

2020-09-12 入りましたGlobal









  • Piettoro

    Hi, Author here. I started a few days ago a story about a guy called Icaro Sabia. I wrote about 10 chapters, but then I started to think I made Him too much op. Let's be clear: I like Op MC, because I myself would love to be powerful, more than anyone. Call it a silly dream or just wanting attention, I just think human is by nature Greedy, and the thing I'm greedy about is power and uniqueness. I bet a lot of other people dreams about it, and is excited when he/she reads about a MC in which you can see yourself. The MC of this novel is, by any means, OP. I tried to rationalize his OPness, by not making it something he just obtains from a system. The power He Wields is His, and it's something he earned through hard labor. But hard labour without talent and luck is nothing. So of course the MC will be Talented and Lucky. I'll try to not go too much overboard, and if you have any tips for the story, I'll gladly take them. I'll try to write as much as I can, so that you will be able to enjoy the story, and you will not have to wait one week for only a chapter. I said I'll try to, but I have my own life and writing this novel is something that I'm doing for fun and to improve my English. anyway, let's go to the rating. Of course I'm doing my Best, but I don't think my Best is Equal to the best. If it was so, probably I would have quite a few of fan, don't you think? ahahah. Writing quality: I think that what I write is understandable, and I'll actively try to expand my dictionary. 3 stars story development: too soon to decide. I usually Let the story flow by itself. There will be almost no filler chapter where The protagonist is some random character that the MC encountered. At most, I'll Explain the story behind that side character if it's necessary. For now I'll give myself 4 stars. I like the way I develop my story character design: I suck at physical descriptions. But for the way the MC does things, the reasoning behind them and that stuff, I'll try to be as specific as possible. I'll give to all the Characters of the novel an actual character. Some could be stupid, others edgy, other just have an horrendous character. After all, out there exists people who is for real like that, right? 4 Stars updating: I already said about that. 2 stars world background: well... about this. I will describe what our MC sees or studies about. The Truth about the things that happened on earth will be explained with the progress of the story. The MC is after all actively searching for the "truth" behind the skills, which are powers granted by the System, mostly. Inevitably he'll discover the Truth about everything. I'll give myself a 4 for this one. But I'll try to transform it in 5. thank you for reading my novel. please tell me what you think about it.

    Imperishable soul
    ファンタジー · Piettoro
  • Piettoro


    "And that's how I died...Trapped in a game and killed by the system that was supposed to help me..." 
    Divinity: Against the Godly System
    ゲーム · Demonic_angel
  • Piettoro

    I really like this one. At the start the main character was dumb, and didn't fully use the privileges that he got from his system. he should have raised his Int, for example, so that he could do better choices, and get more point through meditation. so it was frustrating. He could have made better choices, but, he did not. But he gets better later on, and that's what I like. His development. His growth. Past the Firsts struggles, the main character becomes somewhat pleasant, and gives you surprises and good times. The other thing I liked was the concept behind all of the story. Control your fate, and go against it. The fate of the primordial human, who should be weak, but overcomes his own fate and controls it. It explains why it's a rare and a formidable power. And why our mc becomes "op".

    The Ancient Genes
    ファンタジー · ReincarnatedSaint