

2020-05-29 入りましたUnited States









  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 jon_hathaway

    I think the speaker was being sarcastic.

    "Now," She purred as she pulled away, "Let me finish or you will be stuck here all day with an umbilical cord hanging out of you!"
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 RobBoss

    I agree. Unfortunately, Glenna is a moon elf. However, this story has multiple major characters in my story. I think you will like Aalyn and her sisters, Thurdain and Illglan. Or, maybe, Forelain and Sulabha. They are black elves, or drow with onyx skin and and hair a variatybof platinum hued shades. And if not them, then Hlina Alvadottir, a dark elf. The dark elves are not the same wild elves whose skin tones range from a creamy mocha to a dark chestnut. Nor are they the black elves whose skin is an onyx to a silvery slate color. No, dark elves are a light earthy brown to a dark porcelain black with hair coloring that ranges from platinum blonds to green, blue, purple, to brilliant platinum sheened strawberrys, to dark browns and black. I can’ really do anything about Glenna and Silvain being moon elves, however, all I can say is their are a lot of other character that are what your looking for and they will be important too.

    Cutting my eyes to look up, I broke away from suckling to look up in awe at the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her skin glowed faintly white like the moon. She had a sharp jaw, a plump bee-stung mouth, a small turned up nose, long pointed ears, and eyes that were black orbs as vast and unending as the universe and filled with tiny filaments of light like stars and galaxies.
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Quadser

    No I haven’t dropped it, but this is not a prewritten story. I am literally uploading chapters as fast as I write them.

    Ch 37 The Despoiling, pt 2
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 ProfessorofCulture

    I can certainly understand your feelings. However, I rarely go into back story unless the character is, or is going to be, pivotal later on. It must be Robert Jordan’s influence on me. He is one of my favorite authors. I don’t usually intend my cast of characters to be so huge. When conceptualizing this story I started off with Daniel Reas and his mother, Helena. Then there are 10 alpha testers in closing Daniel. All of them are sent to mostly the Verdant Realm, but not all of them. Each one has their own story and those that are influential to them that make up their party, and Viridian will have to gather all of them together. It will be like like ten parties joining forces to raid the final boss in a game. Hlina will be very important to Virdy from here on, and I am trying to be quick in summarizing what has happened to her since arriving in the Verdant Realm. With three of the alpha testers all having been born to noble houses, for better or worse, I wanted to tell Hlina’s story. Born a half-Alf in a poor village. Having to flee and live in the wild. Her life has not been very fanciful at all, rather it’s tragic, and how does this tragedy lead to her coming to be in the situation of being possessed by a being of the Abyss. Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. I hope you continue enjoying the story!

    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 ItBeLikeThat

    It is not where it goes.

    Ch 6 The Vixen
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 ordinnary

    Thank you, I actually love the spelling being “Shahd” much more, but I chose to spell it phonically “Shahad” because first, this is a different world and I can do that; and second, I wanted the reader to read it and hear it in their heads like its pernounced.

    "Then I give you the name Shahad. It means…"
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 sixstories

    Not the final chapter, I will be closing up all the threads. Calvin; Janice, Clair, Chastity, and Hannah; Mildred Smit and her daughters; Louisiana Dole; Kathryn Gorden; Randal, Donald, and Leon; and Fornasia Korrapatti. This is the final volume though.

    Ch 47 The End; of a Nightmare
    The Family Garden
    都市 · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 lspvagus

    Great question! Some IRL stuff came up that I have been dealing with, so I needed to take a break, step back, catch my breath, and reprioritize. I feel that WoftR is a great story and those that are following is steadily growing. It seems like a lot of people like it, however there are a lot that don't and have very poignant criticisms. So, I am doing two things at once and I am hoping you all can be patient with me as I go back to the first few chapters and make some changes. These changes do not affect the characters backgrounds or who they are at all. Summerset, Glenna, Viridian, and Silvain will remain completely whole as I have imagined them. However, I have just added, as of 7/6/2021, a whole new chapter 2 entitled "The Moon Priestess". Instead of giving a synopsis from Viridian's viewpoint, I am introducing Glenna Moonlilly as the Moon Priestess of Seline and tell her story starting 40 years before giving birth to Viridian. There will be 3 new chapters each one introducing a main characters influential to Viridian's life before he is even born! Then, I am going to rework the chapter "The Guardian" where the story picks up 18 months after Viridian's birth. So, I hope more than just you see's this post, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the new chapter 2 - The Moon Priestess!

    Ch 28 The Arboreal Form
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Quadser

    Don’t worry, it was just as Snippet. The trst is coming soon.

    Ch 23 From the Ashes, What Remains, pt 1
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Quadser

    Thank you so much. I appreciate the feed back. I am trying to crank out the chapters as fast as I can. Not to make excuses, but rather to explain my circumstances; I work full time 40-45 hours a week and write in the evening after work, but also while working during breaks, lunch, stops, and pretty much anytime I am not driving or with a customer. However, some time life just won't let me write. Then there is also down time when I am burned out and can't think at all anymore, and family time. Anyway, I have 4 book I started posting here, and revising them took a lot more of my time and effort that I thought it would. I have 3 more stories percolating in my head as well, but I have stopped work on all of them so that I can work on War of the Races and The Family Garden. I am now literally writing a chapter for one story then turning around and writing a chapter for the other. Then they have to be proofread and edited. So, I will endeavor to keep up the quality of the story first, and then speed up the release time. Thank you to all of you that love this story as much as I do, and thank you for your patience!

    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Triple_x

    If the question is, is Viridian willing to share Glenna with his father, Summerset? Then the answer is, yes. She is, after all, Summerset's legal wife. Also, Viridian is to young to marry Silvain, Glenna, Shadolynn, or any other Alf woman until he is 170 years old. Viridian only inherits Glenna legally upon Summerset's death. As for Silvain, and maybe one day Shadolynn, if she is interested, are only betrothed and considered for all intents-and-purposes married to Viridian, but it is not legal or recognized by the governments. It is purely tradition. As for Adult Content: There are no plan for any ménage à trois between Viridian and his girls and any other men including Summerset. The relationship between MC, Glenna, and Summerset is more of a all parties know what is going on but no one talks about it situation. However, if the question is; Will this new familial dynamic actually become an issue later in the story? Then the answer is, you will have to stick with the story and find out. The topic of ****** and temple prostitution of but small parts of a vast pagan culture, and there is a far larger story being told with a lot of moving pieces and characters. I never really intended this topic to be so galvanizing as it has turned out to be. That is why I mention it as part of Glenna's past only.

    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Triple_x

    Thank you for your review and concern. I find it very interesting hiw hot a topic Glenna’s past temple prostitution has become, and yes, Glenna sent Silvain off to become a priestess and there by as one of the her obligations, a temple prostitute. This was not a malicious act,but rather an honor as the priesthood is second only to the royalty in authority. Also, this is their tradition and culture, and isn’t frowned upon by sociaty. However, as every one has wondered in great anticipation will the MC, Viridian allow his women, Glenna and Silvain become prostitutes or continue their Prostitution in the case of Glenna? The answer is; read chapter 13.

    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Josiahisagod

    I can say definitively that none of the MC's women (Glenna and Silvain included); wives, mates, or concubines will be having *** with other men after taking the MC as their husband, mate or owner. This is partially addressed in Ch. 13. However, should there be any scenes where one of his women does have *** with any other male, it will not be willingly.

    Ch 18 The Shadows in the Mist
    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 SopitaCx

    No, as a matter of fact there is no ****** at all in any chapters, except the MCs desire and a brief nursing scene with the sister in chapter 1 and something a bit more intence with the mom in chapter 6. There is a conciderable amount of nudity, and lust that the MC feels, but nothing ******uous. And, though Glenna’s back ground is as a priestess and an apostle, which is a missionary, and we know that Silvain and Shaowlynn are VirIdian’s half-sisters, there is no actual scenes of her Temple Prostitution. Silvain is at school getting...indoctrinated...and we will see more of what the chIrch does there, but the hope is that she chooses another path, or is sabed by Virdy and Glenna before she is...corrupted... As a Storyteller I want to make the relationship between Glenna and Silvain and Virdian much more significant than his other relationships, so though ****** is coming i am not rushing to it... at least their first times together that is.

    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin
  • OwenQuillin
    に返信 Culture_Lover

    I want to thank you for your review, and tell you I appreciate you oppinion and perspective. When starting this story, of course I wanted to make it fantasy, but also as if it really could of happened. Hence, the exodus before the cataclysm when gods and demi-gods walked the earth. With the seperatIion from the human history and events, I also wondered what what this new world would look like given human tendency to repeat the mistakes of the past, and what would pagan religions look like if christianity had never come into existence. In researching pagan religious practices the one the you find is festivals (or holidays) of fertility and harvist that were basically wild *** ogies and temple prostitution (of both ***es). This story happens in semi-current time so these cultures are steeped in these traditions. However, in chapter three Glenna communes with Seline and is given a quest were she must investigate the church basically, and it will be interesting to find out just what the gods want from their parishioners and what has been added by imposters. That is all for hints to up coming content. I am willing to give. Oh, and I will say that Silvains story will be told in Volume 2, and we will find out what she encounters and the choices she makes concerning her love of Virdy and the church. So, I would say I respect your decision leave, but I would encourage any reader to hand in there on this story because it is just starting.

    War of the Races
    ファンタジー · OwenQuillin