

2020-08-05 入りましたUnited States









  • RJTStories
    に返信 tido_racks

    yeah I'm in the process of writing another chapter. I'm pretty busy with work so I won't be able to post until Sunday most likely

    Seth/Jack had been playing around with Kurt's power and he had to say it was freaking awesome and he found a way to use Jean's powers to his benefit. Jack hadn't really felt her power was that strong as most of her power came from being the host of the cosmic entity 'The Phoenix'. Jack used her powers of telekinesis to send out a pulse of telekinetic energy to his surroundings and it worked like the echolocation that bats have but on steroids as he could see through walls.
    My New Marvel Life
    アクション · RJTStories
  • RJTStories
    Cap paused as he looked at the photo, but eventually turned away from it and started to walk away pretending to be uninterested. Just as Nat was about to say something, she realized that she was standing in front of the pictures alone and the other two had already walked off. As they were walking through bookshelves, Cap paused as he saw Luke had stopped and was sniffing the air. Cap thought it was strange and was about to say something when his eyes caught on to something interesting.
    My New Marvel Life
    アクション · RJTStories
  • RJTStories
    The two didn't understand at first until Luke pointed to his face and waved his hand around it.
    My New Marvel Life
    アクション · RJTStories
  • RJTStories
    に返信 Yeah_E_7311

    This persona has the powers of Angel so because he has wings, Nat made the joke of him being a bird watcher as he would relate to the birds, essentially being one himself. All these jokes happened during the two years he was a part of Caps Black Ops team.

    Natasha then has a wide grin as she sees Luke. "And I guess we're gonna have to go bird watching later."
    My New Marvel Life
    アクション · RJTStories
  • RJTStories
    に返信 tido_racks

    You are right about that, but honestly having already met Xavier, MC would use his telepathic abilities. Jean has overpowered telekinetic abilities, but without having the powers of the Phoenix, she can't use her powers fully which is why I said what I said. I also won't be using her, or even Xavier's telepathic abilities mostly due to making any interaction with normal enemies to be way too easy

    Seth/Jack had been playing around with Kurt's power and he had to say it was freaking awesome and he found a way to use Jean's powers to his benefit. Jack hadn't really felt her power was that strong as most of her power came from being the host of the cosmic entity 'The Phoenix'. Jack used her powers of telekinesis to send out a pulse of telekinetic energy to his surroundings and it worked like the echolocation that bats have but on steroids as he could see through walls.
    My New Marvel Life
    アクション · RJTStories
  • RJTStories

    interrogate ***

    "Well then, if we're done with the impromptu penis measuring contest, maybe it's time we spoke a little more about you Percy," Apoline said with a thinly veiled glare which she leveled on her husband, "unless you want to integrate the boy some more?"
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories

    on board***

    "-Actually I already spoke to Madam Maxime, she is fully on broad with the idea," Percy replied with a triumphant smile, "so it's all good."
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories


    Percy shrugged, "well I honestly didn't have much of a plan, just focused on staying alive for the most of my life. But after I met your daughter, " que Fleur grinning like a cheshire cat, "I figured it was time I actually had a plan in mind. I plan on getting my potions mastery and joining Beauxbaton as the new potion's professor."
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    に返信 Max_Kaster

    I used Google translate slate for this so forgive me if it's a little off, but is this what you were trying to say "thanks for the chapter. As a complement, it wouldn't be bad if Thorin asks why they need a master thief if he can kill the dragon. And Gandalf replies that it's good to have a plan b"

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: The Hobbit
    The Lord of Magi
    書籍·文学 · RJTStories
  • RJTStories
    "Hit the hills boys! When veelas get pissed things get hot! And not in the sexy way!" Hecate yelled as she ran lifting her dress up as she ran for the castle.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    After paying for his lunch, where he left a very generous tip for the innkeeper's silence, Percy took a pinch of floo powder and stepped through calling out, "Diagon Alley!"
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    Kelly nodded furiously, "yeah! Meany!"
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    He also added a charm that would automatically make the armour attach itself onto his body. It was similar to the charm people used to pack their clothes, putting the item in the appropriate location, only in the case the item was armour and the appropriate location was Percy's himself.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    Percy also applied a semi sticking charm on the top neck pieces so that instead of having to tie it around his neck and risk having it ripped off him mid flight it would instead be stuck onto whatever he was wearing, unless he himself removed it.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    The skin around his shoulders turned into short smooth black fur as slowly two black wings started to grow out. Percy bent over as he felt the wings burst out of his back spreading herself out wide, standing majestically in the pale moon light of the night.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    に返信 stardustswirl7

    I think it's just a mistake by the person rewriting this story, and it was meant to say 95 not 105

    "Cool," Percy munched on his bacon egg sandwich as he looked toward the Hufflepuff hourglass. It displayed that the house had won so far 105 points. Percy had won 100 of those points personally, and it made him quite proud to be able to admit that.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories

    I kinda hope that the author has had the words flipped the whole time and calls the giant squid that Percy is most likely going to meet, being a son of Poseidon, and he calls it a Squib

    "I don't know, plus she didn't really make them, she just had it made for me. She's a squid, can't use magic, but she knows a lot of friends that does. So you would have to ask them," Percy shrugged. Miguel looked disappointed but continued to examine the mini veela, and of course Kelly got nervous and jumped into Percy's shirt coat to hide.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    に返信 RJTStories

    And **mighty**

    Percy neighed in joy as he sword into the fluffy white clothes, feeling the moisture on his skin and feathers as he broke through to the air above. His legs galloped across the clouds, his heart beating faster and faster from pure joy. He let out a might cry as he flew up and over himself before flying down.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories
    に返信 shaephet

    I don't even know why he paid in the first place, unless he was paying for Hecate's meal at first, his was covered when he paid for the room after all

    Percy nodded, "well I can't wait!" Percy quickly finished his breakfast. After they were done Percy payed for Hecate's meal and followed the goddess to the back to what looked like a storeroom or sorts.
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56
  • RJTStories

    Didn't he pay 1 Galleon for his room and food included? Why did he pay Tom for the food? Unless he just paid for Hecate.

    Percy thanked him and payed the man. Once he was gone he asked, "so what about my mom? She had me, a demigod, why isn't she magical?"
    Percy Jackson And The World Of Magic
    書籍·文学 · JJBatsBoogey56