Welcome back, author.
What ntr & hentai has anything to do with this novel? Did you REALLY read it?
The farm story is quite boring about this & that herbs, but the fight details, spells, & actions are AWESOME. I've read Overlord a lot but the fight details are less good than this. I hope this series can become manga & anime soon.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This funny chapter worth the wait. Thanks author.
WRONG NAME DUDE !!! There're Zhang the eunuch, Zhang the tranny, now you? Not only being tricked by an evil loli Goddess, now choose the wrong family name too?? I started to feel pity to this new protagonist.
This moron motherfu*ker.. Well, I hope he'll be more better than a child r*pist tranny.
Was it Ni Fu, the disciple of sementara domain??
I thought all orcs beside the MC didn't exist in that world again. Are they like Oni clan who came back again?
Damn.. Just reading the title is enough to make me scared.