changed from the original story, Voldemort will return in four years. And I'm not going to let him destroy my new life, or let the universe be eaten by an intergalactic octopus. For that, I'm going to have to come up with an infallible plan for each of the Horcruxes as well as for each of Voldemort's supporters in case one of my plans failed. I already have ideas for werewolves, and Styx can very easily destroy most Horcruxes who are not protected by a curse like Tom's diary, … or Harry.
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Black_Sirius_4225

    ok, see you when the old chapters are replaced

    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Emetaro

    could Zorro find his way on his own ?

    When I leave school today, it's not my parents who are waiting for me in front of the entrance but Valinor. Since I got to school, I've trained him to pick me up from school and bring me home with mental images and leaving my scent in several places along the way. It gives me some time to myself and my parents don't have to stop all their activities to come and get me. It's also the only way I've found to compensate for my bad sense of direction.
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Ryan_Flowers_0317

    I suppose you refer to age of the republic #1 comic. So, basically even if it is called canon, I have a problem with it because there is no explanation in Jar Jar youth of where he could have learned and then sudenly he could use a lightsaber. Also, it was something made after disney bought star wars and the book was edited by Marvel so I supposed there was a lot of fan service in that book. That's why I'm not even considering darth jar jar as a thing. I can more or less accept that he has force sensitivity but not anything more than that.

    I wonder if I'll run into Jar Jar when we get to the Gungans. It might be amusing to see him being himself in the city of gungans.
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 funmaxwell

    That was a joke, just chill out dude. I know Dumbledore had a thing with Grindelwald.

    I suddenly understand what world he's going to send me to! He's going to send me to Harry Potter's world! My little sister is a fan of the story, but I didn't really like the idea of an old magic pedophile who gives candy to kids to take them back to his school where a million deadly traps await them.
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 funmaxwell

    he can be both 😅

    I suddenly understand what world he's going to send me to! He's going to send me to Harry Potter's world! My little sister is a fan of the story, but I didn't really like the idea of an old magic pedophile who gives candy to kids to take them back to his school where a million deadly traps await them.
    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    テレビ · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Ranks_Blex_2955
    "Seriously?" I can't imagine my father, who is always behaving like a modern Viking, having difficulty with physical exercise.
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 Timi_sama

    Quand j'ai le temps de travailler dessus 😅 Malheureusement les ff ne payent pas les factures.

    Ch 1 Ziro le Hutt
    Star Wars : Redone (FR)
    映画 · Galeitynd
  • Galeitynd
    に返信 SCP_Sad_Cheerios

    41 bby to be precise.

    [Information. We are currently on the thirteenth day of the eighth month of the year 958 according to the Ruusan reform. Resynchronization of the standard galactic calendar will take place in six years.]
    Star Wars : Redone
    映画 · Galeitynd