

2020-07-31 入りましたGlobal









  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    Hello loyal reader. I have been going through some tough situations for the past few months, and, in turn, I haven't been able to log into any of my accounts. I am really sorry that I left without an explanation; there were a lot of bad storms around that time and I guess I haven't found the time to update, especially with my education in progress and some other personal reasons. I have not dropped this series, but I have decided to not update until an undecided date next year, where I will re-post my previous chapters, heavily edited, and hopefully have the rest of this book done too. I will be unavailable for a while, at least until next February (2021), and today is the only day I will be checking these messages. Otherwise, I will not be able to see you if you contact me, and, again, I apologize. Another heads up is that this account (and the other one I have for WattPad) may be deleted in the near future. If this does happen and you still would like to read this book after I come back, just look for the same title, The Lion's Gift. Thank you for checking out this book, and I hope you all stay safe. I think we can all agree that 2020 is not our year.

    Ch 30 Chapter 30: Charms
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    Maybe, I can't really spoil anything at this point.

    "King Lucius II and King Vesper-Roy are the current kings ruling the kingdoms today. They both started their rule in the eighteenth century, and Prince Leonidas Ouranos-Cato Aurelius of the Light Kingdom and Prince Alexander Magnus Royce Vrochí Nicolai of the Dark Kingdom are two angel creatures who you should pay attention to," I look up again when Abacus prompts me to and I almost gasp. There is the tile with a painting of the dark haired, blue eyed baby who I saw at the end of my visions. This infant is somehow very important to me. I quickly tear my gaze away when Abacus starts talking again.
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    Yeah, next week. I'm really sorry, it's just I got into a bunch of AP classes, so now I have ten classes instead of six, like the rest of my grade

    Ch 24 Chapter 24: Dreams
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    I think I am going to go with the release schedule I put up but starting next week, since this next chapter I'm writing needs a lot of editing. So starting next Monday, I'll update every other day and I'll publish extra chapters on Fridays based on the amount of Power Stones.

    Ch 24 Chapter 24: Dreams
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    Varun is one of the new Prophets. They are looking for one of the Prophets from the last set, who is close to death.

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: Varun's Point of View
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    Vivienne's favorite color is blue.

    The hall my father booked is in the closest city to our small town, about twenty minutes away from the northwest border. The organizers have about thirty minutes before people start arriving. The entryway is very posh, with marble tiling, grand mosaics on the high ceilings, crystal chandeliers, luxurious furniture, and well-trained staff always ready. We booked out the entire building, with areas for the reception, kids' party, adults' party, teens' party, and a large lounge. The whole area is covered in blue decorations, ranging from sea-foam blue to navy blue, robin egg's blue and royal blue, turquoise, and ocean blues and greens. Specially bought cream and sea-foam blue furniture line the rooms, and even the staff are dressed in blue dresses and coats of their choice.
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390

    I really like your story, keep updating! Though I think you should focus a little more on your grammar, but your ideas and dialogue are pretty funny and creative.

    Ch 17 Chapter 17-Laugh or life
    Information Sector
    ファンタジー · _inkheart_13
  • hello3838390

    Haha, nice work

    "It was possible they were listening and I wanted to confirm if they were following us or not."He answered.
    Information Sector
    ファンタジー · _inkheart_13
  • hello3838390
    に返信 bibiyenini

    Thanks for reviewing!

    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    You'll understand later. By the way, I don't support his kind of character in real life, but I made his character that way for the progression of the story, just to clarify.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: Unknown Point of View (Part 2)
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390
  • hello3838390
    に返信 AchroniaSamara

    You'll see what happens, next update is coming later today. I apologize for the wait, I've been having a few problems with Inkstone lately.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: Unknown Point of View (Part 2)
    The Lion's Gift
    ファンタジー · hello3838390