

2020-10-14 入りましたGlobal









  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 Ronin46

    he did it in canon and it wasn't any good - Robert kept on increasing the crown's debt to him, but it didn't really gave him anything beyond some political power in court

    I had already made moves behind the scenes of the underbelly of King's Landing. I had secured several properties, both through the help of The King and through other means and had already started to develop them. Even a plan for dealing with the House Tarbeck and House Reign. House Frey would have to wait just a little bit later. Slowly I was making progress.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    書籍·文学 · HungryWolf2024
  • LuciferDFallN1

    Aegon should just put his foot down. He is the King and his word is the law AND more importantly: house Targaryen doesn't have the might (dragons) to keep to themselves and not marry other houses...

    "Yeah, but I hate to be the bearer of bad new 'Your Grace', you do not have any females to wed the boy to." Duncan responded barely holding back the impudence. "Unless Prince Jaehaerys changes his mind about wedding Aerys and Rhaella together."
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    書籍·文学 · HungryWolf2024
  • LuciferDFallN1

    mc should marry Rhaella. The Targaryens are in condition to marry each other instead of other houses, and as the future lord of the Rock he is more than worthy of her. And even if we disregard how Rhaella clearly deserves better than Aerys, sooner or later it would just be her and Aerys as the only remaining living Targaryens if they won't marry, and in that case Aerys would need to die and Tywin will become the King as Rhaella's right to the throne will be past to him an as the only living Targaryen her claim would be unchallenged (and no one will dare challenging Tywin by that point)

    "Any signs of instability, weaknesses or strengths that I will need to deal with. Tywin has proven to be very useful in the year he has been at court, if he can conduct himself well in the field, I will try to find a suitable wedding match for him. I am also looking at him for my small council.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    書籍·文学 · HungryWolf2024
  • LuciferDFallN1

    he should really learn life manipulation for the future

    For a moment, he's half-tempted to give into her desires and cum inside… but then he hears the part about her being punished severely by the Order, and he finds himself worrying about what HIS punishment would be. At the last second, Tylo pulls out and cums all over Aayla's backside and back, rather than in the Twi'lek's cunt. He covers her in his jizz, coating her in his seed… but he does NOT cum inside.
    A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars AU)
    映画 · CambrianBeckett
  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 Gonzalo_Pereira_6949

    well... he is quite delusional

    Viserys replied as he stepped off the scene , "Viserys of the House Targaryen, who is her brother and protector."
    Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.
  • LuciferDFallN1

    what shoulderless? dude you are tripping

    My attire is composed of black pants, a shoulderless black and gold shirt, adorned with a fur scarf, and a black haori featuring white accents along the sleeves.(The True Demon Lord outfit.)
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    アニメ·コミックス · God_RimuruTempest
  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 KenTheSlayer

    well he is going to be a Primordial Demon who are top-tier beings...

    {confirmed unique skill [void] acquired .... confirmed void attribute acquired successfull... merging void attribute with individuals soul .... successfull.}
    Tensura: Primordial Silver to True Dragon - The Tale of Rimuru Tempest
    アニメ·コミックス · God_RimuruTempest
  • LuciferDFallN1

    FWI: Lucifer was the one who created all stars in the DC Multiverse (including Earth's sun)

    "Performance issues, little Sun God~?" Lucifer teased.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1

    considering she is basically Kara with wings she will probably be happy for him and wouldn't mind it too much. No if anything she will probably be busy with how her dad and Lucifer are alive in dc

    "Or when we go visit her ourselves," Didi hinted firmly.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1
    Long hair of spun gold. A holy halo, unwavering above her head. The most beautiful white feathers I'd ever seen. Brilliant blue eyes, as clear and calm as tropical waters. A body that simply wouldn't quit. Even covered by a pure, white sundress, her figure should have been positively sinful. Instead, it somehow managed to bring forth faith and purity in even the most depraved, desolate, and sinful minds.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1

    that dude was canonically a menace at his younger days

    Another scene change saw me casually smacking the shit out of Sun Wukong. The old monkey was grinning with glee at the chance to return to his youth. Fighting energy — Touki — poured off him like a raging inferno, shaking the Earth and the Heavens. An entire mountain range in Tibet suddenly found itself looking very different as our fight rearranged the landscape.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 JTGTitan_96

    by a lot! Lucifer is on the same rank or slightly higher than Didi and she is the only being in existence Hades obeys... never mind he is a being which can use the 3 O's in this story

    Hades and Persephone went stiff in their seats, nodding polite, slightly deferential bows to Luci, "Lord Lucifer. An honor."
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 ScorchedMaki

    nope he was in the Top 3. he was the most revered diety in the entire world, and he also sealed Trihexa which is on par with Great Red

    "And that wasn't even mentioning the Dragons and Monsters that also inhabited God's abandoned Creation. Ddraig, Albion, Tiamat, Crom Crauch, Apophis, Fenrir… Honestly, in a list of 'top 10 strongest beings', the Biblical Factions took up a worryingly small number of spots. When I was sealed, God, Great Red, and Ophis were tied for the top three. Upon waking, God was dead and below them, the list had shifted quite dramatically.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1

    FYI: the canon King Pieces where created by Ajuka but he stopped the production because it had the effect of increasing a devil's power by a multiplier ranging from 10 to a 100!

    "The King Piece was an unsanctioned spin-off of the Evil Piece system that was being developed without the aforementioned Ajuka's consent. He was a genius. The ones working on the King Piece… not so much. But it was too tempting to pass up on. If it worked, it would have concentrated an entire Evil Piece peerage set worth of strength into a single piece. It was exactly the kind of boost the lurking Old Satan Faction needed to further their cause…" I explained.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1

    don't forget about how while metaphyosically birthing countless devils, she also ended up pregnant with the first ever Super-Devil which was probably not that healthy for her

    She must have lived a sorry existence, I considered somberly. Forced to condemn her children to the Great War without a chance, likely enthralled and chained by Lucifer's Devilish Love. I never got the chance to meet Lilith in that life. If I had, I imagine I would have stopped at nothing to take my father's first wife for myself…
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1

    yup... The Biblical/Jewish version of Big G is really cold blooded... The Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, The 10 Curses of Egypt

    "I was," I nodded. "Some called me the origin of greed and violence. Bullshit, of course. I was simply the first one — the first human — recognized and made famous for it. God cursed me then, much more vengeful than he would come to be. I was haunted by my brother's memory and forced to walk the Earth forever — never to know hearth or home again."
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1
    If I looked closely enough, I could even identify who each pair of breasts belonged to from sight alone. That pair were Rias'. Akeno's there, impossible to forget. Serafell, without a doubt. Sona's itty bitty beautiful titties. Yasaka's overflowing MILF-tanks. Gabriel's heavenly bosom.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1

    Hellbat time!

    Bruce growled with thunder on his brow at that casual statement, "HE WHAT…?"
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 Foosh

    he is probably brainwashed

    She glared John down until he conceded her point. It didn't take him long to look away and sink back into his seat, grumbling, "Fine… Nobody likes the Guardians, it seems… Makin' it out like we're the bad guys or something…"
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy
  • LuciferDFallN1
    に返信 RustyBoi

    well they are Greek... not cheating on their spouse is impossible for them

    In truth, she was ecstatic to give Hephaestus the love he'd been starved of, to Lovingly dote upon his genius of sooty hands and sweaty brow. In return, he took her seriously, saw more than just her outer beauty as the other gods did, and treated her as more than just 'the sex goddess'. And he spent their time together creating ever-more gifts for her, bringing brand new beauty into the world just to make her happy and to see her smile at him.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    アニメ·コミックス · Daddy