

2020-07-10 入りましたBahamas







The Gamblers Son

He was a partier, she was a shy girl He was selfish, she was nice he was possessive, she was his. "You’re mine," I growled out. "I'll never love a monster like you," she spat "Well to bad baby you’re already carrying this monster's baby," I smirked. I pinned her to the wall and sucked her sweet spot where I knew she liked it. I loved her and she was only mines. Everyone knew him because his father was the famous Jacob Perez the one who had the money and the companies he was his father only son and he was the one who had to run the father business and his father wanted him to settle down but Jace had other plans being young and having anything he wanted he didn’t have to worry bout working for anyone or worry about trying to get a girl in bed he did that automatically because of his good looks and money. One thing changed and Jace’s life came crashing down. Jace Perez thought he had everything he wanted in life, the girls, the fast life, the fame, and the money but what happens when he loses all of that because his parents think he needs to straighten his life out. Hazel was your average girl, trying to stay in school and work just to help her mother out and her mother’s father because they both only cared about one thing on the eve of the day, and that’s her bringing in the money. She would work overtime at the diner and every night she would carry something home from the restaurant to feed any homeless person on the road. She was brave but she didn’t know that. She was quiet because she had suffered abuse from the one person who was supposed to love her and care for her. What will happen these two meet each other and what happens when she makes Jace feel emotions he never thought he could feel before and he becomes m

The_Dramaticsmile · 書籍·文学
2 Chs